Age (16+ only): 18
Country: Spain (Canary Islands, so timezone is BST)
Your experience with FTB: I've been playing modded Minecraft since 1.2.5.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: Crazy automation and that kind of things. I'm not a pretty builder by any stretch.
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry): I've never talked English in public and I'm shy so, if I use it, I won't talk
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: Nope.
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes.
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: Nelthorim
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Already registered in Enjin, so no problem with that. <- Done!
Country: Spain (Canary Islands, so timezone is BST)
Your experience with FTB: I've been playing modded Minecraft since 1.2.5.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: Crazy automation and that kind of things. I'm not a pretty builder by any stretch.
Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak server? (not mandatory, don't worry): I've never talked English in public and I'm shy so, if I use it, I won't talk

Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: Nope.
Have you read and do you accept the rules (below)?: Yes.
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: Nelthorim
Will register on our Community website, this taken into great consideration for approval? Already registered in Enjin, so no problem with that. <- Done!