Closed secret rooms 5 items kill frames


Aaron Zabel

Summary of the problem secret rooms 5 items kill frames

Pack Version 1.0.0 / 1.1.0

What is the bug? placing any items from the mod pack "secret rooms 5" brings down the frames from steady 60 to 3-24fps depending on block it is placed on(grass, gravel, sand bring it to 24fps and cobble brings it down to 3fps) , removing the block after placing does little to help. A restart is required to get frames normalized again.

Mod & Version secret rooms 5 5.1.11

Link to log file

Is it repeatable? yes just place any "hidden" block from secret rooms 5

Known Fix removing blocks and relaunching.


It's fixed in versions 5.1.12/5.1.13 of the mod, Hopefully the next version of the pack will have the fixed versions in.

(If you're playing singleplayer I'd suggest just manually updating the mod for now)