Problem Server End of Streams All Players Often

Captain Digital

Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
This will probably be a difficult problem to help me resolve since I hardly understand what is causing it, but I'll do my best to explain. I apologize if this has been asked before, but I searched as much as possible and could not find a similar issue reported.

I run a Feed the Beast Ultimate 1.0.1 server. I do not use 1.0.2 or 1.1.0 because they are not recommended yet. I am also using MCPC Plus to run some bukkit plugins on the server. I am using MCPC Plus Legacy build 38.

So I will now attempt to explain the situation: Every so often, the server will become unresponsive for at least 10 seconds and End of Stream everybody (Well, the console says everybody end of streamed). When this happens, the CPU just goes to 1% - 5% and stays there for the whole 10 seconds. The console says nothing about the event except that all the players disconnected because of being End of Streamed. Right before the end of streaming happens, everything looks fine. The CPU and RAM are at average levels and are not being overloaded. It catches everybody by surprise. I try to ask everybody to tell me what they were doing right before it happened, but I only heard responses like, "Just building my base," or, "Opening my furnace."

Are there any known problems with the mods or MCPC Plus that causes this? Could it possibly be a plugin error (list of plugins at the bottom of this post)? Could opening some sort of GUI be causing it?

I am using a dedicated server and I contacted the host about this a while ago, but was told that the server was running perfectly fine from their end, no hardware issues or anything. One of them even monitored the server for a day and even when the server was end of streaming everybody, everything appeared normal from their end.

This is some of the server information that I just copied out of a crash log.
Minecraft Version: 1.4.7
Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2 (amd64) version 6.1
Java Version: 1.7.0, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
JVM Flags: 2 total; -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -Xmx3072M
AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed
IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0

List of Bukkit Plugins: AutoMessage, Buycraft, Essentials, EssentialsAntiBuild, EssentialsChat, EssentialsGeoIP, EssentialsGroupBridge, EssentialsGroupManager, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, GriefPrevention, LogBlock, MCMA_compat, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Inventories, Multiverse-NetherPortals, Multiverse-Portals, Multiverse-SignPortals, PluginControl, PluginController, PrivateWarp, PublicWarp, Skript, TekkitCustomizer, Vault, WorldEdit, WorldGuard.

Other Information: No mods are disabled on my server. Only parts of mods are. Some of the things that are disabled on my server are Mystcraft Ages, Xycraft Tanks, and all chunk loaders except the ChickenChunks one.

I have heard about the mod TickThreading and am tempted to use it, but don't because it simply isn't stable enough to put on my server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The fact that its kicking everyone leads me to believe this is a network error.

Which server hosting company are you with? (please don't say PlugPayPlay)

Captain Digital

Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
The fact that its kicking everyone leads me to believe this is a network error.

Which server hosting company are you with? (please don't say PlugPayPlay)

I use Fragnet. The problem is that when I contacted them about it and this one person monitored it, he said that during the end of streams, the server appeared to be running fine from his end.

Edit: I just read a tweet from somebody that says, "Never use MaxPermSize, use Permize, to avoid lag spikes." Could this possible be my problem? If I was to change to this, would I use XX:permSize=512M or something else? I'm not too familiar with Java flags. The reason I put the MaxPermSize parameter on my server in the first place was because I kept crashing from the Permgen memory running out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We have both although its PermSize=256 and MaxPermSize=512, not that it should make any difference but we dont suffer from end of streams or lag because of it.

Compared to your list, we have Essentials, EssentialsAntiBuild, EssentialsChat, GriefPrevention, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Inventories, Multiverse-NetherPortals, Multiverse-Portals, Vault, WorldEdit, WorldGuard. But we are still using MCPC+ build 15.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can these be set on a commercial server likge Fragnet? How? Are they stored in a config file? Which one?

Captain Digital

Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, seeing as this never got resolved, I'll just bump this instead of making a new thread.

So, nowadays, I'm running a server with FTB: Unleashed (With GregTech added and Biomes O Plenty switched with ExtraBiomesXL because we prefer it) and MCPC Plus Legacy Build 644 for 1.5.2. The same issue is still happening though. People are just minding their own business when the server decides to just have a 10 second lag spike and kicks them all. The server RAM and CPU are usually in good ranges when this happens. They generally aren't above 60%. I was thinking it might have been bandwidth issues, but after contacting Fragnet about it, they told me that they allow my server to have unlimited bandwidth.

Anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening or how to fix it? Thanks in advance!