I feel like the manager should be a new kind of machine, Sorting machine and Manager have a bit different purpose, this is why i didn't understand the "upgrade" part.
Meara, first thank you for trying !
My machine are actualy doing what you saying, it's hard to tell with all those pipe and stuff but it's basicly doing this in line, kinda like spiral actualy.
For the A and B reason; He have a color where to go, so that's ok.
For the red stone pulse too fast, well i don't have any of those, all i do is choosing the 4 green arrow with yellow dot in the GUI of the sorting machine, if i understood correctly it kinda do like a pulse. So, may be there a problem there ? I will investigate tomorrow.
But the thing is, i don't understand why this machine in particular don't want to work, he's no different then others =/
Edit, here other screenshot
<image Snip>
<Image Snip>
<image Snip>
Here another setup of another machine, they are pretty much all like this.
What I mean by Pulse is having it hooked up to a timer. IF the items are already in a tube, it isnt needed, and I would advise not useing it any way (Timers can lag ya out)
The only reason it jams is if it has no valid inventory to go to. That sorter spits out orange, green, dark green and grey.
Grey has a valid path but the other 3 colours does not. You've painted all available routes with white/light grey/grey, stopping the other colours from going anywhere. Colour X can only go through its own colour and non-painted tubes. Even if you have those 3 colours further down your path, it won't reach it due to other painted tubes stopping them.
So unless i'm missing something here, that's your problem.
True point there but i don't see those colors listed.
And I think that posting how all the sorting machines are hooked up would be a lot of images to sort threw.
Ill show ya a picture (from a sorting machine in a chain working) (test world)
The Colors marked in Red here are the items sorted. They can only go threw "colorless tubes" or tubes of their own color, and will not pass threw tubes of ANY other color.
The Box marked in Green is the "Everything Else" Color. this should be going to another sorting machine to be sorted (Or a misc chest). then every thing listed above the "Red Box" should have access to a "color-less tube" until it reaches the desired chest and the tube connecting to the chest should be colored with the desired color.
So something like this for chests.
the colorless tube on the bottom is the In coming in from the sorting machine and they sort out just fine.
Hopefully I was a little more helpful
That would be the sortron
Thank ya kind sir.
I went a head and tried to replicate what you had, and find a solution. here are images of what i came up with.
Front from intake side (Relay is In) (White pipe is a bluetric Jacketed wire for power)
Left Side (Colored tubes are intakes to Sorting machines, Color-Less are the Outtakes and the sorted items rout)
Right Side Colored tubes are intakes and... well i said it before..
Back Side displaying the "To the Chests" Tubes
No restriction tubes, or timers necessary.