Whitelist Server S!KCraft|Unleashed|MCPC+|MyTown + Essentials|80slots|TS3|No Lag|24/7|No griefing|siknation.com|16+

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Age (16+ only): 18
Country: Spain (Canary Islands, so timezone is BST)
Your experience with FTB: I've been playing modded Minecraft since 1.2.5.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: Crazy automation and that kind of things. I'm not a pretty builder by any stretch.
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry): I've never talked English in public and I'm shy so, if I use it, I won't talk :(
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: Nope.
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes.
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: Nelthorim
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Already registered in Enjin, so no problem with that. <- Done!
Age (16+ only):18
Your experience with FTB: Played since FTB was first created
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?:Technical,any complicated machine
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry):Yes,im usally always on TS and very active
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?:No
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes/NoYes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?:G1aNtZz
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Yes/No Yes
Age (16+ only): 24
Country: USA
Your experience with FTB: minimal
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: hidden underground complexes
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server?: possibly
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: no
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: blackzeta
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Yes
Age (16+ only): 19
Country: UK
Your experience with FTB: Have been up to date with all the developments of FTB since the first insanity map, so I'm familiar with basically all the mods.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: Innovative forms of generating energy and items.
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry): I would be present when I'm playing, but I do not have a mic.
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: No
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: AwkwardJoe
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Yes
Ah a mature and somewhat small FTB Server, just what I was looking for!

Age (16+ only): 20
Country: USA
Your experience with FTB: I used to play Tekkit and I watch Youtube videos of people playing FTB, but honestly quite inexperienced but want to learn more.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: I like to make good looking buildings and make them have a functional purpose.
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry): Yes indeed! I play best on a server when there is voice communication.
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: Nope.
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes/No Yes.
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: DrillHorn
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Yes/No Yes.
Age (16+ only): 32
Country: USA
Your experience with FTB: Bunches! Was on the Minecrack back in December play a lot also played a bunch on ultimate.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: Community builds or at least around others. Like to build things that are super automated/functonal but also very nice to look at, hidden pipes and wires are a must for me. LOL
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry): Sometimes not daily
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: No
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: RamboDroid
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Yes
Age (16+ only):21
Your experience with FTB:i've been playing mindcrack for about 6 month
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: making factories and mining.
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry):nope
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?:no i haven't.
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?:chobann
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Yes
Age (16+ only): 21
Country: USA
Your experience with FTB: Pretty much general knowledge, played around with bees, thaumcraft, IC2, along with a few other goodies
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: I like doing organized projects and contributing to groups.
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry): Not always, but if need be I'll drop in.
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: Nope.
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes!
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: Renzey
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Already done.
Age (16+ only): 33
Country: US
Your experience with FTB: Lots, been playing with mods well before FTB was around.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: Anything I find fun. I try to come up with different builds every time I join a server
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry): Yah
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: No
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: Johnson79
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Already have
Age (16+ only): 21
Country: United States
Your experience with FTB: Played Direwolf pack, Ultimate this last year, Tekkit for two years earlier.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: Redstone contraptions, automation. I like hidden bases with secret passages and multiple entrances.
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry): Yes
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: No
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: Knifepoint065
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Already Have
Age (16+ only): 16
Country: Usa
Your experience with FTB: Ive been playing Ftb since 1 month before the Ultimate pack
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: I like making a a sort of scientifical bee lab with "bee pods"
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry): Yes
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: I have on a Ftb Ultimate Server I put a canvas bag into a canvas bag and on the log it thought I was duplicating or something so they banned me without questioning me
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes/No Yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: BloodyChris
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Yes/No Yes
Age (16+ only):27
Country:South Africa
Your experience with FTB: Played ultimate since March 2013 and recently started unleashed
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most? Power generation, farms and construction =)
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry): yes
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: No
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)? Dubster86
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Yes