Whitelist Server Slaughter the Beast | Ultimate | Whitelist | Dedicated 24/7 | New Map | No banned Items!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, We have recently started up up a FTB server and we are looking for dedicated players to come join the server. We aim to have a small and friendly community similar to the Mindcrack or Hermitcraft with players based on trust. We plan to have no more than 15 players so seize the opportunity while you can! The server is professionally hosted with 4GB of RAM and is 24/7. We will switch to 1.6 FTB once it comes out in the following months and likely also upgrade to 8GB of RAM. We have also started a fresh map (July 6th) so everybody has a fair chance of progressing through the game since nobody likes to be that guy mining for stone while everybody else is all decked up with Quantum Armor.The server is on normal difficulty and Gregtech is on Hard Mode. We've tried to minimize restrictions, however Nukes are an exception and need to be disabled for obvious reasons.If you really want one, let me know and I may allow it. Besides that, there are no banned items! If the server starts to get overloaded, then we may have to restrict chunkloaders too. There are no plugins, so everything is based on trust and loyalty. Our goal is to have a small and friendly community of honest players who can contribute to the server by helping build something or just helping a fellow player. We would prefer players who are able to play consistently and daily, or at minimum, several times a week. Both FTB veterans and recruits are welcome to our community!You can also do any LP's on the server if you wish. Currently, we have a small spawn built, though it would be nice if others can help expand. I am very active on the server, and can help with anything needed. We hope to see you around soon!

My Skype: Removed (Best way to contact me)


1. Please use common sense
2. Absolutely no griefing or stealing is allowed! ( Pranking is Fine) Griefing= Insta-Ban
3. Act Mature
4. Be respectful to others- everybody is different
5. Swearing is allowed , but please keep it minimal
6. Be aware of your surroundings, you are not alone. Some players may not like you building a cobble 9x9 right next to their home.
7. Don't abuse any exploits or bugs.
8. PvP is enabled, but the consent of the other player is needed
9. No asking to spawn in items, even I won't spawn in anything for myself.
10. No spamming the chat or advertising/posting links
11. Be reasonable with chunkloaders, ages, and such
12. Have Fun!!!

Things to consider for the server's performance:
1. RP2 Timers- These can affect the TPS when at short pulses
2. Relays- These can also affect the TPS
3. Chunkloaders- These significantly use up the server's ram, however we haven't had any problems with them so far. Please don't abuse them, and use spot loaders where applicable.
4. Ages- Please let me know before you create an age and only make one when others aren't online, as they can cause alot lag to others.
5. Wrathlamps- Please avoid these at all costs, as they hog up the server's CPU and cause considerable amounts of lag.

There are more, but these are the big ones. I would like to keep the server clean and lag free as possible, so please consider avoiding these items as much as possible. We also may add more mods as we go, and make any config changes if needed.

Application: ( The more information, the better)

Have you read the rules?
Why do you want to join:
How much you can play:
How can you contribute?
Any additional comments:
Last edited:
IGN: littlelee211
Location: UK/England
Age: 18
Skype: littlelee451
Goals: I want to make a cave base and make it look awesome
Have you read the rules? yes
Why do you want to join: I want to join a ftb server with a great community and socialize with people
How much you can play: all the time as I haven't got much taking time away from me
How can you contribute? I can help with server projects and I know a quite a bit about redstone
Any additional comments: Btw I am not very experienced at ftb so I may ask for help from time to time
IGN: Invidiam
Location: United States.. GMT -8
Age: 16
Skype: Invidiam, I avoid speaking even with people I've become comfortable with. Hearing me talk is less than rare but I'm open to recieving messages and such
Goals: I mainly want to learn AE and possibly make a full base with it and I want to mass produce alvearies
Have you read the rules?: yes
Why do you want to join: I like the feeling of new servers where no one has done much of anything and over time it develops.
How much you can play: I can likely play 4+ hours on most days except when I seriously have to work on stuffs of course
How can you contribute?: I'm fully willing to help people with what I'm able. I tend to start with bees very early on and I'm willing to share what I've gotten depending on my situation.
Any additional comments: nope
IGN: HunterLuigi
Location: Belgium
Age: 17
Skype: luigi.ham
Goals: I'm aiming to make a high-tech complex with all kinds of crazy stuff. I'm not sure if I'm going to do it in steampunk style or not.
Have you read the rules?: Yes I have.
Why do you want to join: I'm looking for a FTB server to play on where I can meet new people and have fun with them.
How much you can play: Depends... when I have nothing to do... about 5 hours. If I have all kinds of things to do it can be less than 1 hour. I'm in a period of holidays now but I have a vacationjob next Monday (not tomorrow). So I won't be much online at that time.
How can you contribute?: Humour, creativity, new ideas. I'm a kind of guy that has a weird sense of humour. You like it or your don't, but most people like it.
Any additional comments: If you have more questions about me, feel free to ask. I'm not sure what else I can tell about myself.
I play the bass, even though my string snapped some days ago. I have to wait until new ones arrive :P. I also longboard. floating over the road between the grassfields going "zoom". I love it. Usually Friday night I go to the pub, so don't expect me to be online. :P
IGN: shirkitx
Location: Montreal, QC, Canada
Age: 23
Skype: shirkit
Goals: My goal, as it always was and will always be in modded MC is to automated whatever can be automated in all possible mods, clustering them together to have maximum efficiency and and fully automated, using the minimum and most organized space possible.
Have you read the rules? yes
Why do you want to join: I'm looking for a server where I can find some new good friends to ply along, have a fun time chatting if possible and trading stuff (oh, I'd love to be in a server where people trade stuff!)
How much you can play: I normally play MC about 2 hours a day, sometimes more, but I normally set up goals to what I should do, so normally my time is productive.
How can you contribute? up to U$ 10 a month, can do more if we need
Any additional comments: I'm from South America but I'm living in Canada for a while now. Also, I'd love to find a person that wants to build a base together, I'm looking forward to do this! Since this is a brand new server, I'm quite excited to play on it! I was looking for something like that. I'd love to help building a spawn together.
IGN: Lookwow101
Location: WisconSA
Age: 29
Skype: lookwow101
Goals: My goal is it to have fun playing modded minecraft while making some friends and having fun. I want to think up some cool new ideas and see some of the cool stuff other people thing up.
Have you read the rules? Yes and have no problem with any of them
Why do you want to join: I want a solid server to have fun with other people playing minecraft
How much you can play: Around 15-20 hours a week
How can you contribute? Im a fun guy who gets along with people and i like to come up with cool new builds.
Any additional comments:
IGN: kr990
Location: Canada
Age: 22
Skype: kodyr990
Goals: Build a base while having fun and meeting new people.
Have you read the rules? Yes
Why do you want to join: I'm looking for a nice server with good people to have fun with
How much you can play: A few hours a day
How can you contribute? I'm a nice person, easy to get along with, I can help out when i can.
Any additional comments:
IGN: Pelcien
Location: Denmark
Age: 16
Skype: say it later(dont remember)
Goals: high tech
Have you read the rules? yep
Why do you want to join: i have a lot of free time right now
How much you can play: a lot
How can you contribute? i know a bit about ftb. good personality
Any additional comments: nope
IGN: ReaperGH
Location: Philly, PA
Age: 15
Skype: hellomynameisreaper21
Goals: I wanna try and make something usefull usually when I play FTB I just adventure alot not really building things but not this time.
Have you read the rules? Yes.
Why do you want to join: I play on a Private pack FTB server and it's currently vanilla till 1.6 for the pack comes out and I get a bit bored waiting.
How much you can play: A majority of the day usually..
How can you contribute? I like having fun with people, I like to joke around but I mostly like exploring and experimenting with new Ideas
Any additional comments: none atm.
IGN: 48and87rock
Location: Boise, Idaho
Age: 17
Skype: shutupandtalk1 (I don't use Skype much prefer TS3 because it uses less CPU and bandwidth on my end)
Goals: Have fun playing FTB while meeting some new people.
Have you read the rules? Yes
Why do you want to join: I used to run my own FTB server but after running out of money to pay for it, I am looking for a new small server to play on with a great player base.
How much you can play: Every day
How can you contribute?: I know my way around most of the mods, I'm a nice person and am easy to get along with.
Any additional comments: Nothing
IGN: J1MYxInFamous
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Age: 17
Skype: jimmy.gauthier5
Goals: To have fun playing ftb with a group of people
Have you read the rules? of course
Why do you want to join: To be part of a small ftb community
How much you can play: about 2 hours per day
How can you contribute? I have played ftb for a long time and know a lot about it
Any additional comments: My favorite item on the ihop menu is the cinnastick pancake
IGN: opt_user
Location: portugal
Age: 24
Skype: i prefer TS skypes uses too much cpu but can get an acount if needed
Goals:have fun and build epic things
Have you read the rules? yes i have
Why do you want to join: my last server closed ( owner had to stop playing) and im looking for a new fun server to play
How much you can play: at least 4 hours a day
How can you contribute? public builds , farms , buildings , going in a co-op caving , you name it , i willl be there
Any additional comments: im very sociable , and really like to play with other people , and its eve more fun when you split your base wiht someone else :P like a team
IGN: Kumidori
Location: Germany
Age: 20
Skype: nic0w92
Goals: Get rich or die tryin
Have you read the rules? yep
Why do you want to join: I want to play on a legit server with a small community, on many other server people abuse admin rights and spawn stuff.
How much you can play: some hours every day
How can you contribute?: I am not that good at ftb yet, but i will play alot and will contribute my kindness and ambition.
Any additional comments: I hate it to write applications :)
Location: California
Age: 16
Skype:Nickdj71 (I dont normally talk)
Goals: Learn lua to make cool contraptions with computercraft
Have you read the rules? Twice
Why do you want to join: I've been looking for a server that has the community just like in the Forgecraft server. Friendly, no griefing and no banned items.
How much you can play: ALOT 5-8 hours each day. (Rarely shorter)
How can you contribute? I pretty much know all the mods and im looking into lua for computercraft. I can also help with rule breakers if needed.
Any additional comments: I really hope you accept me, I've been looking for a server like this for a long time!
IGN: hideyholeman
Location: Ontario, Canada
Age: 14
Skype: hideyholeman
Goals: I plan on working with Forrestry's Bee/Tree breeding to get all of the possible species and create a large, automated aviary section. A second somewhat dream is to built a large complex similar to Aperture Science from the Portal games underground containing tons of machines, experiments, farms, among other contraptions I might throw together.
Have you read the rules? Yep! Reread it in case I missed anything.
Why do you want to join: I enjoy playing on servers with a small and friendly community behind them, I find it adds to the mutiplayer aspect, instead of just playing on a server with total strangers. I also enjoy collaborating with other players to create group projects, with access to them available to all, such as a free power frequency or an automated food processing station.
How much you can play: I can play for about 4-10 hours a day, my summer schedule is lacking in activities at the moment
How can you contribute? I have a large amount of knowledge with bee/tree breeding, Thaumcraft, Applied Energistics, and Mystcraft, with a well rounded knowledge of the remaining mods.
Any additional comments: My voice is going through the squeaky puberty stage so I might hold off of Skype for at least a year or so, until my vocal cords decide to stop making me sound like a chipmunk. This sounds extremely exciting, I'm looking forward to joining in if I'm accepted!
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Age: 14
Skype: None
Goals:Figure out forestry tree/bee breeding and to automate and setup a whole factory using Applied Energistics and ComputerCraft
Why do you want to join: I've played FTB for a long time and I really enjoy working together on servers and I'd like to go through a survival without cheating :P
How much can you play: About 3 hours afternoon mostly
How can you contribute:Working on thaumcraft and forestry because those are the mods where I really specialize
Any additional comments: None
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Age: 14
Skype: None
Goals:Figure out forestry tree/bee breeding and to automate and setup a whole factory using Applied Energistics and ComputerCraft
Why do you want to join: I've played FTB for a long time and I really enjoy working together on servers and I'd like to go through a survival without cheating :p
How much can you play: About 3 hours afternoon mostly
How can you contribute:Working on thaumcraft and forestry because those are the mods where I really specialize
Any additional comments: None
Rules: I've read them
IGN: Sprigum

Location: AR, USA

Age: 22

Skype: Sprigum

Goals: Automate everything. Fusion Reactor. Bee Breeding. I'm not sure which order I'll approach everything in. I also want to experiment with railcraft.

Have you read the rules?

I have.
Why do you want to join:

Looking for a fresh start from single player and I think starting on a new world and getting back to basics will be a lot of fun. I play mostly alone and I think playing on a server with others would be a lot more fun than playing solo.
How much you can play:
It's variable, but usually, waaay more than I should. Minimum several hours a day usually.
How can you contribute?
I'm really laid back and enjoy the game, more than willing to help people out or build community machines and things like that. I'm generally really laid back and friendly. I'm not the most experienced FTB player, still pretty new, but I'm getting pretty decent at AE and automating machines, which I also enjoy.
Any additional comments: I haven't ever played on a dedicated server, but it sounds like it'd be a blast and I generally play nice with others : P