So... What is the difference between this and technic/tekkit?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're right. When it comes to the nuts-and-bolts, I-don't-have-the-time-to-read-the-fine-print tit-for-tat comparisons, there isn't some manner of huge difference. They're both mod packs built on technical mods expanding Minecraft gameplay. One could make arguments about FTB's criteria for mod choice involving some esoteric ideal of balance and synergy and all that junk, but when it comes down to it, that's what this mod pack is at the nuts-and-bolts: a mod pack with a launcher.

What you so casually dismiss is the intangible, and I'll sum it up for you in one word: Goodwill.

For anybody involved in industry, and especially in the valuation of not only products and services but the organizations that provide them, goodwill is the intangible value derived from that organization's relations with its clients, its partners, and its suppliers. You can get a basic number of what an organization is worth based off of the balance sheets, but when it comes time to apply those esoteric modifiers to the EBITDA and provide a price tag, you generally do something like a SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Goodwill looms very strongly in that kind of analysis. It's not only a strength in itself, but it opens up opportunities, provides a basis to conquer weakness, and can ward off threats. Relevant example? I can play the FTB pack knowing that tomorrow all my rail lines, coke ovens, blast furnaces and iron tanks won't suddenly disappear or even randomly explode, because Slowpoke actually asked CovertJaguar permission to use Railcraft. An exploding mod item scenario with FTB is highly improbable because under the circumstances and with the transparent means that Slowpoke painstakingly obtained the permissions for his packs, any mod author that did such a thing would be a very unsympathetic figure. In the same vein, when incompatibilities pop up between mods, now there's somebody with some pull who can get it resolved more expeditiously because FTB works with the mod authors rather than despite them. That's the kind of stuff you can see as avoided threats and unique opportunities for this pack, them, because of that goodwill.

Right now, while there may be deficits in not having a polished product that's been released for over a year and in still working out the kinks associated with an emerging brand, you have to ask yourself: am I in it for the right now, or for the long haul? The T-packs are widely popular and the byname in modded Minecraft gameplay, but there's some serious concerns as to their longevity for reasons that some may consider highly subjective and I won't go into here. Needless to say a number of people are here because they believe it's the future of modded Minecraft, not the past or necessarily even the present.

That said, goodwill alone doesn't make something good or successful. Many ventures have fallen flat because of other logistical issues. We're in the sink-or-swim stage here right now and the true value of goodwill won't matter if it doesn't pan out for other reasons. For those worried about the seemingly bumpy ride, though, I'll share another tidbit: Real boats rock. Anybody touting a completely smooth operation is only adept at covering their butt, and that kind of thing falls apart sooner rather than later. The hiccups we're experiencing right now should be reassuring rather than alarming at this stage, then. Provided we make it over this hump, I believe we'll see something pretty amazing, though. =)


Active Member
Nov 21, 2012
Is it wrong to like both? I dont think so. Its good to have competition also. Makes both sides work a bit harder. Till Thaum3/Arcana I will use both. After Im not sure, but will see when that happens.

On a side note. If I could get Thaum 2 to work with FTB, Im pretty sure Ill just stick to FTB. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I must say that I will like FTB better when it is out of beta. I cant even download and play the mod pack at the moment due to bugs, well I have to run the technic launcher through a grinder to make that work anyway so its normal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Technic/Tekkit started out with no permissions. That is true. Over time, though, they have acquired all the permissions for all the mods.
No, they haven't. They still do not have permission for IC2, and the Railcraft developer didn't even know RC was IN Tekkit until last month when a user told him. They have not obtained permissions for a good portion of their mods, even yet, nor do they intend to.

From Kakermix, Tekkit creator on the IC2 Forums:

"I did not get permission from anyone and I didn't even bother asking. The Minecraft modding community is terrible and the egos some of the modders themselves have is incredibly terrible. I simply made this pack because I love these mods and want other people to experience them as well with as little work on their part as possible."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, they haven't. They still do not have permission for IC2, and the Railcraft developer didn't even know RC was IN Tekkit until last month when a user told him. They have not obtained permissions for a good portion of their mods, even yet, nor do they intend to.

From Kakermix, Tekkit creator on the IC2 Forums:

"I did not get permission from anyone and I didn't even bother asking. The Minecraft modding community is terrible and the egos some of the modders themselves have is incredibly terrible. I simply made this pack because I love these mods and want other people to experience them as well with as little work on their part as possible."

Ehh, the last part isn't accurate. That quote is very nearly a year old. Tekkit started getting permissions AFTER that point, so it's clear his position has at least partially changed in that regard. It has been said that they have gotten numerous permissions and I remember reading a few. However, the point remains that they still do not have ALL permissions, and are unlikely to ever get them all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Technic has permission to use IC2 as confirmed by RichardG867 right here and as for railcraft judging from the last time Covertjaguar payed them a visit it is still a good chance that they do not have permission for it. Last time I checked their was only a very few mods that they did not have permission for or at least conformed to their requirements to use in a mod pack. So they been working on getting permissions just not as hard as some would desire. As for the situation between them and the modders judging by the fact that slowpoke and a few of the modders are making posts over on the technic forums it is a really good sign.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, they haven't. They still do not have permission for IC2, and the Railcraft developer didn't even know RC was IN Tekkit until last month when a user told him. They have not obtained permissions for a good portion of their mods, even yet, nor do they intend to.

From Kakermix, Tekkit creator on the IC2 Forums:

"I did not get permission from anyone and I didn't even bother asking. The Minecraft modding community is terrible and the egos some of the modders themselves have is incredibly terrible. I simply made this pack because I love these mods and want other people to experience them as well with as little work on their part as possible."
If this guy seriously still belives that Technic/Tekkit has no permissions for IC2, or at all, then he must be living under a rock.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If this guy seriously still belives that Technic/Tekkit has no permissions for IC2, or at all, then he must be living under a rock.
That's uncalled for. Watch your civility, kid.

Ehh, the last part isn't accurate. That quote is very nearly a year old. Tekkit started getting permissions AFTER that point, so it's clear his position has at least partially changed in that regard. It has been said that they have gotten numerous permissions and I remember reading a few. However, the point remains that they still do not have ALL permissions, and are unlikely to ever get them all.
I'm just going by Slowpoke's post regarding the whole Tekkit situation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seems like all the FTB supporters are only looking at one side of the coin...Do some research next time before you make outrageous claims, kid.

That's uncalled for. Watch your civility, kid.

Both of you, cool it. I asked for civility in this thread, and that includes no flame baiting. Another outburst like this from anyone and this thread will be closed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seems like all the FTB supporters are only looking at one side of the coin...Do some research next time before you make outrageous claims, kid.
I have no interest in Tekkit's side. I've seen their creator's claim with my own eyes, and that's all I need. Guy's a jerk, done and done. Maybe someone else will care that they supposedly have permissions now, but dude's still a jerk. I've used Tekkit, like almost everyone here. I've dealt with slow updates, slow response to problems, and dealing with the Tekkit community is absolutely horrendous. There's no point in it anymore. FTB is here, and it's objectively better in every single regard.

Please report problem posts, there is no need to add to it. You have not been given a warning point, but this is just a friendly warning to use the report system instead of adding to the problem.


Alexandria "ArashiDragon" Storm
Global Moderator

P.S. Post untouched as we are not here to censor conversations, just limit the flaming, abuse, and like.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow if florastar doesn't give you a warning for this I'm going to give up.


Please report problem posts, there is no need to add to it. You have not been given a warning point, but this is just a friendly warning to use the report system instead of adding to the problem.


Alexandria "ArashiDragon" Storm
Global Moderator


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
someone else may have said it but tekkit runs on bukkit which consequently is why it is also 1.2.5


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know what would be a crazy way to end these threads? put technic/tekkit on the FTB launcher and FTB on the technic launcher.

peanut butter/chocolate situation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow flora has fangs me like ;) ok time to get serious. The op may not care about permissions but some of us do. I for one care more about what comes with the dev's giving permission and working with the pack not against it. Everything becomes easier when the devs work together the mods will work better together the problems that arise will be squashed asap I see nothing but good coming from the mod devs working together and supporting a mod pack.

The difference between the packs will probably widen with time especially after all the mods are finally out/updated and everything gets stable I'm looking forward to a world where these mods all work together closer. Hell some of new new things greg tech does excite me build-craft quarry needing a IC2 tool that requires rail-craft material to make. If this is a sign of things to come I'm all for it I'd love nothing more then the mod pack to blend the mods into one and not simply give you the ability to try and do so.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
LazDude2012, your post was deleted as inappropriate and rude. Attacking members and or the FTB pack. Don't take this as discrimination, I don't accept attacks at tekkit.

Just leave tekkit with tekkit and FTB to FTB.

Please keep in mind that this IS the Feed-The-Beast Forum, so there will be some bias towards FTB. It can't be helped since we don't support tekkit here.

That being said, Thread Locked, have a nice day.

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