Best policy for JVM arguements is don't use them if you aren't sure they will help.
If the screen is still jittering, there should be this option in AppliedEnergistics.cfg
# graphics
# Adjust Visual quality of complicated rendering.
graphics {
Try turning the cable animation to false.
Sorry for the late reply, RL got in the way
Turned the animations off, no noticeable improvements, but every bit helps i guess
I did fix a bit of noobness on my part, mainly the extra energy storage in the IC2 machines i was running with 8 OC's all hooked up to AE xD
Those things were processing just fine, but every processed dust/ingot just drained the machine completely, got refilled instantly and then drained again... do that with a couple of stacks x the amount of machines... doesn't help much

I mightve gone a bit overkill in my first FTB survival world (having turtles and quarys dig for you gives you a whole lotta time!) so tuning that back down a bit (not using 6 OC'd furnaces or centrifuges to generate copper from lava

) will give us some more breathing room xD
2 reactors @ 2k EU/t with auto-repairing LZH condensators pumping into 4 banks of 8 MFSU's each keeps everything running just fine ^_^ ... god i love this new stuff, so much to do!!
I might hop on to 1.5 now that Direwolf and FTB have released some new packs, but seeing as RP2 and some other mods we've come to enjoy aren't yet in there i might hold if off.
We'll see, still have to try them out.
Thanks for all the help, it gave me some more understanding on the inner workings of the server/code