Time Zone:GMT
How often will you be online? for at least a few hours each day
Skype (If you have one)jojanpop99
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? no as I don't like teamspeak
A bit about yourself: Potato potato tomato tomato I'm a derp I tend to make crazy awesome things and then it doesn't work and I trouble shoot for hours then realise it was the most obvious mistake to make
Time Zone:GMT
How often will you be online? for at least a few hours each day
Skype (If you have one)jojanpop99
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? no as I don't like teamspeak
A bit about yourself: Potato potato tomato tomato I'm a derp I tend to make crazy awesome things and then it doesn't work and I trouble shoot for hours then realise it was the most obvious mistake to make