Steam Punk Fantasy Modpack Ideas


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I like the idea of a Magic themed pack, but the old Magic World pack has become a bit outdated. I'd like to collect some ideas from the community on what might make a good steampunk/magic pack. Here's what I'm thinking so far, but please reply with suggestions for additions/subtractions. I realize that I'm missing Buildcraft (which several of these mods interface with). I'm trying to avoid it because I don't want too much mechanization. I think the RP2 tubes and Thermal Expansion liquiducts and conduits can handle all the power/item/liquid transport. Also, I didn't include the facilitation mods (Forge, etc... I'm just listing the game play mods).

Magic Stuff:
Xeno's Reliquary
Thaumic Bees
Twilight Forest

Steam Punk Stuff:
Thermal Expansion
Red Power 2
Extra Bees
Trains: Railcraft, Steve's Carts, Traincraft (or all of the above- not sure yet, since I'm not too familiar with these mods)

Iron Chests
Ender Storage
Wireless Redstone

Also, I thought I could test what this modpack would be like by editing the Ultimate Pack in the launcher and just removing the things I didn't want. Forge goes all kinds of crazy when you do that since it can't find things it's looking for. If anyone has an idea of how to fix this please reply (I'm kind of a nub when it comes to customizing mod packs).


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Sounds a lot like the Direwolf20 Pack without IC2 or BC3 (and dependent addon mods).

Personally, I'd keep BC3. All the piping running all over the place is definitely steampunkish, and the oil spawns are useful to get yourself started. About the highest 'tech' device is the Assembly Table, which uses a series of lenses to hyperfocus photonic particles, excited through corundum in gem-state, to produce logic gates for the pipes. The devices for doing this, of course, run on steam. So yea, totally steampunk.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Definitely been thinking about BC a lot. I could find away to disable the filler, quarry, and chunk loader. I know you could still add a chunk loader through the rail mods, but the static chunk loaders on my Mindcrack pack server became a bit of a problem, since people put them everywhere. Inevitably, at end game, with the quarry and chunk loaders, the server became more "craft" than "Minecraft." I'm trying to figure out a way to avoid the server becoming creative mode.

Also, while the BC pipes are steampunky, Rp2 tubes provide the same function. You'd lose all the assembly table autarchic gates, but they seem pretty techy to me, not steampunky. Also, they aren't needed so much when you have RP2 tubes. I'm trying to avoid redundancy if I can. So the only thing BC brings that is different, is oil, which is definitely steampunky, so I'm kind of on the fence about it.

I'll have to check the DW20 pack out as a starting point. I still need to find a way to make Forge happy after I drop certain mods out.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Definitely been thinking about BC a lot. I could find away to disable the filler, quarry, and chunk loader. I know you could still add a chunk loader through the rail mods, but the static chunk loaders on my Mindcrack pack server became a bit of a problem, since people put them everywhere. Inevitably, at end game, with the quarry and chunk loaders, the server became more "craft" than "Minecraft." I'm trying to figure out a way to avoid the server becoming creative mode.
ChickenChunks has server options for limiting the number of chunks loaded by a specific individual to combat the server load problem. So any one player can't have more than, say, 24 chunks loaded at any given time. Done.

RP2 frame quarries take BC3 quarries out behind the woodshed and beats it with the ugly stick, both in terms of resource investment and output. Removing BC3 isn't going to stop this.

Also, while the BC pipes are steampunky, Rp2 tubes provide the same function. You'd lose all the assembly table autarchic gates, but they seem pretty techy to me, not steampunky. Also, they aren't needed so much when you have RP2 tubes. I'm trying to avoid redundancy if I can. So the only thing BC brings that is different, is oil, which is definitely steampunky, so I'm kind of on the fence about it.
I saw the gates as being large steampunked devices attached to a pipe to apply Logic! and Science! to all the things going through them. Pipes are useful for setting up bee production and automation, and gates are useful for that purpose as well, other than simply using autarchic gates.

I'll have to check the DW20 pack out as a starting point. I still need to find a way to make Forge happy after I drop certain mods out.
Considering the only thing you are doing is removing mods, not adding them, it's pathetically easy. All you need to do is download the DW20 pack, select the mods to remove, import into MultiMC (single button click), save as config pack (another single button click). Then tell your server to download the DW20 pack and use your Config Pack to make a MultiMC instance.

It's really just that easy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ChickenChunks has server options for limiting the number of chunks loaded by a specific individual to combat the server load problem. So any one player can't have more than, say, 24 chunks loaded at any given time.
That's good to know. You learn something new everyday.

RP2 frame quarries take BC3 quarries out behind the woodshed and beats it with the ugly stick, both in terms of resource investment and output. Removing BC3 isn't going to stop this.
Never built a frame quarry myself. My friends who play on my server don't do much with frames not much of a problem there. I've seen some cool frame quarries on youtube (Direwolf's recent one was pretty insane). Seems to me, all the ones I've seen built used a computer from the computer craft mod. Not sure if you can make a decent one without the computers, so getting rid of that mod may impact the ability to make a frame quarry.

Considering the only thing you are doing is removing mods, not adding them, it's pathetically easy.
It seems like it should be easy. I used the FTB launcher to do just that, but Forge went nuts. It may be that the MultiMC program is the silver bullet that makes the process work. I might look into that. FTB should support private packs, but I was reading somewhere on the forums that getting permission from the modders can be a pain. I need to read up on the process some more.

Update: Actually, it's just Computer Craft that was causing Forge to go nuts...if I add it back to the pack, everything works fine. It doesn't fit so well with the Steam theme, but at least I can see what the gameplay would be like if I ever put together these mods as a pack. I can figure out how to extract it from Forge's calls later I suppose.

Thanks again for the input!