steam boiler

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have no issues running 1 36HP boiler off my SC treefarm and I have plenty of charcoal to spare.
Yes, my single boiler is running fine. I was running two before, then the update went from break-even on logs to -75 stacks per day.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What update by the way? What changed? I haven't been updating for some time now to have time to switch from blaze rods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm starting to think that If I had an Euro for every time someone blindly builds a 36 HP boiler just because it is the biggest one possible, without consideration for whether it's suitable for their needs at all, I might be able to quit my day job... :confused:

Heh! I severely underestimated the amount of biomass and still processing power needed to get my LP36 warmed up to an efficient state. The comparatively slow processing speed and small output from the stills really becomes a bottleneck when you're trying to get a boiler up to heat, and that's with a LP boiler! I hate to think how much biomass and stills you'd need to get a HP up to heat, it must be insane! My LP is easily satisfying all my power requirements which currently comprise a 20 MJ/t quarry, a whole bunch of advanced bee machines, numerous TE and forestry machines and 3 refineries. Currently up to 478C and my refineries have been shut down for some time now because there's nowhere for the fuel to go :) .