FTB Launcher version (if this isn't the newest update update and try again): 1.2.2
Minecraft Version: 1,4,7
Java version: either 7 update 7 (64 bit) or 7 update 13 (32 bit)... (does anyone know why it did not update the 64 bit version?)
Detailed description of the issue / how can the issue be recreated:
leaving my singleplayer-world leaves minecraft with the message "shutting down internal server". after a while I just end java through the taskmanager. starting up still works fine, no corrupted savegame. I did not try if it works fine with another world.
Error logs:
there is none...
any idea if this issue is known?
I play mindcrack, but I added the mystcraft package from direwolf20.
maybe related: minecraft crashes when trying to open the NEI-recipies for lapislazuli. it crashes to desktop, after passing the macerator-recipy.