Nuff said. Show off things that you're proud of. Gloat as much as you want!
Ultimate Solar Helmet- Unbreaking 3, Fire Protection 4, Aqua Affinity 1, Respiration 3, Thorns 3
GraviChestPlate- Unbreaking 3, Thorns 3, Protection 4
QuantumSuit Leggings- Unbreaking 3, Projectile Protection 4, Thorns 3
Boots of the Traveler- Feather Falling 4, Blast Protection 4, Hate 3, Repair 2, Thorns 3, Unbreaking 3
Vajra- Fortune 3, Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3
Pickaxe of the Core- Unbreaking 3, Efficiency 5, Fortune 3, Repair 2
Axe of the Stream- Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3, Repair 2, Silk Touch 1
Advanced Diamond Drill- Efficiency 5, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 3
Advanced Chainsaw- Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3, Silk Touch
Shovel of the Earthmover- Unbreaking 3, Efficiency 5, Repair 2
Your best bet for getting EPIC enchants on armor and tools like I have, is to spend hours at mob grinders using the Soul Shards mod, and pouring your levels into nothing but level 30 book enchants. Adding book enchants onto tools is AMAAAAAZINGLY cheaper than combining different tools, often for lesser enchants.
Hybrid Solars and Ultimate Solars everywhere.
Ultimate Solar Helmet- Unbreaking 3, Fire Protection 4, Aqua Affinity 1, Respiration 3, Thorns 3
GraviChestPlate- Unbreaking 3, Thorns 3, Protection 4
QuantumSuit Leggings- Unbreaking 3, Projectile Protection 4, Thorns 3
Boots of the Traveler- Feather Falling 4, Blast Protection 4, Hate 3, Repair 2, Thorns 3, Unbreaking 3
Vajra- Fortune 3, Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3
Pickaxe of the Core- Unbreaking 3, Efficiency 5, Fortune 3, Repair 2
Axe of the Stream- Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3, Repair 2, Silk Touch 1
Advanced Diamond Drill- Efficiency 5, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 3
Advanced Chainsaw- Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3, Silk Touch
Shovel of the Earthmover- Unbreaking 3, Efficiency 5, Repair 2
Your best bet for getting EPIC enchants on armor and tools like I have, is to spend hours at mob grinders using the Soul Shards mod, and pouring your levels into nothing but level 30 book enchants. Adding book enchants onto tools is AMAAAAAZINGLY cheaper than combining different tools, often for lesser enchants.
Hybrid Solars and Ultimate Solars everywhere.