[SPOILERS] All of Thaumcraft 3's research

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Warning, the following information is what aspects are in all of Thaumcraft 3's Research are. (If i've missed something, or you have something to add, please comment so i can review it.

Credit to ::
For showing all the recipies in a video form, i just scribed it down

Ignis, Lux, Potentia

Basic Transmutation
Carus, Metallum, Permutatio

Cogito, MAchina, Praecanteo

Enchanted Fabric
Fabricp, Pannus, Praecanteo

Fractus, Potentia, Ignis

Iron Transmutation
Metallum, Permutatio

Silver transmutation,
Mettalum, Permutateo

Lead Transmutation
Vacuos, Metallum, Permutateo

Tin transmutation
Permutatio, Metallum, Vitreus

Copper Transmutation
Victis, Metallum, Permutatio

Fractus, Permutatio, Ignis

Praecantio, Mettalum, Permutatio

Magical Building Blocks
Fabrico, Saxum, Praecantio, Lignum, Mettalum

Unified Thaumic Field Theory
Cogito, Ignis, Praecantio, Solum, Aura, Aqua, Mutaic

Wand of equal trade
Instrumentum, Praecantio, Permutatio

Wand of Fire,
Fractus, Ignis, Telum, Praecantio

Wand of Lightning,
Fractus, Telum, Praecantio, Potentia

Wand of Excavation
Instrumentum, Saxum, Praecantio, Metalum

Warded Jars
Tutamen, Vitreus, Vinculum, Vacuos

Brain in a jar
Malum, Cogito, Animus, Permutatic

Infernal Furnace
Ignis, Animus,Saxum, Impertio , Praecantio, Vinculum

Basic Flux Research
Mutatic, Impertio, Permutatic, Machina, Purus

Animus, Victus, Impertio, Motus

Stone Golem Worker
Saxum, Impertio, Motus, Permutatio

Straw Golem Worker
Messis, Impertio, Motus, Permutatio, Herba, Instrumentum

Clay gollem worker
Impertio, Motus, Solum, Permutatio

Golem animation core, Speed
Impertio, Permutatio, Motus

Golem Animation Core: Perception
Impertio, Permutatio, Visum

Golem Animation Core, Intellegence
Cogito, Permutatio, Impertio

Gollem animation Core, Strength
Impertio, Permutatio,Potentia

Magic Tallow
Corpus, Ignis

Tallow Gollem worker
Fabrico, Impertio, Motus, Permutatio, Corpus

Advanced Clay Golems
[If someone could reply as to what the aspects for research are for this please reply]
Advanced Stone Golems
[If someone could reply as to what the aspects for research are for this please reply]

Hungry chest
Animus, Motus, Vacuos, Permutatio

Arcane Bellows
Instrumentum, Impertio, Motus, Aura

Goggles of Revealing
Mutatio, Cogito, Praecantio, Visum, Tutamen

Warded Stone and doors
Cognito, Impertio, Motus, Machina, Tutamen

Arcane Levitator
Motus, Volito, Solum, Machina, Aura

Arcane Ear,
Sonus, Impertio,Visum, Aura, Machina

Boots of the Traveller
Motus, Volito, Solum, Tutamen, Aqua

Portable hole
Motus, Permutatio, Alenis, Vacuos

Theory Of Everything
Cognito, Corpus, Lignum, Victus, Instrumentum, Messis, Vitreus, Machina, Flos, Vestiola, Venenum, Telum, Metallum, Herba, Sonus, Bestia, Fungus, Tutamen [Thanks Djo201!]

SECRET RESEARCH (This is aquired from lost knowledge)

Tiny Fezzes
Pannus, Cognito, Victus, Carus

Tiny Bowties
Pannus, Motus, Cognito, Carus

Tiny Spectacles
Visum, Vitrius, Cognito, Carus

Crystal Clusters
Vitreus, Praecantio, Cognito, Permutatio

Tiny Hats
Pannus, Potentia, Cognito, Carus


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Theory Of Everything
[Not sure, if someone could post it that'd be great]

Prety much everything. Found these on some wiki a few weeks ago:
Cognito, Corpus, Lignum, Victus, Instrumentum, Messis, Vitreus, Machina, Flos, Vestiola, Venenum, Telum, Metallum, Herba, Sonus, Bestia, Fungus, Tutamen


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just made this list yesterday for myself and didn't think to post it. I was mildly upset that all the aspects I was storing in jars for easy access ... were never used.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I couldn't find Thaumaturge's Robes on here either, the aspects are Praecontio, Pannus and Tutamen.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
Advanced Clay Golem Worker: Permutatio, Purus, Imperito, Cognito, Animus (same as Advanced Stone Golems :) )


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I used because I didn't record the results of my original research :< I thought I could look up the aspects it took later in the thauminomicon, but you can't unfortunately. Some of the things have same aspects for what they craft, some, not so much :p