Sorting Techniques

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Ok thanks I think ill just go the lazy way and void it all out :D
Question how do restriction tubes work?
Restriction tubes work by counting as 5000 blocks long (last I heard, that's the number).

Tubes work by distance. Items will always go to the shortest valid destination. The only time items go randomly to a destination is if there are two or more valid destinations an equal number of blocks away.

Restriction tubes add 5000 blocks to the path it is on, effectively making it the last option when an item is deciding where to go.
They are very handy when attached to "misc" or "destination of last resort" chests for your sorting/storage systems.
How are you getting the items into the barrels? I thought they could only be loaded from the bottom?

I'm using a router/barrel + sorting machine setup.

Items arrive in here from quarries/ender pouches/player input

I should note that all the sorting machines are powered by a thermopile.
Oh and the diamond chest is the overflow chest for things like bees and other random things.
Yeah but all my ores go straight to my pulverizers / smelters.

Just an aside about the Ore Processing head of your system:

Consider upgrading this with Thaumcraft. I finally got this set up last night and with a few arcane bellows on an infernal furnace with just 1 crystal cluster supplementing the local aura you get permanent "minimal" flux, and the furnace's width and input is totally insane; I've yet to find a practical limit to how much stuff it can store and output. The rule is simple: clusters go straight to the furnace and everything else goes through a shunt to the pulverizer. The result is >200% ore yield and less power and setup resources consumed.

Use those extra resources to instead make a router and more pulverizers. The IF seems to be able to take a huge load, so the only practical limit to the system is how much bandwidth you have in your pulverizers.
KirinDave, how fast does it output? In my early testing with TC3 it was easy to build up a huge backlog. It would never outright deny more input, but it took quite a while to get through it all.
KirinDave, how fast does it output? In my early testing with TC3 it was easy to build up a huge backlog. It would never outright deny more input, but it took quite a while to get through it all.

It's slightly faster than the blulectric furnace when it has 2 bellows (I'm limited by how few deserts I can find nearby for now, chicken soulshard should fix this), and can admit a variety of input types which creates much less backlog. For my current non-quarry output this system is hugely faster than my old system. The biggest problem with naively chained TE pipelines is that it's challenging to not create severe pipeline delays due to the freebie byproducts.

I need to test more carefully, but it was my impression that the furnace has a FIFO queue it works through by type, not by actual item admittance. So if you put in 5 iron, then wait a sec then add a gold and iron, it'll output all 6 iron before moving to the gold. But if that's wrong, chalk it up to a late night. If that IS the behavior, that's fantastic.

Another benefit of this system: you get the smelting experience. With the increasing importance of enchantment books, this is a pretty big deal. I can only imagine how insanely high my ore yields can get using elemental pickaxes and whatnot if I can also wire in Factorization's crystalizer to the pipeline. I managed to make a fortune II repair elemental pickaxe last night and I am clutching that to my chest mumbling and coughing in my cave.

I would not hook a quarry up to this system yet though; I'd probably build another furnace AND make an outlet for cobble cooking and glass cooking using more conventional means since there is no benefit to running those through our system.
I'm working on an ore processing system now with infernal furnaces set up to handle the full output of a max speed quarry. I'll let you know what I find out.
How are you getting the items into the barrels? I thought they could only be loaded from the bottom?

You can load them from top. if you load them from bottom you can only load a max of one stack.

But that qoute shows hes using a router. Routers are magical sorting machines that can just put stuff where ever you like as long as it is in a direct line from the router.
But that qoute shows hes using a router. Routers are magical sorting machines that can just put stuff where ever you like as long as it is in a direct line from the router.

Actually, it's any machine connected to an adjacent machine on that side. You can see more complicated builds use wooden chests as bridges and making u-turns, curves, and branches (using the machine filter to prevent populating the chests). It's too bad that's so inelegant-looking, because it's a flippin' powerful concept.
iv never really looked into the router may have to check that out. is it easy to set up?
In the current modpacks, it's pretty easy. The only hard part is the machine filter, which is only craftable via a dungeon drop.

But the normal ones? Easy. So setting up fleets of identical blocks for insertion and removal is easy. Double easy with the configurable sides of TE machines. For TE machines, you an often get away with mixing 2 or 3 machine types by configuring their inputs and outputs on different sides. Then all you need are ejector upgrades and thoroughness upgrades.
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I just made a fluid sorting system using the tesseracts from thermal expansion, you can have all of your tanks have a single input tesseract frequency, and a single output frequency, to easily fill or empty a portable tank with any fluid you like (the tesseracts are smart, even though multiple tesseracts connect to tanks it'll only output into a tank containing the liquid you're pumping) this method saves on resources as ender pearls aren't always that easy to come by.
Regarding thaumcraft: I still have to look into that. Haven't done too much research yet myself. If you do it without cheat-sheets it takes quite a lot of time.
My sorting system works more or less like many of the ones that have been posted, sorting machine + barrels, I just added a little tweak. Under every barrel I have a filter + wireless reciever, every reciever has a differn frequency but they all lead to an enderchest. This way I have a good replacement for request pipe for almost every item. Since my base is distributed over 25000 square blocks, it has been necessary to have a way to get every item I need without going back to the storage room.
What are you controlling it with? Just a wall of buttons? Or a remote and a piece of paper with frequencies for everything written down? As far as I know the MiscPeripherals wireless redstone thingy (the only thing I can imagine for automating it) is completely broken.
Wireless remote, a different wireless frequencies for every barrel and every frequency has the name of the object.