So... How are U guys gonna set up power generation after the new packs come out?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC2 has changed and power managing for dat is gonna be really annoying and broken, so my favorate solars are gonna be off the list and I don't think imma go with ic2 power generation. My plan is to go with TE3 and run off of lava for the beginning, then switch to farms and bioreactors and steam with steam engines I guess. Dartcraft's eu generation seems to be pretty broken and those are gonna be a choice although i'd have to figure out how to manage the power correctly.

I'm not sure if power converters are gonna be a thing in the new packs but I really like them since they are easy and awesome to use and makes life so much easier.

sidenote will there be Modular powersuits in the new packs?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A fun thing I tried in a resonant rise test world last week is the water tower from Mariculture (which has just been added to Horizons and I think also Magic farm, yay). It is basically this tall tower that you make with a water source block at the top. At the bottom of the tower you need to put a sluice which turns it into pressurized water which you can run through a turbine for power. I can't remember for sure but I am pretty sure it works in both MJ and RF. The power output is pretty decent but further experimentation will be required for me to work out the optimum configuration.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dartcraft's EU gen seems fine to me, it is just a slightly smarter generator. When I generate power with dartcraft it is usually tree farm -> squeezer -> milk-throttled force engines, or treefarm -> furnace -> generator, or treefarm -> furnace -> boiler. I don't see golden power source or liquid force being that much different than other liquid/solid fuels. That said, Dartcraft is absent from the universal configs, which might mean something.

Mekanism is really easy early game power. I suspect that if the next major pack I play doesn't have Mekanism I'll be adding it, particularly for universal cable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dartcraft's EU gen seems fine to me, it is just a slightly smarter generator. When I generate power with dartcraft it is usually tree farm -> squeezer -> milk-throttled force engines, or treefarm -> furnace -> generator, or treefarm -> furnace -> boiler. I don't see golden power source or liquid force being that much different than other liquid/solid fuels. That said, Dartcraft is absent from the universal configs, which might mean something.

Mekanism is really easy early game power. I suspect that if the next major pack I play doesn't have Mekanism I'll be adding it, particularly for universal cable.

What do you mean about "Darcraft is basent from the universal configs, which might mean something."? Is there something I'm missing or?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I to am not a big fan of the new IC2 power system. With the old system you could have a rather large power grid as long as you kept the packet size down. Now you've got to jump through a bunch of hoops and effectively make smaller subgrids to keep the same number of machines running. That and you still have the issue of one mistake with too much power and stuff starts blowing up all over. I'm much prefering MJ/RSF, if you've got too much input it just bottlnecks and not all the power can get down the line as fast as you want it vs blowing up random portions of your power grid.

I'll probably go back to my old standbys for MJ. Milk throttled force engiens for the initial bit later upgraded to MFR's bio generators. The only issue I've seen with this so far is that I've not found a good way to use force engiens with TE so sadly I have to use BC pipes at first. The second issue is that it seems the curve in the bio reactors efficency has goten a bit steeper since the 1.5 versions. slots 8 and 9 account for almost half the bar and the first couple are barely worth anything. I used to be able to get away with 4-5 items initialy and be just fine to start off with but I think I'll need to go for full diversity from the get go now. on the upside those generators can produce both RSF and MJ so no need for 2 power networks after I switch over.

Honestly cant say I'd miss much besides the jetpack and the drill from IC2 if it got droped from any pack I was playing and there are decent replacements for those in other common mods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mekanism is introducing it's new Jetpack! Drill is kind of replacable by TiCo's Hammer, as it takes in the capacitors from TE3 to upgrade it so you can recharge it with RF.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you trying to tell me dartcraft isn't going to be in the 1.6.4 unleashed pack? :(

Also I will be using solars and nuclear power+most likely steam boilers


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you trying to tell me dartcraft isn't going to be in the 1.6.4 unleashed pack? :(

all I can say is... in the current released universal configurations, there's no Dartcraft config
doesn't mean Dartcraft isn't going to be added, just means that at this moment, there's no plans for it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For current EU power, I'm using Geothermals fed by lava, with said lava being generated by TE3 Magma Crucible, in turn fed by TE3 Igneous Extruder. The net result is converting RF power to EU power. When I have the diamonds and an AE MAC setup to assist with crafting, I plan to use Nuclear reactor(s) cached into MFSUs.

The current setup uses quite a bit of TE3 RF power, which is currently steam from an RC boiler and Factorization solar boiler.

However, the other posts in this thread have given me some new ways (for me) to generate power !


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On my last 1.6.4 world it took me quite a while to get any power set up at all, then it was basically a small amount of fuel to power a quarry.

It was only a lot later, when I wanted to delve into AE that I set up infrastructure, that I started powering things in earnest, then I made a lot of large nukes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nothing but dynamos from TE3 for the small stuff, Big Reactors for the large stuff. Mostly everything from the older mods now is more trouble then its worth now especially RC Boilers are such shit now I won't even waste the iron making them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seeing as TE3 now has an early tier method of producing and transmitting energy (lead stone conduit, I love you) I will probably set up an MFR treefarm, piping the log outputs to a furnace for charcoal, and firing those into a buffer chest feeding a steam dynamo. Later on I will probably make biofuel and shove it into a railcraft tank.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Blood magic, if available, can power a variety of things in awesome ways. I've just published an episode where I use the blood magic Serenade of the Nether with an ExtraCells Fluid Transition Plane to rapidly produce and then disseminate lava to a field of Magmatic Engines.

As for how I'll make my LP pool renewable, stay tuned. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Blood magic, if available, can power a variety of things in awesome ways. I've just published an episode where I use the blood magic Serenade of the Nether with an ExtraCells Fluid Transition Plane to rapidly produce and then disseminate lava to a field of Magmatic Engines.

As for how I'll make my LP pool renewable, stay tuned. :)
I enjoyed that episode and it made me think to myself, why haven't I seen something like that before?

I started blood magic the other week but I abandoned the world before I could answer a small question. Could you tell me if the recipe for the second tier of slate (I forget the name) is a transmutation in a higher tier altar?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nothing but dynamos from TE3 for the small stuff, Big Reactors for the large stuff. Mostly everything from the older mods now is more trouble then its worth now especially RC Boilers are such shit now I won't even waste the iron making them.

While I can somewhat understand Player making changes to BC code - it's open-sourced, anyone can submit a pull request, and Player has contributed before - I don't understand how Player convinced CJ to make changes to CJ's Railcraft code. The boiler heat values are entirely up to CJ, not Player.

Plus, I'm pretty sure CJ makes or tries to make a living entirely off his streaming series and Railcraft Paypal donations. I've chucked some coin his way. Nerfing his own mod like that without a counterbalance seems counterproductive.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I intend to add Mekanism myself and use hydrogen generators for the majority of my power needs. I'll be sure to check with Opis and see if they're friendly, but the conversion rate to RF that I was seeing was good enough that I don't expect to ever need a more expansive power source.

I might play with atomic science at some point. I don't usually keep worlds long enough for that to be considered though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I enjoyed that episode and it made me think to myself, why haven't I seen something like that before?

I started blood magic the other week but I abandoned the world before I could answer a small question. Could you tell me if the recipe for the second tier of slate (I forget the name) is a transmutation in a higher tier altar?
Yes it is! Same with the other next-tier slates.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I enjoyed that episode and it made me think to myself, why haven't I seen something like that before?

I started blood magic the other week but I abandoned the world before I could answer a small question. Could you tell me if the recipe for the second tier of slate (I forget the name) is a transmutation in a higher tier altar?

I cannot wait to show off how I evade low tier altar design limitations. :) I haven't seen anyone else do it yet and it's very obvious once you see it. I'm seriously considering expanding the technique to item transportation. I think I finally have a use for iron and gold pressure plates!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes it is! Same with the other next-tier slates.
Thanks WayofTime. I am loving the mod by the way even though I have not gotten far with it.

I hope you won't take it badly if I told you to ... have a wonderful day (hearing that used to make my days better :))