Sorting system comparisons

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use RP to sort the common items and anything unsorted by RP falls to the default chest, which doubles as the input chest for LP, no reason you can't use both.

Exactly. I'm trying to noodle out of there's a way for RP to handle my fermenter better than LP. Right now I have a hopper dropping into my fermenter. I have it set up to be feed reeds, cactus, wheat and saplings. The problem is that I want to cycle through those inputs but not get stuck on any individual. Right now with the hopper if the first slot is free anything that matches what is in the fermenter it will fall right through, causing the system to request more. I kinda ran out of saplings and seeds once until I hit the bright idea to have the farms ask for 16 with partial requests while having the fermenter request 32 without partial requests. I'd like to replace the hopper with an RP machine but for the life of me cannot think of what might be better. A sorter off an inventory would get jammed if I set it to require each input before proceeding whereas it would do no better than a hopper if it doesn't. Managers would work but that would require me to run tubes in line with my existing pipes.

LP also works well with RP relays so you can reverse the process, I route all my unprocessed ores through LP to a relay since pneumatic tubes can find the nearest empty macerator much more efficiently.

I just dropped a hopper on my pulverizer. Sure it takes 2 pipes instead of the normal 1, but I found that TE doesn't play well with extract modules anyway. The upside is that I have 5 slots and rarely overflow. Or, if I want to manually inject something into the system I just put my item as next in the hopper, pop the item in the pulverizer out, then place it back in the #1 spot in the hopper.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Exactly. I'm trying to noodle out of there's a way for RP to handle my fermenter better than LP. Right now I have a hopper dropping into my fermenter. I have it set up to be feed reeds, cactus, wheat and saplings. The problem is that I want to cycle through those inputs but not get stuck on any individual. Right now with the hopper if the first slot is free anything that matches what is in the fermenter it will fall right through, causing the system to request more. I kinda ran out of saplings and seeds once until I hit the bright idea to have the farms ask for 16 with partial requests while having the fermenter request 32 without partial requests. I'd like to replace the hopper with an RP machine but for the life of me cannot think of what might be better. A sorter off an inventory would get jammed if I set it to require each input before proceeding whereas it would do no better than a hopper if it doesn't. Managers would work but that would require me to run tubes in line with my existing pipes.
A buffer might work. It juggles multiple inputs quite readily.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think the sortron in this thread is being severely under-considered. While, yes, Fourth programming might make you want to go insane, you only have to do it once, and all of that programming is stored in one place. When working with a LP system, you do have to remember each and every card, card setting, and if you forget you might have to check each one, it's like old-school christmas lights.

You can very, very easily setup sorting and autocrafting once you have the code done once. And since it's code that isn't dependant on location too much, I can very, very quickly adapt it for a new situation or area. All it will take is just someone to post some generic sorting code and you'll have RP sorting systems with the sortron pop up as fast as quarry programs for turtles, just have to either be patient, or bite the bullet and learn enough fourth to muddle through.

For an idea on a complex sortron auto-craft system, you can check the middle episodes of the forge-craft server series, I believe King Lemming made a sortron circuit-crafting system, simply type in 'timer' and it makes a timer. It utilizes craftpackets and their unique method of handling crafing to make it a very easy system. Pretty much every recipe turns into a formula.

Annnnd, if you are like me and really hate Fourth, MiscPeripherals now has a block somewhat like the sortron that actually is CC and not RP. Playing with that has made the above system even easier with craft packets.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A buffer might work. It juggles multiple inputs quite readily.

I did look at that and just am not seeing how it would help. I've given up on that aspect since it seems to not be as big of a problem as I thought it would be. Juggling the apple-juice/water inputs and not being able to extract mulch has been my main problems with that corner of my power room.

On the up side I did finally have a reason to use RP2's machines to solve a problem. Got my first quarry up and without IC2 I don't have an obvious method of disposing of excess cobble/dirt/gravel/sand. I set up a few chests to store copious amounts of each, more than I would ever need, but still needed to just start chucking the stuff.

I figured a void pipe would do the trick. Set the last chest in the line to have a wooden pipe w/autarchic gate pulsing the inventory into a void pipe. Unfortunately it couldn't keep up with my quarry with just 3 hobbyists and a magmatic engine on it. It was even worse when I dropped a fully charged RECell onto the quarry. :(

Ok, how about an LP with a Mk2 Extraction module? 1 item a second should keep up. Well, slight problem. To get it to extract we need power. To get power we have to hook into the pipe system. Hooking into the pipe system meant the items looped back around to the polymorphic itemsink on the chest. I figured an iron pipe would work but iron pipes don't transmit LP.

I thought an RP filter would work. Pulls a stack every pulse and I can set a timer to pulse pretty darn fast. Unfortunately I learned quite quickly that it cannot hook into a BC pipe even though the graphic does show a connection. It kept spitting the items onto the ground. Well, that's good enough for me! I dug a 1 block pit, lined the area between it and the filter with cobble so no stray items could get in, nor any of the ejected items get out. At the bottom of the pit is an obsidian pipe connected to a void pipe. I then dropped a BC support onto the side of the chest, put a basic gate on it which outputs a redstone signal when the inventory is empty. That gets wired into a timer on a 1s loop. Any items hit that chest, the gate releases the timer, the timer pulses the filter, the filter pulls a stack, spits it down the chute for the obsidian pipe to pick up and shuffle into the void pipe. A little noisy but I am quite pleased with the result. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Over engineering at its finest. I use something like this for voiding from RP2 systems:


BTW In fast item transport nothing beats energy cell next to the wooden pipe. You can empty full normal chest in about 1,5 s.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Of course, obsidian pipes also work with BC and TE engines, but they are bugged with RC/Forestry ones.

Deniz Kurdak

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I attempted top make a sorting system wiht sorting machines and factorization barrels but it seems like the sorting machines has difficulties in inserting more than a stack into the barrels. Does anyone have solution?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I attempted top make a sorting system wiht sorting machines and factorization barrels but it seems like the sorting machines has difficulties in inserting more than a stack into the barrels. Does anyone have solution?
Supposedly this is only when inserting from the bottom.
Have you tried it inserting from the top?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I attempted top make a sorting system wiht sorting machines and factorization barrels but it seems like the sorting machines has difficulties in inserting more than a stack into the barrels. Does anyone have solution?

You have to insert to the top.

Pump items into an attached router with the default "insert to top" option and you'll save on a lot of tubing, plus you'll be able to stack your barrels. Put a bandwidth upgrade on the router so it can keep up with the items coming in.