I honestly would like to see more mods go the way of TiC and TC were there are nice in game docs avable to point you in the right direction.
I honestly would like to see more mods go the way of TiC and TC were there are nice in game docs avable to point you in the right direction.
I honestly would like to see more mods go the way of TiC and TC were there are nice in game docs avable to point you in the right direction.
I would much prefer if they would just make it available on a website. Looking up this kind of stuff in minecraft books that don't remember the page you were on is bloody annoying. I sure hope this 'fad' of in-game books blows over soon. The AE website is a splendid example of how it should be done.
If they provide both, fine. But site/wiki first, in-game books for whoever likes them second.
But anyway, it's miles better than all the mods who rely on youtubers making video's. I mean, seriously, WHY? You can't search in a video, I don't want to sit through 45 minutes of some video just to learn how to create "recipe X".
Sorry, pet peeve of mine...
I agree, it's pretty annoying to have to learn stuff in-game sometimes, but in other circumstances its a bit more convenient to have the information readily available in-game (Thaumcraft is a good example).
TC is a good example where I much prefer to have the info on a website. I understand it's hard because of the research aspect but having to look up recipies again and again and the stupid book forgetting the location you were on is just bloody annoying.
I would much prefer if they would just make it available on a website. Looking up this kind of stuff in minecraft books that don't remember the page you were on is bloody annoying. I sure hope this 'fad' of in-game books blows over soon. The AE website is a splendid example of how it should be done.
If they provide both, fine. But site/wiki first, in-game books for whoever likes them second.
But anyway, it's miles better than all the mods who rely on youtubers making video's. I mean, seriously, WHY? You can't search in a video, I don't want to sit through 45 minutes of some video just to learn how to create "recipe X".
Sorry, pet peeve of mine...
If only there was some tool you could use in game to look this stuff up quicker then digging through an in game book or visiting a website....
Are you referring to NEI? That new WikiLink mod? Or actually inquiring?![]()
CraftGuide is preety good at that too.Are you referring to NEI? That new WikiLink mod? Or actually inquiring?![]()
What? I didn't play TC2 all that much, but I don't remember it being that good. What made it so much better?
To clarify, I'm not saying that you're wrong, I'm just asking for your opinion.
TC2 vs TC3
- Significant lack of golems in top hats.
Though you did list Taint as a con, to me taint was a major pro either do things right or lose your base and if you happened to have a natural taint field near where you wanted to build, get that research done to clean it up. Also playing tag with tainted creepers was fun.
I listed it as a pro too! I love me some dark purple! ^_^
Anyways, from what I've seen, once taint takes hold, it's extremely difficult to get rid of. Can you imagine playing SMP with that mechanic? All it takes is one goofball being careless with their piping and tainting the map for everyone else.
Pretty much this. I have never guessed after finding the wiki and before that either the most diverse recipe was a torch or I never crafted it.Crafting has never been about discovery for me. Crafting is a necessary part of the game, but not an exciting part. I've had the wiki at my side from day one playing minecraft. Couldn't live without it. Now with NEI, I couldn't be happier, since FTB has a bazillion things to try and discover/remember, a few orders of magnitude beyond vanilla. I don't think the game would be enjoyable without something like NEI and the recipes it gives us easy access to. If I had to look everything up on a wiki it would slow me down so much it would be awful. That's just my opinion, I understand your point but I'd have to imagine you're in the minority on this one. In my month playing FTB, my main goal has evolved (once I discovered the great ME storage) to try and make everything I craft as automated as possible (via the molecular assembly pattern stuff) so I never have to look up a recipe ever again!
And I'm saying that the modders are straying away from discovery based features becasue a lot of us (citation needed) don't like that sort of thing. Lord knows I'd play more with thaumcraft if the discovery thing was MORE controllable.I've read through the different opinions and I think I was misunderstood in my point.
I never said I wanted a community without wikis or NEI I was trying to induce the use of implemented crafting assistance within the mod itself or having an original crafting system, that and also remove the mentality of "just let the player use NEI" that the current modding community has.
However my main point was of how powerful crafting could be and how underestimated it is right now. There are millions of mod possibilities that are opened up by vanilla crafting, yet no one thinks its 'good enough'.