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In case anyone isn't aware dirt is terrible for growing ender lilies, end stone is better (and easy enough to manufacture with tinker's construct).

The TC recipe for endstone is disabled on expert, or it was for us. Pearls wouldn't melt down. However, you can melt down endermen by capturing them (I think it gave us 1250mB worth, which is a lot of endstone).

So I tried to breed some wheat, all 1/1/1 after analyzing and using crop sticks I keep on getting weeds... weeds weeds and more weeds.... Any hints?

Get a watering can and do it manually. The 3 seeds you need can easily be gotten in vollages with agricraft building. I took pumpkins and sugar cane to 10/10/10 in about 20 minutes. Use a + pattern, leaving the center one empty.
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So I tried to breed some wheat, all 1/1/1 after analyzing and using crop sticks I keep on getting weeds... weeds weeds and more weeds.... Any hints?

First of all make sure the crops that are the parents are fully grown. If they are not, generally all you will get is weeds.
I have everything I need to start AE, just waiting for that 128 iridium to finish up. I'm at 38 right now, but all other parts are made. The ME controller is easily the hardest thing i've ever made in minecraft. The requirements are insane, and until you really start attempting to make it you won't understand how insane. As I was making it, I had to go farm for stuff multiple times. I also had to make mob spawners for the galgadorian ingots. I had to make 8k RF/t (ish) worth of power to be able to keep scrap in the mass fab and keep making iridium 24/7. Which is way harder to do in expert mode. Even at full speed, it's very slow. Probably will have to leave the server on all of today while it finishes up.

Don't get me started on the machines required to do this either, it requires so many high end machines from so many mods. Each one takes an insane amount of complex materials to make, looking at you IC2/solar panel machines. I was probably crafting for a straight 6 hours before I had them all set up and every step of the way I was thinking "almost there... oh wait...". It just never ends.

Looking back on it, and knowing other things also require the same steps (AE power acceptor, AE chest, solar panels, etc)... I really don't know if I could force myself to make another one. It's far too complex to automate with AE I think, but boy that would be a sweet setup to see. They went a tad overboard here in my opinion.

Time in world: 122 hours. No messing around or making things look nice. It just took that long to get that far into the tech tree. After I get AE setup, going to start remodeling. I think my biggest complaints with expert so far is: Iridium and Plutonium. Forcing some on you is fine, requires you to get into IC2. Forcing the amount they do on you, well, it's a bit much. I still don't get how a big reactor is even remotely possible. Even the smallest one will require insane materials and time to make, while producing way less power than other things.

Also, is there anyway to get more than 2048EU/t to my machines? Creating both the Iridium and Sunnarium at the same time requires more than that, and you need lots, so the machines throttle even though there's power in the MSFU. Do you have to just make multiple MFSUs? The recipe is quite tedious.. not sure I want to do that.
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The TC recipe for endstone is disabled on expert, or it was for us. Pearls wouldn't melt down. However, you can melt down endermen by capturing them (I think it gave us 1250mB worth, which is a lot of endstone).

Get a watering can and do it manually. The 3 seeds you need can easily be gotten in vollages with agricraft building. I took pumpkins and sugar cane to 10/10/10 in about 20 minutes. Use a + pattern, leaving the center one empty.
Pumpkins and sugar cane? You working on biodiesel? :p

Honestly I wouldn't mind some of the insane higher tier crafting recipies if it were on other mods. I just don't see why storage is so damn expensive. They basically made the most tedious part of the game the hardest to tech through. All these recipies would be more interesting if I could set up AE to autocraft them for instance. The reason none of the other storage mods are as popular as AE is because they are not as *good*. I don't have too many complaints with power gen really other than that they are gated really weird. (IE's cheap renewable water wheels and thermos are lower tier, what?) You know what having all these recipes be on other mods would mean? I'd actually have projects to work on that don't consist of me manually crafting everything. I never want to make another advanced nano chest armor in my life.

I really like this pack but it has some really odd design decisions.
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The TC recipe for endstone is disabled on expert, or it was for us. Pearls wouldn't melt down. However, you can melt down endermen by capturing them (I think it gave us 1250mB worth, which is a lot of endstone).

Get a watering can and do it manually. The 3 seeds you need can easily be gotten in vollages with agricraft building. I took pumpkins and sugar cane to 10/10/10 in about 20 minutes. Use a + pattern, leaving the center one empty.

You can use a magma crucible to make resonant ender then either pump it into the drain of a TC smeltery or use a portable tank attached to the drain via a fluid pipe.
With so many recipes changed in expert mode it would be nice to have either an addition to/or a new WIKI to make it easier to check things out. I know... NEI, which I use all the time, but a wiki would also be nice.
After 10 hours of bee breeding with forestry I almost have my Infinity bee. Man it was a lot of work I should have looked at using the extrabees machines but it’s changed since I last used it in 1.4.7.
If you are looking for bees and you having issues like I did, (couldn’t find a desert) the Botania Beegonia flower will be your best bet at getting basic bees.

I almost ready to build all my Gendustry machines the only issue is I don’t have the power :(
The reason none of the other storage mods are as popular as AE is because they're more complicated than AE*
Complicated /= good. Beyond that my problem with it is two fold. Number one, the actual storage of items is far more tedious with out AE than it really should be. Dozens of chests and barrels shouldn't be a thing. Inventory management shouldn't be something I fight constantly usability wise in a game. Number two, the actual storage mods... They work well for machines where you don't notice time spent waiting for items to travel. That said the ones that try to replciate the terminals from AE just fall short. Logi pipes has the wait for items to actually get there which completely kill it's usefulness even if it is really cool. The inventory panel from EIO comes closer but ends up just being a watered down AE system. Though I'd argue it's stronger than the LP table. Though I need to test and see if LP can request through a EIO network. If so requesting for auto crafting from conduits would make the two of them a pretty dynamic duo.

If I had my way and I dev'd minecraft you'd be able to access your entire bases storage all from your inventory. You can balance it to be based on a radius or whatever but needing to walk and hunt through dozens of chests to find one item isn't good ui or game design. At least then having organized chests and barrels and drawers would still be useful and there'd be gameplay of keeping them organized to avoid wasted space if you so desire, but it'd make hunting individual items suck less. AE was pretty genius in how the terminals work.
Complicated /= good. Beyond that my problem with it is two fold. Number one, the actual storage of items is far more tedious with out AE than it really should be. Dozens of chests and barrels shouldn't be a thing. Inventory management shouldn't be something I fight constantly usability wise in a game. Number two, the actual storage mods... They work well for machines where you don't notice time spent waiting for items to travel. That said the ones that try to replciate the terminals from AE just fall short. Logi pipes has the wait for items to actually get there which completely kill it's usefulness even if it is really cool. The inventory panel from EIO comes closer but ends up just being a watered down AE system. Though I'd argue it's stronger than the LP table. Though I need to test and see if LP can request through a EIO network. If so requesting for auto crafting from conduits would make the two of them a pretty dynamic duo.

If I had my way and I dev'd minecraft you'd be able to access your entire bases storage all from your inventory. You can balance it to be based on a radius or whatever but needing to walk and hunt through dozens of chests to find one item isn't good ui or game design. At least then having organized chests and barrels and drawers would still be useful and there'd be gameplay of keeping them organized to avoid wasted space if you so desire, but it'd make hunting individual items suck less. AE was pretty genius in how the terminals work.

So like a portable enderchest that is absolutely enormous. Neat.

And before I set up my AE2 system, I use the cheaper version of storage in RFTools, like the AE system. But sadly, I'm pretty sure that RFTools machine block thingy was made to be much harder to craft, so I guess I'm not doing that anytime soon.
Tonight - after a week of hunting dangerous creepers and avoiding zombies and skeletons in the forests around my base - I got just enough GunPowder to build my TNT blocks for the blast bricks to make my Blast Furnace :)

Now I will build my TK tool forge and make myself a nice hammer to do some serious mining! :) YAY!

I'm not sure of how long I've been playing my current world, but I've gone through ~30 with some pretty bad spawns (Underwater (bottom of a beach, bottom of a Deep Ocean), up a Natura Redwood, on a Slime Island, inside the wall of a Witchery walled village, etc.). I've finally found a world that I'm happy with.

I've played long enough to get my bucket, a Smeltery, an IE Coke Oven, and an IE Blast Furnace. I have about 2 blocks of steel sitting in reserves on top of about 48 bottles of Creosote, need to get a tank going soon. Currently debating on which route I'm going to go down, but I'm leaning towards magic as I spawned. effectively, in the middle of a Botania Primus Loci, so I already have a foothold in Botania sitting about 50 blocks from where I've set up. Tech will likely come later once I've stocked up on more materials.

The thing that's got me turned around is my shortage of gold. I only have a few ingots on hand right now (~6 I think), the Nether isn't accessible to me, so farming the Zomps (Long story...) aren't an option for me, and I can't find a village anywhere nearby that has a TiCon guy trading Gold Oreberry bushes for things. Any tips?
So like a portable enderchest that is absolutely enormous. Neat.

And before I set up my AE2 system, I use the cheaper version of storage in RFTools, like the AE system. But sadly, I'm pretty sure that RFTools machine block thingy was made to be much harder to craft, so I guess I'm not doing that anytime soon.
Kinda. You wouldn't be able to access it outside of the radius though. So it'd basically be "Are you in your base? If so you can see your entire storage system in your inventory" Kinda like having access to an AE terminal in your base at all times. Mainly because I think the idea of managing inventories is good, but the ui behind it is garbage. You can still run out of space and you need to keep up on top of it so organizing is still useful, but hunting things down shouldn't ever be a problem in my opinion.
Kinda. You wouldn't be able to access it outside of the radius though. So it'd basically be "Are you in your base? If so you can see your entire storage system in your inventory" Kinda like having access to an AE terminal in your base at all times. Mainly because I think the idea of managing inventories is good, but the ui behind it is garbage. You can still run out of space and you need to keep up on top of it so organizing is still useful, but hunting things down shouldn't ever be a problem in my opinion.

While it's not exactly what your thinking of, the Botania bauble "The Spectator" will allow you to track down virtually any inventory that contains the item/block that you're currently holding via a glow or sparkle effect. I'm not 100% sure that it's capable of rendering that effect through walls though.

I do agree that something like that, would be nice... Although... Logistics Pipes are in the pack, if you're willing to invest the resources & learn how the mod works (and the feature is still a thing), once you have access to EnderStorage Ender Chests & Ender Pouches, you could access your storage system from almost anywhere via a Remote Orderer, a Supplier Pipe hooked up to the Ender Chest, and a linked Ender Pouch. LP, if my memory serves, has integration with AE in that it can access items and such from the network via a Supplier & Request Pipe (I think) hooked up to an Interface.
I'm not sure of how long I've been playing my current world, but I've gone through ~30 with some pretty bad spawns (Underwater (bottom of a beach, bottom of a Deep Ocean), up a Natura Redwood, on a Slime Island, inside the wall of a Witchery walled village, etc.).

When I make new worlds, I look around my room and pick a random thing... I tried Guitar Hero on Tour...

Ocean Biome, three or four small sand islands no bigger than 5 blocks wide.. Went creative to look around... nothing... Good luck!

You want a challenge, try that....
When I make new worlds, I look around my room and pick a random thing... I tried Guitar Hero on Tour...

Ocean Biome, three or four small sand islands no bigger than 5 blocks wide.. Went creative to look around... nothing... Good luck!

You want a challenge, try that....

Worst part of these spawns was that the seed entry was left blank so they were all random. Hell, the Deep Ocean one had absolutely no land anywhere in render range.
I'm not sure of how long I've been playing my current world, but I've gone through ~30 with some pretty bad spawns (Underwater (bottom of a beach, bottom of a Deep Ocean), up a Natura Redwood, on a Slime Island, inside the wall of a Witchery walled village, etc.). I've finally found a world that I'm happy with.

I've played long enough to get my bucket, a Smeltery, an IE Coke Oven, and an IE Blast Furnace. I have about 2 blocks of steel sitting in reserves on top of about 48 bottles of Creosote, need to get a tank going soon. Currently debating on which route I'm going to go down, but I'm leaning towards magic as I spawned. effectively, in the middle of a Botania Primus Loci, so I already have a foothold in Botania sitting about 50 blocks from where I've set up. Tech will likely come later once I've stocked up on more materials.

The thing that's got me turned around is my shortage of gold. I only have a few ingots on hand right now (~6 I think), the Nether isn't accessible to me, so farming the Zomps (Long story...) aren't an option for me, and I can't find a village anywhere nearby that has a TiCon guy trading Gold Oreberry bushes for things. Any tips?

Next time you spawn on a Slime Island, do remember that you can make your way down from it with relative ease just by digging a hole in the side of the pool of slimy water to freedom and the surface. It'll probably take you a couple of blocks of dirt to dig through but you should be easily able to make a waterslide you can simply float safely down on if you're careful. :D

If you make Tinker's Construct tools from slimy materials it can be the repair material for the tool, and as tools with slimy parts in them spawn blue slimes, you have repair materials for days! :D I find it quite fun to build a TiC Excavator, and slap auto-repair on it with some mossy cobble, and become a dirt digging machine! It's also handy for clearing gravel "veins" out of your mining areas. ;-)

Cheers ...

I started work on my Big Reactor and then I found I needed RTG Fuel to make the fuel rods...... Not played with industrialcraft for a while after checking around in NEI I need Depleted Uranium Fuel Rod get Plutonium to craft RTG fuel .
I built 2 Reactors. it's so slow I haven't even done one cycle yet is there a faster way to get the RTG Fuel?
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I started work on my Big Reactor and then I found I needed RTG Fuel to make the fuel rods...... Not playied with industrialcraft for a while after checking around in NEI I need Depleted Uranium Fuel Rod get Plutonium to craft RTG fuel .
I built 2 Reactors. it's so slow I haven't even done one cycle yet is there a faster way to get the RTG Fuel?

No there is isn't, just more reactors. I use the reactor planner from since it appears to be more up-to-date than the other.

I'm going to work on this design tonight: