Steve's carts tree farm and Generators.What sawmill

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Jeff Fisher

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well So far I have 32 Generators ( PLan on adding more ) and a steve's carts tree farm.. I wanted to use the farm and feed planks into the generators.

I have to choice of GT Industrial sawmill or Te sawmill..

Is there any advantage to using one of the other? I mean I can power them both with Eu so I can power them in the same room as my generators.

Also I'm trying to think of a good way to handle overflow if I have any, can't you use wood pulp to make charcoal?



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just checked with the version of GT in the ultimate pack. Both machines now output TE sawdust by default. Even the wood plate vs charcoal is moot as both burn for the same value in the generator or railcraft fire box. It really comes down to preference, size, speed and power requirements. Not sure which of them is faster. I normally just throw wood in the TE sawmill and come back later when I need it. Haven't gotten into full automation for everything yet.

[edit] If you are running primarily EU, I would go with the GT sawmill. It will likely save power in the end as there isn't a conversion from EU to MJ needed.[/edit]

Jeff Fisher

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I Just spent forever making a Gregtech Sawmill and well... It aint going to work... It takes I think 6.5k eu to make 6 planks sooo..

Each plank is worth 750 eu in a generator.. 750 x 6 = 4.5k Eu generated..
To make those 6 planks cost 6.5k eu..

So I'm not making power I'm loosing power.. Not to mention the sawmill is slow as sh*t

Umm.... NOT FRICKIN COOL! I guess it helps to know the details before you build something huh... argh..

So.. Any ideas..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I Just spent forever making a Gregtech Sawmill and well... It aint going to work... It takes I think 6.5k eu to make 6 planks sooo..

Each plank is worth 750 eu in a generator.. 750 x 6 = 4.5k Eu generated..
To make those 6 planks cost 6.5k eu..

So I'm not making power I'm loosing power.. Not to mention the sawmill is slow as sh*t

Umm.... NOT FRICKIN COOL! I guess it helps to know the details before you build something huh... argh..

So.. Any ideas..

hah... sorry to laugh at this, but yet another reason i am looking forward to a restart with 1.5. Whatever pack i play or mix/custom pack i put together GT will have no part of it.
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Jeff Fisher

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hah... sorry to laugh at this, but yet another reason i am looking forward to a restart with 1.5. Whatever pack i play or mix/custom pack i put together GT will have no part of it.

Oo I actually Love Gregtech tho It is one of my fav mods, I love the higher tier machines it adds and I like the challange. Its really my fault for not doing reseatch before I built the damn thing.

I'm kinda stuck tho now as to what the hell I can do about this.. I could try Te sawmill but that might be a waste to if it costs to much Mj to use. Maybe I can autocraft scaffold? Or something?
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Jeff Fisher

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
what about using charcoal instead of planks? use powered furnaces and electric engines.

well using a powered furnace would take power But Maybe a Line of Coke Ovens that Way I can produce creosote Oil as a by product and use that in a semifluid generator or a boiler so that might work out really fricken good IF it doesn't take to many coke ovens to keep up with the generators. I'm not sure how much lag they would produce if I had to make a big bunch of them.

I'm going to make a few Coke ovens now and see how many I would need.. This might be a good idea.

Any other ideas?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think you can see how much a TE sawmill will consume if you craft one and place it. I was able to easily power mine to make planks for my boiler... I think it's 4MJ/tick? Don't quote me on that. One sawmill fed by an SC treefarm was easily able to heat up a 3x3x4 LP boiler. I'm not sure about your mileage with generators, but I had so much wood from that setup, my boiler couldn't consume it fast enough. Ended up funneling the leftovers to a combination of barrels and recyclers. I imagine you'll be able to feed quite a few generators on a sawmill's output.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well using a powered furnace would take power But Maybe a Line of Coke Ovens that Way I can produce creosote Oil as a by product and use that in a semifluid generator or a boiler so that might work out really fricken good IF it doesn't take to many coke ovens to keep up with the generators. I'm not sure how much lag they would produce if I had to make a big bunch of them.

I'm going to make a few Coke ovens now and see how many I would need.. This might be a good idea.

Any other ideas?

Trust me, you don't want to use coke ovens. They are so slow that the trees grow faster than them. You will need at least 2 per TREE. And the amount of creosote you get you will have nothing to do with. Sure you can put it in a slow semi-fluid generator for some EU but that also runs too slow.

You could have 2 or 4 in a line then at the end burn what the coke ovens can't take strait into charcoal, but that's if you want creosote, otherwise cut out the middle man
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