School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanatos is still very much alive. Now with cybernetic arm action! As fe the Greek gods fitting in, a while back I posted a picture of Chuck from supernatural. I think tech understood it :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanatos is still very much alive. Now with cybernetic arm action! As fe the Greek gods fitting in, a while back I posted a picture of Chuck from supernatural. I think tech understood it :p

Considering Chuck has written about pagan gods I doubt he cares. He's probably super [DATA EXPUNGED] at [DATA EXPUNGED] for [DATA EXPUNGED] all the [DATA EXPUNGED] out of [DATA EXPUNGED] and took [DATA EXPUNGED]'s [DATA EXPUNGED].

This has more data expunged than 231. Don't search that one btw Whizz, you'll hate it, srsly.

It freaks me out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"You nearly gave us the slip there, Marshall." The man looked at him over the tops of his bifocal lenses. "No matter. You're right back here where you belong."

Marshall said nothing.

"Your attempt at escape was misguided, but I have been authorized to let it go this time. Do you understand, Marshall?" The man paused and scribbled something on his notepad. "I see you have food. Why don't you eat? I'm sure it would help ease the pain in your head." The man pointed at Marshall's food tray with the tip of his pen.

Marshall glanced over then returned his gaze to a spot on the wall behind the man.

"I'm going to explain something to you." The man leaned forward and held up the folder with Marshall's information. "Here at the Institute you are known as SCP-2987. When I go and make my report to my superiors, I will refer to you only as SCP-2987. When I write orders for your care or punishment, I will refer only to SCP-2987. In this cell, you can still be Marshall Sanchez, but only if you cooperate."

"What is your name?" Marshall's voice came out as an ethereal whisper, the result of dessicated vocal chords.

"You may call me Researcher for now."

"Then you may call me Forgotten. You left me to rot and die twice. The second time I got to have a little fun first, but you will forget me again. God help all of you when you do." Marshall's face twisted into a dry grin.

The Researcher nodded. "Fine, you will be known as the Forgotten as you wish. I would like to begin a series of tests concerning your abilities. You came in here initially because you have the ability to see into a random point of the future but for only thirty seconds at a time."

"What do I get out of doing this?"

"I'm sorry? I thought the answer was apparent, Forgotten."

"I don't see any upside for helping." Marshall smirked at the Researcher.

"If you help, we will eventually allow you access to other persons who have come to live here under similar circumstances to yourself. We can bring you to people who will never forget you."

"I just want to die. There's nothing left for me to do. I look forward and see a hollow life filled with unending experiments and rewards and punishments and all those things you keep writing and think I can't see but I can because I see everything from over here..." Marshall's paper-thin voice trailed off. "If you want, I could give you the results of all of your experiments right now."

"That would certainly be interesting. According to your last evaluation, you were unable to pinpoint the place in time that your future visions came from."

"Weeks of starvation and the distant paths of the future as your only companion can really change things, Researcher. I had an ability in much the same way that a baby has the ability to walk. Babies don't have the muscle or coordination to get up on their feet until they exercise through crawling and sitting up and all those little baby things they do." Marshall smiled truly now. "My visions were the equivalent of a baby learning to get up on all fours. I hadn't even started crawling yet."

"In what stage of development do you believe you are currently?"

"I can walk slowly. Your people forced me to run before I was ready and I fell. I won't make that mistake again."

The Researcher nodded and scribbled.

"Funny. Yes, I can read that. I'll do my best to describe it. You see me here sitting on my cot while you ask questions and scribble away." Marshall looked at the camera in the corner of the cell. "All the time, the possibility remains that I can stand up and get a peek before you pull your notes away. I look into that future for a moment and see what you just wrote. If I wanted to read my whole file, for instance, I would look down the future where that clot in your femoral artery breaks loose and hits your brain. You die in front of me in that future and I have time to pick up a few pages and read them. I just look into a future where I pick up different pages to read the whole thing. Pretty cool, huh?"

The Researcher shifted in his chair and swallowed. "Blood clot?" He would have kept speaking but alarms blared to life throughout the facility. Two guards burst into the room and pulled him out.

Marshall chuckled softly as the cell door closed. The sounds of combat boots tromping up and down the halls mixed with the sirens. Suddenly, Marshall saw a single, dark thread appear through the mists of the future surrounding him. The burning in his head subsided in the face of the horror contained in that string of fate. The path he would take was one of darkness and evil, but he saw, at the end of it, a form of freedom. If he could make the right decisions at the right times, he could steer himself toward that freedom. He wouldn't escape. He knew that now. But, if he could take advantage of this alarm, they would throw the doors open for him.


No matter how dead their nerves have become from lack of nutrients and water, people have always found it difficult to break their own bones. Even so, Marshall Sanchez, soon to no longer be Forgotten, picked the bones in his lower right leg and wedged them just right in his cot and dropped to the floor. He cried out at the sound even though he had not felt the pain. He got back up and pulled the broken leg out of the cot. He sat back and leaned his head back to take a breath. The next step was water. He took the cup from his tray and let a couple drops roll down his tongue to the back of his throat. When his foresight told him it was exactly enough, he stopped pouring and put the cup back down.

Marshall filled his lungs and screamed as loud as he could. The sound wasn't very loud, but it was pitiful and hopeless. The dark thread grew wider in his sight. He felt a strange presence nearby and he screamed again. And there it was at his door. The metal of the cell door warped and buckled until a dark hole appeared in the center. As it grew wider, Marshall saw that the hole wasn't in the door, but rather the space where the door should be. He smiled as something started to exit the portal.

The something stepped onto the cell floor with a wet squishing sound. Dark mucus puddled where the feet fell, and white tendrils of smoke rose from the puddles. Marshall sat calmly. He would be perfectly safe as long as the dark thread was maintained. When it was fully in his room, Marshall nearly stopped breathing. The thing was nearly his mirror image. The main difference, if Marshall were pressed to say and he would be, was the patches of skin that were fully rotting. That and the corrosive mucus that seemed to ooze from its pores.

"They call you the Old Man, don't they?" Marshall wanted to stand but both his leg and his vision prevented him.

"Silence, weakling." The Old Man took a step toward him.

"They will find you. You might be able to escape if you left right now."

"You and I will both be gone before they get in here." The Old Man took another step.

Marshall resisted smiling. Three levels below them, a group of children with healing powers were trying to resurrect a dead goat that their researchers had let them befriend and then killed. From there, three possibilities emerged. The children would succeed and be subjected to experimentation and torture for their secrets. The children would fail and be subjected to experimentation and torture to discover what went wrong. Finally, one child would remember a repressed memory about angels in heaven and look up for moment instead of concentrating on the goat. Marshall slipped into the future where the child looked up. His leg knitted and healed with a reverse snapping sound.

The Old Man stopped and looked at the healed leg. Marshall stood, no longer on the balancing point between death and life. The child would be the lone subject of horrible punishments at the hands of the researchers, but it was a small price to pay for his freedom.

"Not what you expected?" Marshall took a step toward the Old Man, now. He stood solidly in the dark thread now.

The Old Man looked from Marshall to the portal on the door and back then ran. Marshall took off after him, avoiding the puddles of acidic mucus with the strength and agility of an athlete. The portal closed just before Marshall reached it, but it didn't matter. He was on the path, and he knew exactly where the Old Man was going next.


Marshall heard a scream come over the PA system. They were baiting the Old Man just like he had, but the Old Man was no longer on the hunt. Marshall looked through the futures around him and found the one with the open door. He stepped into the hall and turned right. A security officer laid on the floor at the intersection of two hallways. Marshall took his taser and ran to the Old Man's next exit.

More than one security officer had been killed with acid attacks. The screams continued over the speakers, but the Old Man's position did not change. Marshall had to slip through one or two futures along the way to stay out of sight, but he didn't have to work very hard. The Old Man was a much higher value target. He had gotten to the other side of the facility very close to the Old Man's hiding place. The alarms and screams were behind him now.

Marshall opened the door to the janitor's closet where the Old Man hid. "Come on. We can do this all day or not. I can promise that coming with me will be much better than waiting on them."

"What are you? And don't tell me you have some kind of healing power. I'm not stupid enough to fall for that trick." The Old Man climbed the wall away from the shaft of light cast by the open door.

"My power doesn't concern you except that you can't run from me. They will find you or draw you out just like they always do, but you can run forever if you wished." Marshall stepped in but kept the door propped open with a mop bucket. "Couldn't you?"

"It's so much more fun when they run scared." The Old Man twitched when the screaming boy sounded over the speakers again. "I don't run. They do."

"But, you're the one in the janitor closet when you could be in your..." Marshall across the future for a moment. "your 'pocket dimension'."

"My pocket is not a hiding place." The Old Man spat at Marshall, but he had already sidestepped. The floor sizzled where the spit landed. "You did something with time. I know it."

"And if I did? It still means you can't run from me, and you can't beat me. I will find all the ways to avoid death and even pain. I've done it once here already. I solved a maze that could not be solved."

"And what great reward did they give for such a feat?" The Old Man smirked through rotting lips.

"They gave me full control of my power. Though, I don't believe it was by design." Marshall leaned against the door jam. "Come with me, willingly, or they will find a way to make you suffer. They are getting increasingly tired of your antics."

The Old Man shuddered at the next scream. They were being played on this end of the facility. "I really should go get him. He needs my help."

"I doubt it." Marshall put his hand in the pocket of his pants and grabbed the taser. "Look, you are running out of time. This ends up good for me no matter what you do. Just come on. I promise it won't be as bad as it has been." He reached out with his empty hand.

The Old Man climbed down the wall and started to reach out with a grin. Marshall pulled his hand back. "For a moment, I thought you were going to let me dissolve your hand." He glanced at Marshall's other hand. "What's in your pocket?"

Marshall pulled out the taser. "Just a little insurance in case things go bad."

The Old Man let out a raspy laugh. "That would melt before it could do any damage to me."

"Oh, it's not for you. It's for me." Marshall placed the taser back in his pocket.

"Most of the things around here are fantastic, but they make sense. You make no sense." The Old Man shook his head as Marshall slowly opened the door.

"If you could see what I see, it would make sense."

End Part 1, Marshall and the Old Man
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Marcus wright
Age: 57
Power: When in dark super strength, can see perfectly in dark, can be almost invisible in dark, in light can move extremely quick, very perceptive in light, can regenerate skin, in mist skin impossible to penetrate
Personality: has three different personalty in dark angry, impatient, in light happy, patient, in mist, distant, rarely talks, sad all of them are amazingly intelligent (Like tony stark level :p)
Important Experiences: powers are developing through his life when he was 25 he found out he could backdate his body to insure eternal youth got into a club with a bunch of other people with super powers (Diddn't talk so the institution hasn't found them yet) in a sleepover when he was young he got really angry in the dark and put the friend in a coma by punching him extremely hard
How they got to the institution: Got caught by a bear trap while running through the forest
Extra notes: if in dim light dry air power doesn't work
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Jul 29, 2019
Name:calsipher or cal
Age:6839(looks and acts 19
Power:he is a ancient Druid
Personality: kind he would protect everyone he is on the moral high ground.
Important experiences: he was killed but was reborn as a powerful Druid Mage. Gay
How they got to the institution: he healed a ancient tree that was damaged and about to be chopped down.
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Jul 29, 2019

I found myself to be in the experiment chamber again a human was there. "Zan you are too flood this person with electrons"
I start to, " can I have some power plugged into me? "
A plug falls from the ceiling I let it touch me it feels good.
The body starts to smell of burning and spazems, I think the person is dead since it stopped screaming


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Part 4

That’s it. Even dead he’s giving me problems. It seems like I can’t control someone while he’s “enchanted”. This means war. But I have the drug guy (controlled by me) and John…John? Was it John? Yeah, it must be John. The fire guy (OOC: I’m so tempted to write Fireman…). Anyway, I have to keep moving. Away from the entry.

-“Ah…John, let’s go!”I say.

-“As you wish”Says the fireguy. I should ‘botifie’ him sometime. But not now, I don’t have time.

We start heading the opposite way to the entry. But we have to come back soon. So I can go out. I hate this place…right? Yeah. By the way, why am I heading out? I don’t know, but I feel like I have to, no matter what. I get to this corner. I think it’s a good strategy, to stop here and defend this area. I can feel they’re heading this way, checking every room. Talking about rooms, I feel a room near here. There’s someone there. Someone…special, beautiful, strong.

-“John, stay here with the strong guy, I have to see something.”

-“Okay DeeDee. Can I call you DeeDee by the way?”he asks

-“No”I declare

-“Ok…DeeDee…”he says. Stupid guy. I SAID NO. I slap him (using the strong guy).

-“Next time I do it in myself.”I say. I’m not liking him. But I need to see the other guy.

I run towards the room where he(or she) is. I do not have an option. I have to do it no matter what. I get there. It’s a large room. There’s a big screen saying in big fonts “PROJECT THANATOS 2.0”. And in the center there’s a tank full of a greenish liquid and a man. Instead of hands he has some blades. But the blades are not blue, like the ones I have in my pocket, they are red. The right blade is as big as them. The left one is very small. I get one of my blades and I break the tank. The liquid starts pouring down. The man doesn’t move. He just falls. I get to him. He is still alive. He’s so beautiful. I feel some kind of special attraction for him. I kiss him. I feel good.

I know my blades kill the person who touches them. I slowly approach his blades. I touch them. Nothing happens. I assume that if this blades do not kill, this man has no use. Poor thing. But I don’t need him. A part of me doesn’t want to kill him. But you got to do what you got to do. I get one of my blades and I stab him. But his skin just re-grows. I check it. He’s still alive. Maybe these blades… (OOC: .-.) cure? Cool. But again, he, as a person, has no use. Using the same blade, I cut his blades out. I put them in my pocket. I try to kill him again. It’s working now. For some reason, I feel bad.

I go back. John is still there, with my “robot”. I look at him.

-“John, can you please meltdown the ceiling? ”I question.

-“Ah… it’s going to get to hot for you 2, so…step away.” he says. I stab myself with the large in my leg. Then I stab my robot with the small one. Controlling John, I meltdown the walls and the ceiling, making “stairs”. Then I grab one of my blue blades and I kill John. He should have been more helpful. I would have killed him anyway. I leave the Institution—

-“You’re not leaving.”Says an old man. I check the area around me. Supposedly he’s not here.

-“Who are you?”I ask. I try to hack into his brain. Nothing. It seems like he has no brain.

-“Oh, you don’t recognize my voice? You guys call me the speaker man. I like to be known as the researcher.” says this guy. I grab one of my blue blades. I run towards him. He doesn’t try to escape. I stab him. He’s dead now. “That doesn’t work on me.” he says…?! I stab him again. And again. Several times. I want him to DIE. I GET MY BOT. “I” PUNCH HIM. AGHHHHH. HE’S NOT DEAD YET. I HAVE TO KILL. KILL. KILL. NOT JUST KILL. I HAVE TO… DESTROY HIM. I punch his balls. “Ouch! But that’s not killing me either. The army is coming. I’m immortal. You’re not. Give up.”Damn guy. I NEED TO KILL HIM. Maybe I can…I grab my red blade and I stab him. “Lesson number one. Don’t try to kill your teacher. Or you’ll get killed.”he says. I HAVE TO DESTROY. D-E-S-T-R-O-Y. “Your eyes Deomi. They’re not sweet and calm anymore. They are blue. Light blue. Where is it coming from?”he asks. BLOODY GUY I DON’T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MY EYES I DON’T CARE, I JUST WANT TO KILL YOU.

-“It? I COME FROM NOBODY. I COME FOR EVERYBODY AND EVERYBODY COMES FROM ME[E1] . I AM HAPPYNESS. I AM SADNESS.”I say…and it comes to me. I am…power. The blades are power. And I’m the blades. They belong to me. They ARE me. I just need to…get them…inside.

[E1]Referrence:” Eu sou de ninguém eu sou de todo o mundo e todo o mundo é meu também” (part of the lyrics of the brazillian music “Já sei namorar”)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Marshall walked the path that had been set before him with the Old Man right behind him. The smell of melting floor tiles surrounded him, but he was running on the high from the resurrection power of the children. As dark as the thread he followed was he saw it as clear as the day. Only a few more steps and he would complete the first stretch of the path. They turned the final corner and walked into the path of half a dozen men armed with floodlights and anti-corrosive gear.

"Just stay behind me." Marshall said to the Old Man. He smiled the men. "Hi, I have the Old Man in my custody, and he is willing to come without any further trouble, but he has one request."

A woman in a lab coat stepped out from behind the line of security officers. "That's not possible. He never comes willingly."

"You will find today full of impossibilities, ma'am. Now, the request..."

The woman paused for a moment. "What is his request?"

"He wants the injured boy as well as two others to play with. He promises not to injure or kill anyone else as long as he has the three." Marshall felt the Old Man move a little to get out of the puddle of dissolved flooring.

"Who are you?" The woman glanced over Marshall's shoulder. "What is your connection to SPC-106?"

"My name is Marshall Sanchez, and I seem to have caught a stray wave of resurrection power. I can guide all of us to a peaceful, for most of us, end. Give him his request and no one else will die. I know it because I have seen it." Marshall kept his hands at his side and spoke with a soft, but firm, voice.

The woman nodded. "Granted. The boy is in room 712. The Old Man can drop him in the same room and another will be there."

Marshall and turned to the Old Man who was licking his lips with anticipation. "You heard her. Go ahead."

"Thank you." The Old Man touched the wall next to him and slipped into a portal. The wall bubbled with the thick residue after the portal had closed. The screams over the loudspeakers grew louder for a moment then were silent. The boy was in the Old Man's clutches.

"Now, can I do anything else for you?" Marshall bowed with a flourish.

"You can come with me and start talking." The woman turned and started down the hall. Marshall quickly followed.


The Researcher and the woman sat across the table from Marshall. This room looked similar to the one he had been in for his initial evaluation.

"When we last talked, you expressed the desire to be known as 'the Forgotten'. Would I be correct to say that your desire has changed?" The Researcher looked over his glasses again.

"Yes. Marshall is fine with me. SPC-2987, if you must." Marshall adjusted the collar of his shirt.

"2987, I would lying if I said what you just did wasn't amazing. What I need to know is how. 106 is notoriously difficult to capture and he never gives himself up. What did you do to him?" The woman leaned forward, giving away her desperation too much.

"The world is full of possibility, ma'am. I simply choose the path that takes me where I want to go. I wanted to take the path that would help everyone, so I did."

"Marshall," the Researcher began, "we picked you up on the cameras, but we noticed some anomalies. It looks as though you teleport at some points in your journey to the Old Man. Have you developed a new power?"

Marshall shook his head. "As I said, I choose the most advantageous path. What you see in those videos is the result of me shifting myself to a new timeline. When my new timeline merges with this one, I move to the new position."

"I see. Now, you said that you caught a wave of resurrection. Do you care to explain that?"

Marshall explained about the children. "I know he has been undergoing punishment, but I saved lives by shifting to that timeline."

The woman spoke, now. "What you do must be within the realm of possibility, correct?"

"Yes. I think it would be obvious that impossible things can't happen."

"Could you escape from this room right now?" She leaned forward again.

Marshall looked around for a moment. "I could, but that would be very difficult considering all the things that would have to happen all at once. I would need to make quite a series of decisions in extremely rapid succession in order make it out, but it is within possibility."

"Is that how we captured you after the incident with the guard?"

"Yes. I was unable to follow that path quickly enough, and I tripped up. As I told the Researcher, I was running before I could walk."

The woman's mouth dropped open. "You captured 106 while walking?"

Marshall smiled. "Yes. It was difficult on occasion, but I got through it."

The Researcher broke into the conversation. "So, your power is growing as we discussed. Would you be able to use it to greater effect if we allowed you to develop it further?"

"Of course. I don't know exactly know the extent of my abilities, but I'll bet we haven't seen the half of it." Marshall continued before the two scientists had a chance to ask more questions. "I know what you do here. I can help. The Old Man can be first of many. There won't always be a peaceful way, but I can bring about the best solutions. You already have clairvoyants on staff. I'm going to meet them eventually. However, I'm something just a little beyond clairvoyant."

"I will take that under advisement." The woman sat back in thought.

"I have one more question," the Researcher said. He put the taser on the table. "What was this for? If you can truly see the future you would know that it would entirely ineffective against the Old Man."

"I'll tell you what I told him. It wasn't for him. It was for me. Look through my file. I'm sure you'll figure it out." Marshall fell silent then. He had nothing left to say. The Researcher and the woman stood and walked out of the room, leaving him there.

Marshall sat there and waited. They would be back, and his new life would begin. Somewhere in that time, the thing came that he knew would happen ever since he stepped into the timeline that healed him. He let out an exasperated sigh as his stomach rumbled. Marshall Sanchez was hungry.

End of Marshall and the Old Man


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Log 2609:
Containment procedure: anomaly 2609 is to be kept in the master safe along with all immobile anomalies in order to prevent theft.
Description: anomaly 2609 is a gallon milk jug apoxamtely half full containing a red substance. Upon injestion this substance will evaporate in the esophagus and then be released during sleep. After this process is complete the subject will begin experiencing abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, mind control, prophecy, and extreme strength. It is suspected that there are more abilities that have not been discovered as of yet. Testing is being continued to discover whether this is correct or not.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I have an idea that Deomi somehow caused a reality rip, therefore Mark and Thomas are both with her and not with her.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I have an idea that Deomi somehow caused a reality rip, therefore Mark and Thomas are both with her and not with her.

She's not suposed to be with them, but that really makes sense, after part 6...actually no. Even after part 6 it doesn't.

EDIT: Don't know why, but I just noticed you're getting less un-cool every second. Congrats.


Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I hope everybody is prepared for an invasion. :3

Byrne was blown off his feet when a portal opened beneath him, and an army started marching through. He ran and hid, but left a wall behind as he did so, confusing the Generals, who could see nothing, but there was clearly something there. He shot up the steps, and activated the fire alarm as he did so.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The fire alarm alerted the guards. They came in too late, realizing that they had stepped into an XK reality situation. They quickly ran out the door and alerted the 05s as to the situation at hand.

Upon hearing this, they dispatched security force omega-7-II to deal with the threat of the slip.

OOC:They deal with this shiznit pretty much every day. I don't think an interdimensional portal will worry them all that much.