So, I was thinking earlier about some modpacks I used to play, and there was one in particular that I was hoping to be able to find and try out again. I have no idea what the name is, or even if it was FTB sponsored/made or not. I've searched online and haven't been able to find the modpack, so I was hoping that I could get some help on here.
From the little I remember of it, it was a challenge map of sorts. Similar to the Pyramid pack, where you had to turn in certain items, but instead of a pyramid map, I remember this as more of a prison-style layout. Certain rooms/areas of the map were locked behind Thaumcraft warded doors, and you needed to get the specific key in order to unlock a door. If I remember correctly, the main way you obtained ores, at least early on, was through Tinkers Construct oreberry bushes. I don't remember the exact Minecraft version, but I believe it was either 1.4.7 or 1.5.2. I didn't start modded Minecraft until 1.6.4, but I did play some of the older packs as well, and would love if anyone could help me find this modpack. I am almost positive that it was on the FTB Legacy launcher back when it was still the main launcher, but I haven't been able to find it on either the legacy launcher or the Twitch launcher.
Thank you for any help you can give.
From the little I remember of it, it was a challenge map of sorts. Similar to the Pyramid pack, where you had to turn in certain items, but instead of a pyramid map, I remember this as more of a prison-style layout. Certain rooms/areas of the map were locked behind Thaumcraft warded doors, and you needed to get the specific key in order to unlock a door. If I remember correctly, the main way you obtained ores, at least early on, was through Tinkers Construct oreberry bushes. I don't remember the exact Minecraft version, but I believe it was either 1.4.7 or 1.5.2. I didn't start modded Minecraft until 1.6.4, but I did play some of the older packs as well, and would love if anyone could help me find this modpack. I am almost positive that it was on the FTB Legacy launcher back when it was still the main launcher, but I haven't been able to find it on either the legacy launcher or the Twitch launcher.
Thank you for any help you can give.