Whitelist Server =rTr= FTB Unleashed| Whitelist Server| v1.1.4| 18+ Community

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What is your username?

What is your name?
CHRis E. ;)

How old are you?

Location (State or City & Country)?

Have you ever been banned?

Which mod packs are you most familiar with?
I Always played with mods and when Ultimate Beta A first came out i used it. Then i used of course Mindcrack, Ultimate and then Unleashed.
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built:
Would Squerrly Craft still be Online, i would post pictures of my Mansion that i was Building, or my Castle that was so full of Alvearys, i got 10 FPS there.
I just looked my Screenshot through and didnt found anything good :/ But here is a Album of Random stuff :p
(Two picture are actually in Vanilla xD)

Are you community-oriented or a solo player?
Do you have a microphone?
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3?

Im gonna answer all 3 Question at once :p
I like to Chat with People and work with them Together, but i am not native English so it is very difficult for me to Talk in another Language. I think i never got in to TS on my last Server :O
Well i can try to change that. At least it would give me a bit more practice ;)
How long you been playing Minecraft?
Long, probably Beta 1.4 or so

How long have you been playing FTB?
Already answered this, since Ultimate Beta A
What is your play style?
Blocky and Squared Cobble Bunker. just kidding, i have no style that i always use, i always try new thing. I Like Gregtech, but i never go really High tech with 12 Fusion reactors or so, i am more a Builder.

Are you interested in joining the rTr clan?
I have none of the other games that you play, but in Minecraft, sure :)

What is the time period that you typically play?
At GMT +2 around 13-17 Oclock. Yes i work at 17 Oclock, but only till the end of the Year, then i am out of the contract :D

Are there any other games that you play?
I play some GTA V on Xbox and sometimes League of Legends, but no other games that i play like MC. Some smaller games like Kerbal Space Program or FTL

How many hours a day do you play games?
Too many ;)

Do you have hairy arms?
Look at my Avatar, i am quite harry ;)
(Its not my Picture, i have a Bigger Beard)

Oh i missed to say that i am from Squerrly Craft like Kenny or Fay, but probably cause my lack of Teamspeack, i am not in ther BFF Club and heard of this Server just Yesterday :p
Bah! Most of us stayed in touch via skype :P you should message your skype if you have one =]
What is your username?: Draneiwow2
What is your name?: Joshua, but I very much prefer Josh
How old are you?: 21
Location (State or City & Country)?: Albany, New York
Have you ever been banned?: never been a part of a server, so no
Which mod packs are you most familiar with?: FTB Ultimate/Unleashed (moreso with the latter)
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: in vanilla ive built things from basic armor (iron) to striking the jackpot so to speak and finding a treasure trove of diamonds, which led to the creation of various diamond tools, as for FTB, ive only made basic things such as basic tinker's construct stuff im starting to delve into Applied Energistics but not quite sure how it works
Are you community-oriented or a solo player?: actually I play both types of games
Do you have a microphone?: built into my trusty laptop
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3?: im sure ill have time to use it so why not
How long you been playing Minecraft? since approx. 1.4.2, since then I stopped till 1.5.2 and ive been steadily returning
How long have you been playing FTB?: since hermitcraft went unleashed, but they wont take apps atm
What is your play style?: I like to have a good challenge in a game, not so much to the point where id go in to a fight with wither skelly armorless and limited ways to escape, now that's just
Are you interested in joining the rTr clan?: sure
What is the time period that you typically play?: I separate my daily gameplay into different sessions, of which minecraft take 3 out of the 7 or so sessions a day I play
Are there any other games that you play?: MapleStory GMS (currently working on my Luminous, World of Warcraft MoP: retail
How many hours a day do you play games?: I have pretty much all day at my disposal
Do you have hairy arms? not really
What is your username? Shadow_OTR
What is your name? As much as I would like to post my name on the internet for reasons of security I find it to be unwise, I may be willing to divulge such information should I be playing with you long enough.

How old are you? In my mid twenties (No specific age for reasons of security again, terribly sorry).

Location (State or City & Country)? United Kingdom.
Have you ever been banned? Can't say I have.
Which mod packs are you most familiar with? I have had a chance to dabble in them all, I started with vanilla when it was in early beta, it was fun for a while but soon got boring, so I moved onto Tekkit for about a year then moved onto feed the beast which I have played around with for about a year now, all in all I have a generally good understanding of how many of the mods work.
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: I've built a variety of structures, many were more of a necessity for housing machines and such but I did give building more for aesthetic purposes a try, the picture bellow displays a fort I built, it still needed some work done to it but I think it turned out alright.

Fort darkstar.jpg

Are you community-oriented or a solo player? I have only played single player, sadly enough I had a server running out of my home that I made so my friends could join me... then I remembered I don't have any, so I looked to the internet for people to play with and this is one of those attempts to find friendly people to play with.
Do you have a microphone? Which one, I have 3... not sure why.
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? I would be more than willing, this is one of things I'm wanting most while playing, the ability to talk to people.
How long you been playing Minecraft? As I mentioned above I've been playing minecraft since it was in it's early beta some time ago, I spent a fair bit of time on that before even discovering any sort of mods available, then I found the technic launcher and spent some time of the various mod packs on there, about a year I would say, then I moved onto feed the beast as my lust for new and ever more imaginative mods grew.
How long have you been playing FTB? It seems I may be repeating myself a lot but I would estimate nearly a year, considering how much of my free time I spend playing though, compared to a normal person this may actually be more time then they spend in it in three years.
What is your play style? I like to start small, build a small factory or house, aesthetically pleasing to the eye as over time I've some to dislike the crap shacks I used to build, then when I have enough resources I start construction on a larger project, like you see above, the old house of factory is usually left in case I go out exploring again and need shelter away from home. I do like the machine side of things though and like to build weird and wonderful contraptions.
Are you interested in joining the rTr clan? You have my intrigue but until I get to know the clan itself I can't say.
What is the time period that you typically play? Do to my busy work life one week i'll more or less be on constantly however the other week only occasionally.
Are there any other games that you play? You name it I've played it, I have literally ever x box game made on disk... I don't have a social what you macallit.
How many hours a day do you play games? Lets just say to many.
Do you have hairy arms? For a male of my age there surprisingly not that hairy also since you asked here is the word "water" that you requested.
What is your username? TeenageSasquatch
What is your name? Jason
How old are you? 18
Location (State or City & Country)? San Diego, CA, USA
Have you ever been banned? nope
Which mod packs are you most familiar with? Unleashed and DW20
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: usually skyscrapers, towers, and the like
Are you community-oriented or a solo player? definately community
Do you have a microphone? yes
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? yes
How long you been playing Minecraft? three years(ish)
How long have you been playing FTB? about six months

What is your play style? build and mine, fight only when needed
Are you interested in joining the rTr clan? sure
What is the time period that you typically play? from 4:00 to 10:00 PST
Are there any other games that you play? Skyrim, Infamous, Tf2
How many hours a day do you play games? about 4
Do you have hairy arms? yes, but they're blonde
What is your username? Allawa
What is your name? Jake

How old are you? 20
Location (State or City & Country)? Canada <3 and Toronto
Have you ever been banned? Yes One time
Which mod packs are you most familiar with? Unleashed and Ultimate
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: Machines that make machines, Tunnel bores Skyscrapers Empire state buildings Citys Space ships
Are you community-oriented or a solo player? Community Oriented
Do you have a microphone? yes I have 4 of them (not kidding)
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? When ever im online I will.
How long you been playing Minecraft? since MC classic
How long have you been playing FTB? 1 year or so
What is your play style? Build Mine and contribute to community projects
Are you interested in joining the rTr clan? Yes I am
What is the time period that you typically play? afternoons after work and sundays
Are there any other games that you play? BF3 and EVE Online
How many hours a day do you play games? 3-7H :s
Do you have hairy arms? Yes I have rather hairy arms :s
What is your username? Axhym
What is your name? Simon
How old are you? 24
Location (State or City & Country)? Montreal
Have you ever been banned? Nopes
Which mod packs are you most familiar with? Vanilla
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: Ships built on water, houses mostly.
Are you community-oriented or a solo player? Community
Do you have a microphone? Yes
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? Rarely
How long you been playing Minecraft? Since beta
How long have you been playing FTB? New
What is your play style? Building structures.
Are you interested in joining the rTr clan? Not really ;)
What is the time period that you typically play? Day-time
Are there any other games that you play? League of legends.
How many hours a day do you play games? Quite a few ;)
Do you have hairy arms? Yes.....
What is your username? Hanthion
What is your name? Nate
How old are you? 27
Location (State or City & Country)? WI, USA
Have you ever been banned? No
Which mod packs are you most familiar with? Tekkit, FTB
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: I try to build tech early. I am very detailed in my environment, definitely not the type to just cut out a box and start building. I've built some very detailed homes for myself, usually castle oriented but I try my best to avoid pure cobble.
Are you community-oriented or a solo player? I lean community if opportunities are available. I build solo typically because I'm picky, but I try my best to buy and sell resources with other players. I also try to gather resources in groups, especially in the nether.
Do you have a microphone? yes
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? yes
How long you been playing Minecraft? 2 years
How long have you been playing FTB? 1 year
What is your play style? friendly, fun, respectful, communicative, balanced gathering/building/tech
Are you interested in joining the rTr clan? sounds interesting, I'm definitely optimistic and looking forward to seeing how things go on this server
What is the time period that you typically play? CST, 2hr/weeknight, 2-10hr/weekend pretty typical times based around my work schedule
Are there any other games that you play? eve online, dota 2, bf4, war thunder, and I try out a lot of different games
How many hours a day do you play games? 2 hrs/weekday, 6 hrs/weekend...around 25 hrs/week
Do you have hairy arms? yes, but it's soft and smells of rich mahogany
What is your username? I_Am_The_Lawl

What is your name? Alex

How old are you? 24

Location? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (ie. That place with lots of water that isn't an ocean.)

Have you ever been banned? Nope. Not even by kenny.

Which mod packs are you most familiar with? Mostly FTB Ultimate/Unleashed. Started on DW20.

Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: I don't really keep pictures. :S I tend to build ordered-looking buildings with messy insides, but especially in ftb I like a bit of chaos. Sometimes I'll go math out arcs and splines for larger builds. Looking for a server that stays up long enough to build something impressive. My basement once almost gave one of your current members an aneurysm.

Are you community-oriented or a solo player? I like to have a place on my own, but I love communities/economies within servers and group projects are fun.

Do you have a microphone? I do.

Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? Yes.

How long you been playing Minecraft? 3.5 years on-and-off.

How long have you been playing FTB? About 9 months.

What is your play style? Hoard things and live in the dark ages for a week -> Splurge on machinery -> Mine/breed bees/improve farms -> Build pretty stuff.

Are you interested in joining the rTr clan? Open to it if we play games that line up. We'll talk.

What is the time period that you typically play? Evenings EST/EDT. Sometimes during the day. Sometimes all night. I'm a student. >_>

Are there any other games that you play? Eve Online, Mechwarrior Online, League of Legends (SUPER rusty, friends quit), looking forward to Star Citizen. A lot.

How many hours a day do you play games? Too many. Varies highly really. I log in pretty much every day, a couples hours a day is a safe bet.

Do you have hairy arms? Not really, but I can shave them to fit in if you ask REALLY nicely.
What is your username? zombieman592
What is your name? tanner

How old are you? 18
Location (State or City & Country)? bullheadcity az usa
Have you ever been banned? nope
Which mod packs are you most familiar with? Unleashed and ultimate
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built:
Are you community-oriented or a solo player? definately community

Do you have a microphone? no
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? yes
How long you been playing Minecraft? three years
How long have you been playing FTB? about a year
What is your play style? get it done quick and easy
Are you interested in joining the rTr clan? sure

What is the time period that you typically play? from 6 hours a day
Are there any other games that you play? cod, diablo
How many hours a day do you play games? about 2

Do you have hairy arms? yes
TeenageSasquatch,Nov 13, 2013Report
What is your username? WOPsolid

What is your name? Matt

How old are you? 30

Location (State or City & Country)? Toronto, Canada

Have you ever been banned? Nope

Which mod packs are you most familiar with? Mostly tekkit

Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: I built/maintained a nuclear power plant on the last server I was on. I generally like big build project with a emphasis on design and atmosphere with the surrounding areas. My favorite build so far was a fortress in the middle of a big body of water.

Are you community-oriented or a solo player? Mostly solo but I'll help out when asked

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? Sure!

How long you been playing Minecraft? Since Alpha

How long have you been playing FTB? Not long, just getting used to it really.

What is your play style? Find a neat landscape, build a hobbit hole and start mining away. One I build up enough resources I generally build away from people so I can create something big and stunning. An adventure to get there with hopefully a wow factor once you arrive.

Are you interested in joining the rTr clan? Sure, buddy of mine plays with you guys and suggested I come check it out.

What is the time period that you typically play? 7pm-1am EST

Are there any other games that you play? Arma3 and some indie games

How many hours a day do you play games? 3-4

Do you have hairy arms? Why? Do hair arms turn you on? Mmmmmmm.....
What is your username? sionyn 'Water'
What is your name?Sion
How old are you?18
Location (State or City & Country)? United Kingdom, Wales.
Have you ever been banned?nope
Which mod packs are you most familiar with? Unleashed with and without gregtech
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: I've build a lot of big base's on different servers as well as a Huge Hydroelectric farm with 584 Water Mills:P
Are you community-oriented or a solo player? Bit of both, depends if i have enough trust in the player
Do you have a microphone? nope
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? Unfortunately, no.
How long you been playing Minecraft? 2-3 years
How long have you been playing FTB? 1 and a 1/2 years-ish
What is your play style? Having fun and building a nice base.
Are you interested in joining the rTr clan? Maybe.
What is the time period that you typically play? Around 4pm-10pm weekdays and around 4pm-12am weekends
Are there any other games that you play? Console - Call of duty.
How many hours a day do you play games? 2-3
Do you have hairy arms? Not as hairy as my legs;)
What is your username? MZiemo
What is your name? Mark
How old are you? 43
Location (State or City & Country)? Chicago, IL
Have you ever been banned? Never
Which mod packs are you most familiar with? Tinkers, Railcraft, and IC2
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: Hmm, never really did a big build or anything. Just like to get things to work for the sake of making them work. Hope that makes sense.
Are you community-oriented or a solo player? Being an older player, I tend to keep most mc players at arms length but I do enjoy being part of a community. Its just that it needs to be the right community. (one that can put up with the old man... lol)
Do you have a microphone? Yes
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? My preferred form of communication, oh ya!
How long you been playing Minecraft? about 8 months
How long have you been playing FTB? 2
What is your play style? Mine a little get board then build a little then go back to mining. But I enjoy when people stop by the base and just hang out or I get invited to see others builds and ask questions.
Are you interested in joining the rTr clan? Sure, as long as I don't have to get a tattoo. Mom said no tattoos. JK Sry, have no clue. Never been asked to join a "clan".
What is the time period that you typically play? You could find me on just about any time of the day. Mostly 9 am to 9 pm but I've been known to pull an all-niter now and again.
Are there any other games that you play? Love simulations. I go back to the original SimCity, Civilization, with a little GTA for balance.
How many hours a day do you play games? 4-5
Do you have hairy arms? and knuckles. Been married 14 years so gotta check the palms every once in a while. I know, too much, but you asked.
What is your username? Wisdoms
What is your name? Tyler
How old are you? 21
Location (State or City & Country)? USA, East Coast
Have you ever been banned? No
Which mod packs are you most familiar with? Mod packs? All I guess, I've tried almost all of them.
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: I don't normally keep them, I actually stream.
Are you community-oriented or a solo player? Yes.
Do you have a microphone? Yes.
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? I don't like servers that DON'T use teamspeak.
How long you been playing Minecraft? My minecraft cost $1 and caps weren't even allowed.
How long have you been playing FTB? Before the ultimate pack came out
What is your play style? Gregtech. Mass amounts of win, and constant efficiency.
Are you interested in joining the rTr clan? Uhhhh, MAYBE... I'm kind of part of oTg, but I would CONSIDER it depending on the players.
What is the time period that you typically play? Noon+ to X
Are there any other games that you play? Warframe, Retired my League of Legends account (Plat 5, got bored of ranked), Rust / Starbound
How many hours a day do you play games? too...many...
Do you have hairy arms? Mmmmm... Kinda. It's mainly around my wrists, other than that not really.

Come tell me if my application was accepted if you would be so kind! Or follow my adventures on my stream @ http://www.twitch.tv/season4warrior
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What is your username?

What is your name?

How old are you?

Location (State or City & Country)?

Have you ever been banned?
Not even once

Which mod packs are you most familiar with?
Tinker's Constructs and a few others

Are you community-oriented or a solo player?
Totaly a community-oriented player

Do you have a microphone?
I do have a mic
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3?
I love useing TS3 with everyone

How long you been playing Minecraft?
sence about beta 1.5
How long have you been playing FTB?
about 2 years
What is your play style?
mining and crafting

Are you interested in joining the rTr clan?

What is the time period that you typically play?
Kind of random really, just whenever I'm in the mood

Are there any other games that you play?
Terraria, starbound, sonic games, all that jazz

How many hours a day do you play games?
too many....

Do you have hairy arms?

wouldn't YOU like to know!
What is your username? PikaPi513
What is your name? Liz
How old are you? 23
Location (State or City & Country)? Iowa, USA
Have you ever been banned? no
Which mod packs are you most familiar with? none
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: I built a house..but I lack creativity
Are you community-oriented or a solo player? solo/small team
Do you have a microphone? yes
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? yes
How long you been playing Minecraft? 1 year
How long have you been playing FTB? not long
What is your play style? I'm a miner
Are you interested in joining the rTr clan? I can be persuaded
What is the time period that you typically play? afternoon
Are there any other games that you play? skyrim, KoA: Reckoning, stuffs like that
How many hours a day do you play games? 2-3
Do you have hairy arms? they're blond....so I can't really tell o.0
What is your username?
What is your name?

This I only give out to those I extremely trust. I am just fine with going by Glyth.
How old are you?
29, 30 in March
Location (State or City & Country)?
USA, Iowa
Have you ever been banned?

Which mod packs are you most familiar with?
Used to run a server with my brother (Naddox), we played with a wide verity of mods, I don’t remember all the names. But he informed me that you guys use a lot of the ones we used to use. Which is why I am here…
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built:
Hmm… Towns, castles, windmills, functioning light houses, ships, hidden redstone doors, I’ve done more, just a lot to list.
Are you community-oriented or a solo player?
Community. Everything works better when we all help each other out.
Do you have a microphone?
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3?
How long you been playing Minecraft?
3+ years

How long have you been playing FTB?

First time

What is your play style?

I like to mine and build. Mostly build.

Are you interested in joining the rTr clan?

Maybe? Don’t know much about a clan.

What is the time period that you typically play?

Time frame is not consistent as I’ve kids at home I tend too and work full time.

Are there any other games that you play?

Xbox gamer, so yes.

How many hours a day do you play games?

Depends on if I have time to play or not on a given day.

Do you have hairy arms?
I have hair on my arms… But I’ve seen hairier ;)
What is your username?Killswitch921
What is your name?Corey
How old are you?21
Location (State or City & Country)?Florida, USA
Have you ever been banned?No
Which mod packs are you most familiar with?Majority in Unleashed
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built:
Are you community-oriented or a solo player?Little bit of both
Do you have a microphone?Yes
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3?sure
How long you been playing Minecraft?3 years
How long have you been playing FTB?1 year
What is your play style?Building structures
Are you interested in joining the rTr clan?yeah
What is the time period that you typically play?5-12pm
Are there any other games that you play?Xbox 360 games, TF2, and World of Tanks
How many hours a day do you play games?Whenever I'm not working or in class
Do you have hairy arms?no