In case anyone isn't aware dirt is terrible for growing ender lilies, end stone is better (and easy enough to manufacture with tinker's construct).
The TC recipe for endstone is disabled on expert, or it was for us. Pearls wouldn't melt down. However, you can melt down endermen by capturing them (I think it gave us 1250mB worth, which is a lot of endstone).
So I tried to breed some wheat, all 1/1/1 after analyzing and using crop sticks I keep on getting weeds... weeds weeds and more weeds.... Any hints?
Get a watering can and do it manually. The 3 seeds you need can easily be gotten in vollages with agricraft building. I took pumpkins and sugar cane to 10/10/10 in about 20 minutes. Use a + pattern, leaving the center one empty.
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