Whitelist Server Skyward Gaming | 1.7.10 Direwolf20 | Dedicated 24/7 Uptime | 18+ No Drama

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IGN: Hipsterschlampe
Age: 19
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I have been playing modded minecraft for about 1,5 years now I would say, so I am kind of experienced
Playstyle: I like building, bees and quartz.
What is your favorite mod?: I would say Forestry
What is the main rule?: I think 'common sense' is very important for you after repeating that three times c:
IGN: Valdevon96
Age: 18 on December 4th
I've been playing Minecraft since Beta 1.8, and I started with modding at Tekkit 1.2.5 and have never gone back to Vanilla. I consider myself very knowlegable with almost all of those mods.
Play style:
I usually rush straight to tinkers tools and then from there I go into thermal expansion machines and a massive ae2 network with automation and auto crafting etc. I'm hoping to get into magic mods more though.
Favourite Mod: Definitely AE2
The MOST Important Rule: Common Sense

Questions: How many people will you be accepting and how long will we be using one map? I'm hoping to stay on one world for a while so I can get into some really complex build
Note: I'm in university right now so the first half of December I probably won't be on very often as I have Finals :(
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IGN: Caggen
Age: 23
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Long, played a lot of Tekkit/DW20/Unleashed in the past few years.
Playstyle: Progressing through one mod at a time, using other ones when needed. Chatty unless I'm trying to focus on something.
What is your favorite mod?: Currently Blood Magic. Thaumcraft and Botania are also high on my list. Also looking forward to start messing around with Witchery.
What is the main rule?: Something about common sense, I believe ;)
IGN: b0wchicab0w0w
Age: 18
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I have been playing modded minecraft since minecraft 1.0.0 and the mod was tekkit.
Playstyle: I like to play with all of the mods that i can and find loopholes to let me progress faster
What is your favorite mod?:My favorite mod is minecraft forge because it lets us do all of the other things in modded minecraft. but if i had to chose a different mod it would be industrial craft.
What is the main rule?: Common Sense (Use it)
IGN: darkreapa
Age: 19
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Played modded minecraft for around 2 years now and I know practically all the older mods like buildcraft, just learning some of the newer ones like bloodmagic and witchery.
Playstyle: I prefer to have a simple base with advanced machinery, I'm not particularly creative when it comes to my bases, but I'm good at solving issues with machines.
What is your favorite mod?: EnderIO looks extremely interesting to me.
What is the main rule?:
Use common sense
IGN: Stale_Cookie
Age: 23
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I've been playing FTB since it started and I have learned most of the mods, and what I don't know I wiki
Playstyle: Full automation, self sufficient designs with no need of outside influence.
What is your favorite mod?: I really love mystcraft, but most servers, understandably don't allow new ages to be created for memory purposes and I respect that, but It still is one of my favorites.
What is the main rule?: I'm don't know If i need to repeat it 3 times but use common sense would be my guess.

** me and my friend have a number one rule which is "don't suck" which applies to most situations

Well I know you can't tell a lot about these small applications so a bit about myself, I am from the Boston area, currently living in Santiago, Chile so I can speak spanish but I won't.
I'm very taIkative when I play, I prefer TS or Vent but skype is fine with me. The text chat is to slow for me to have fun with, and less personal. Well that's me in a nutshell, and I look forward to hearing from you.
IGN: BackToDeath
Age: 18
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I have been playing modded minecraft since 1.4 pack
Playstyle: I like Machines, Bees and Applied Energistic stuff!.
What is your favorite mod?: All Machines,AE2. Actually many more.
What is the main rule?: 'common sense'!
IGN: DaviesBeast
Age: 18
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing modded minecraft for atleast 2 years now.
Playstyle: I'm a calm, layed back player. I like exploring and building automated machines.
What is your favorite mod?: AE2 then a close second and third are Ender IO and Thermal Expansion
What is the main rule?: Use Common sense!

*One Question* Where's the server located at?
IGN: Hadrosak
Age: 31
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Playing modded MC since first Tekkit, playing FTB DW since 1.4
Playstyle: Rails/exploration/farming
What is your favorite mod?: Forestry/TE
What is the main rule?: Use Common sense!
IGN: subjecttoend
Age: 24
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I've played modded minecraft for over 3 years.
Playstyle: Just to have fun.
What is your favorite mod?: Hard to say i dabble in most of them and yet to have chosen.
What is the main rule?: Use common sense!
IGN: CaptProton17
Age: 40, ish
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft
: I been playing minecraft modded for sometime. FTB packs, AT Launcher pack to name a few. I guess few year,right around beta whenever DW started, wow I'm that old .lol If you need a builder, that I'm not very good. But for supplies and resources, I'm your friend. I spend most time getting the things i need for mods , before i get started doing some crazy builds.
Playstyle: Explorer/ Gathering resouces and having good time..
What is your favorite mod?:That is tough one, but thermoexpansion up there, with some old favorites builcraft. Now I'm getting into ender IO, and botania. Build that crazy device, just to see work for 1 min, then blowup . Naa, but understanding how they function is fun.
What is the main rule?:
Do you really have too ask. really..most common thing, Use Common sense. Like that something you truly forget. lol
IGN: caelans123
Age: 18
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: since like mid tekkit
Playstyle: i like too build first then work on mods and im a very good builder
What is your favorite mod?:ummm thaumcraft maybe i like them all really
What is the main rule?: commmon sense yup
EDIT- forgot too mention if there isn't already a mystcraft mining world and nexus ill most likely make those if you want me to :)
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IGN: Encanis
Age: 27
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Mystic Heathens, Arcanacraft, private modded servers.
Playstyle: PvE, little PvP and lots and lots of research and material gathering.
What is your favorite mod?: TC
What is the main rule?: You don't talk about Fight Club (which is of course, common sense)
IGN: wahle
Age: 24
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: been playing FTB modpacks for a long time now, really since they came out
Playstyle: I tend to focus on working through one or two modpacks before really settling down and building something nice
What is your favorite mod?: probably TC but EnderIO is cool now and I am interested in some of the new mods
What is the main rule?: Use common sense
IGN: Nytro
Age: 22
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been with FTB since it started.
Playstyle: Amass materials early on, and then spend as much time as possible making my base look ridiculous (in a good way).
What is your favorite mod?: Chisel / Openblocks, anything that really allows for more creativity.
What is the main rule?: Common sense, use it. --> http://rs1img.memecdn.com/Common-Sense_o_129992.webp
IGN: damien1114
Age: 20
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing modded for about a year and a half. Been playing FTB for about the same ammount of time
Playstyle: Usually focus on making a tech based base and community builds like a community workshop or power station
What is your favourite mod?: That's a two favourite mods are thermal expansion and thaumcraft
What is the main rule?: Use common Sense :P
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I think its been just over 2 years now since I started with modded minecraft.
Playstyle: I tend to get as much as I can early game then jump between mods i will start with machines then jump over to magic
What is your favorite mod?: Thaumcraft
What is the main rule?: Use common sense
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