Accepted! Check your Skype for additional information, see you in-gameIGN: Rickitang
Skype: Rickitang
Banned before?: never
How much can you play?: most likely every weekend
Any additional comments: Hope to join a server. Sick of playing solo

Accepted! Check your inbox for more infoIGN: spendowali
Age(16+): 25
Skype: not created yet
Banned before? If so, why?: nope
How much can you play?: I can play 4 times a week but if I'm busy with work maybe twice a week, depends on my job
Any additional comments: I want to join a server that has a good community and good connectivity with my internet.

Your application has been denied: Gan_fall
Age(16+): 18
Skype: Can send it via pm
Banned before? If so, why?: No
How much can you play?: Everyday for the next month
Any additional comments: I find it impossible to play minecraft alone and I want to get back into modded minecraft.