Share your progress on Infinity Evolved Expert Mode

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I wanted to make a Cafefarm for botania mana but turns out the flower requires pixel dust so I need the Elven Portal so I need to progress still a good amount into Thaumcraft and Witchery.
Alternative I can think about is a Coalfarm then.
I was thinking about a WitherSkeleton Farm in the Nether but I also saw posts on Redcap Goblins from twitghlight forest giving coal and the posibility to use a MFR Spawner in the overworld to spawn them.
Could anyone confirm if this is a thing and if the MFR Spawner works as usual in Expert mode?
Is your ultimate goal here to get a good botania mana farm? Maybe a gourmaryllis farm would be up your alley.

For coal, any quarry is going to be the quickest and easiest way to get it. Coal spawns at all levels in huge quantities; I void most of mine.

MFR grinder does seem to work the same as usual except maybe the mob-essence costs are increased (either as a mod change or a pack change). I wasn't able to keep a persistent MFR grinder running unless it was supported by a cursed-earth spawner.

For powered mob-spawning, EnderIO powered spawners work fairly well. I haven't tried Drac. Spawners yet.
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Is your ultimate goal here to get a good botania mana farm? Maybe a gourmaryllis farm would be up your ally.

For coal, any quarry is going to be the quickest and easiest way to get it. Coal spawns at all levels in huge quantities; I void most of mine.

MFR grinder does seem to work the same as usual except maybe the mob-essence costs are increased (either as a mod change or a pack change). I wasn't able to keep a persistent MFR grinder running unless it was supported by a cursed-earth spawner.

For powered mob-spawning, EnderIO powered spawners work fairly well. I haven't tried Drac. Spawners yet.

I´m far away of Drac Spawners :) EnderIO should be an option indeed.
MFR did that change some versions before already. I wasn’t able to maintain a Spawner by just grinding what he spawned. Before there were a "exploit" with Slimes since it spawned 1 mob which divided into different others and each of them gave essence again. But this is fixed already. So if I use MFR Spawner I always have 1 cursed earth MFRGrinder running just for getting the essence.

So far for the Spawners.

Quarry= possible, but I like "self-sustaining" setups. Atm I´m playing also regrowth with a friend and I jump into infinity only on weekends. So my quarry will run out and my coal will be consumed eventually. I know it’s not a problem since I won’t use the mana but I just don’t like it to be depending on me moving the quarry.

I definitely want to get a good botania mana farm and coal was what I knew from regrowth (op magic Crop + Agricraft coal farm).
I did totally forget Gourmaryllis :) I think stuffed Eggs is the food that’s used most is it?

I´m far away of Drac Spawners :) EnderIO should be an option indeed.
MFR did that change some versions before already. I wasn’t able to maintain a Spawner by just grinding what he spawned. Before there were a "exploit" with Slimes since it spawned 1 mob which divided into different others and each of them gave essence again. But this is fixed already. So if I use MFR Spawner I always have 1 cursed earth MFRGrinder running just for getting the essence.

So far for the Spawners.

Quarry= possible, but I like "self-sustaining" setups. Atm I´m playing also regrowth with a friend and I jump into infinity only on weekends. So my quarry will run out and my coal will be consumed eventually. I know it’s not a problem since I won’t use the mana but I just don’t like it to be depending on me moving the quarry.

I definitely want to get a good botania mana farm and coal was what I knew from regrowth (op magic Crop + Agricraft coal farm).
I did totally forget Gourmaryllis :) I think stuffed Eggs is the food that’s used most is it?

Yeah, the quarry thing is not self-sustaining. Its possible you could do this with MFR Laser Drills but I've never used them (for some reason) so I don't know how cost-effective it would be energy-wise to get your coal.

For Gourmaryllis: I've never made one. I planned to a couple weeks ago but one of the runes was slightly outta my reach. I can make it now but I keep forgetting to go do it :p

Speaking of crops: they're not nearly as user-friendly as AgriCraft, but the IC2 crop system (which agricraft is based on) is still present, and one of the plants is "witherweed". You can get coal from that. (There's a lot of great IC2 crops btw, if you miss the resource-crops from agricraft)

On the downside, it will take you 100x longer to get that crop and max out its stands than Agricraft would (probably not exaggerating)

edit: crap, I lied, a lot of the great IC2 crops were actually added by Gregtech. Including Withereed :\
Beef Wellington is best for crops, you'll need to set up spinach, mushrooms and wheat for plants, a basic autocrafting system should make producing dough from wheat trivial as infinite water supplies are easy. Then you've just got to supply the beef, your most notable options are soybeans with an array of pressers for tofu or a chronotyper and pure mana, the mana produces cows incredibly quickly and the chronotyper sends all the baby cows off to a grinder or however you want to kill them. I'd probably go a brief drop to help separate them before a grinder or spikes or the like.

Note this also provides good RF yen via culinary generators, adds the other advantage of the cow route, it's much easier to produce a ton of beef than having 50 pressers or however many you need to keep up with looting 3 and their production rate. You might be able to find a use for the thousands of leather you get too, not sure of one offhand though.
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Progress: I made 9 more recyclers yesterday. I didn't realize these things consumed such a tiny amount of power even when overclocked. So the 750 eu/t they're getting from a dedicated reactor is pretty overkill.

Each has 6 overclockers because I ran outta distilled water. I'm considering adding some steam turbines that will do nothing but transformer water into distilled water. Also my 64-bucket distilled water reservoir isn't cutting it, I'll need to greatly increase that.

I'm using ender chests for the first time for item transportation. I've always avoided them as a crutch, but jeez they make life easier. (Right, crutch)

Almost all my power is currently nuclear. I have a bit of energy coming from a tier-2 survivalist generator setup and a bit from a Reactant dynamo setup, but the rest is fission. (Its NuclearCraft in my case, but Big Reactors would have served the exact same purpose.)
Do yourself a favor and add two more - it will actually be more energy efficient (defined here as EU consumed to process 1 cobblestone) to bring it down to 1 tick per cycle. I found recyclers have a number of weird breakpoints when I checked recently. 1 overclocker is more efficient than 0 overclockers, and 5 & 6 have the exact same efficiency. 10 is only using about 5% more EU per scrap than 7. So it basically only makes sense to have 1-4, 6, or 10 overclockers in your recyclers.

Details from:

Well that is wonderful news. I had made an incorrect assumption - that you can just keep adding Overclockers forever. I never realized there is an absolute limit of 1 operation per tick, but it makes perfect sense. Thanks for pointing this concept out, and for linking that wiki page. It sure is a lot easier when you can just say "put 10 Overclockers in each Recycler and be done with it".
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Beef Wellington is best for crops, you'll need to set up spinach, mushrooms and wheat for plants, a basic autocrafting system should make producing dough from wheat trivial as infinite water supplies are easy. Then you've just got to supply the beef, your most notable options are soybeans with an array of pressers for tofu or a chronotyper and pure mana, the mana produces cows incredibly quickly and the chronotyper sends all the baby cows off to a grinder or however you want to kill them. I'd probably go a brief drop to help separate them before a grinder or spikes or the like.

Note this also provides good RF yen via culinary generators, adds the other advantage of the cow route, it's much easier to produce a ton of beef than having 50 pressers or however many you need to keep up with looting 3 and their production rate. You might be able to find a use for the thousands of leather you get too, not sure of one offhand though.
Since its weekend I will go for this :)
Pure Mana is out of range for me atm since I do not have the elven portal. I will go for stuffed eggs and change production over once I get the pure mana.
Do baby cows give drops too?
Pure Mana is out of range for me atm since I do not have the elven portal. I will go for stuffed eggs and change production over once I get the pure mana.
Why does pure mana need the elven portal? It's mana infused metal + primal mana isn't it? And that's just draconium, xp, pokefennium, and fairy, honestly the hardest part is the cobalt/ardite, draconium is trivial to find in the end and xp is massively plentiful, mana infused metal is similarly trivial to get being a free conversion from silver, blood could be somewhat annoying I suppose, that's fairly easy to get though. I mean I haven't actually gotten around to updating to 2.3.5 but nothing is listed in the couple of minor versions I never bothered to download.
hmmm then I have to check the recipt again. For some reason I put it to "after Elven Portal" in my to-Do list the other day. Maybe I just missunderstood how Mana infused metal is made.
hmmm then I have to check the recipt again. For some reason I put it to "after Elven Portal" in my to-Do list the other day. Maybe I just missunderstood how Mana infused metal is made.
Mana infused metal is made by placing thermal foundation silver ore or silver blocks into the world and then placing a bucket of primal mana so either the source or the flowing primal mana is adjacent to the silver and it will turn it into mana infused metal. It also does a couple of other transmutations, notably lead to gold, lapis ore to lapis blocks, and farmland to mycelium.
Primal mana is the hard part here then. But you are right, its not behind the elven portal then.
There were a post some days ago about the Primal Mana so thats probbably why I decided to not go down this way.
But given that I will need a animal farm soon anyway it may worth the effort.
Primal mana isn't that bad to be honest, xp is trivial in many different ways, personally an autosmelt lumber axe gave most of it but tons of things would work. Just run around with fortune 3 in the end to get all the draconium you could need, well not all of it to be fair but several hundred at least. Iron and obsidian are easy to obtain for pokefennium and fairy metal, blood as mentioned is pretty easy, you said you had cursed earth right? Just chuck some down and knock a few mobs in and you'll get all you want. Then all you've got to do is get cobalt and ardite, that was the annoying part for me, particularly as I accidentally alloyed them at first, you need something like 8 ingots of each iirc, and then you'll be able to get a bucket of primal mana which is enough to create the mana infused metal and then you can recycle the bucket of primal mana back into to get your first pure mana block. At least I'm pretty sure I didn't need extra.
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Primal mana isn't that bad to be honest, xp is trivial in many different ways, personally an autosmelt lumber axe gave most of it but tons of things would work. Just run around with fortune 3 in the end to get all the draconium you could need, well not all of it to be fair but several hundred at least. Iron and obsidian are easy to obtain for pokefennium and fairy metal, blood as mentioned is pretty easy, you said you had cursed earth right? Just chuck some down and knock a few mobs in and you'll get all you want. Then all you've got to do is get cobalt and ardite, that was the annoying part for me, particularly as I accidentally alloyed them at first, you need something like 8 ingots of each iirc, and then you'll be able to get a bucket of primal mana which is enough to create the mana infused metal and then you can recycle the bucket of primal mana back into to get your first pure mana block. At least I'm pretty sure I didn't need extra.
I personally find primal mana to be annoying to make. Probably because of all the sub-metals required and the math (and knowledge of what blocks make how much mb of a liquid). Its hard to toss everything in and end up with no leftover metals.

I typically just make a bunch of support tanks to hold leftovers.

Also getting blood is a pita.
You know blood can be gained by just throwing mobs in a smeltery right? Just setup pure love for a few minutes before dumping the cows in or some fans and cursed earth and you should get boatloads of the stuff.

The metals are also fairly easy to balance, the only issue is that cobalt and ardite alloy with each other which you have to avoid. To create two batches of primal mana you need 4 draconium, 1 block of obsidian, 1 iron ingot, 1 ardite, 1 cobalt, 20 buckets of xp, and some blood. Just get something whether it's a separate smeltery or time delays to keep manyullyn from forming and you're set.
You know blood can be gained by just throwing mobs in a smeltery right? Just setup pure love for a few minutes before dumping the cows in or some fans and cursed earth and you should get boatloads of the stuff.

The metals are also fairly easy to balance, the only issue is that cobalt and ardite alloy with each other which you have to avoid. To create two batches of primal mana you need 4 draconium, 1 block of obsidian, 1 iron ingot, 1 ardite, 1 cobalt, 20 buckets of xp, and some blood. Just get something whether it's a separate smeltery or time delays to keep manyullyn from forming and you're set.
Maybe I'll try the pure love thing. I know about the mobs, but I don't have a lot of great methods for them in my personal arsenal.

I forget how much liquid you get from a block of obsidian, but that tends to throw my math off each time.
You require 1 obsidian ingot per fairy ingot? Can't rmember which is which, but yeah an obsidian block should be exactly the right amount for 2 ingots and they alloy in lots of 2 ingots.
@Xavion Did you had any influense on the development of "pure love"? :D Its like all your post I read for several weeks now the solution is Pure love...
Or you are from the 60 and still stuck there or you should look into this lol
Also getting blood is a pita.

The easiest way I've found to get blood in the smeltery is Railcraft's blood stained block. It's just some raw beef or zombie flesh combined with smooth sandstone. Melt it down in the smeltery and you have blood. I preferr this since it's easy to make and easy to keep some on hand.
The easiest way I've found to get blood in the smeltery is Railcraft's blood stained block. It's just some raw beef or zombie flesh combined with smooth sandstone. Melt it down in the smeltery and you have blood. I preferr this since it's easy to make and easy to keep some on hand.
That's what I do too, but I find I've run outta zombie flesh :p (need to restart my cursed earth spawner I think)
This very silly thing is one of my first uses of a transvector interface.

I got impatient waiting for solar distillers to generate distilled water. So instead I'm trying to leverage all this extra coal I have by using solid heat generators to make steam. Steam condenses into distilled water (much more quickly than a solar distillers.)

The problem with my plan is that you need 5 solid heat generators (connected to the steam generator) to maintain boiling temperature, and two sides must be reserved for steam output and water input. It turns out transvector interfaces will transfer water, so I'm pumping water into that (via transfer nodes) and that frees up the 5th solid heat generator side I need.


It would have been nicer if I could have pumped HEAT into the transvector interface, but probably more abusive too: I likely could have generated superheated steam with coal :)