Sphax PureBDcraft


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I haven't been able to get either of these packs to work.

I have had to build my own Sphax texture packs one mod at a time.

Here's what i've managed to get working so far, I downloaded each mod seperately and combined them by copying their 'assets' folder contents into the 'assets' folder of the base minecraft Sphax texture pack file.

1. Baseline Minecraft 1.6.x Sphax texture pack
2. Biomes O'Plenty
3. Buildcraft
4. Cofh
5. ComputerCraft
6. Forestry
7. IC2 (supports the version in DW20 1.0.11)
8. LiquidXP
9. Thermal Expansion
10. Tinkers Construct (Weapons look very nice in 128x)
11. Tmechworks

That's all I've managed to get working. I've not been able to find a Sphax texturepack for Ars Magica that works.

A REALLY annoying thing in Windows 8.1 is that you can't copy contents from one zip file to another zip file.
I'll keep trying to add individual mods from the first download link and see how they go. But so far i've not been able to get it working.