Or if you have Additional Buildcraft Objects, just put a power switch pipe before the constant draw machines to cut them off. Ideally with a Gate on the machines set to "Has Work -> Redstone Signal" to turn on power as needed
or you can place a energy cell right against the machine, max both out/in, use a red pipe wire to set up a gate pair as follows
@ storage cell: can store energy->red pipe signal
@engine: red pipe signal->redstone pulse.
you can connect several storage cells to a single engine group this way.
theres a few hundred MJ gap between the full cell and the can store signal coming on.
you will see the engines come online occasionally as a cell hits this limit, some of the other cells should fill from this w/o triggering thier gate. IE one thats at 599900 should pick up its 100MJ as another cell at 350000MJ fills.
force engines or electrical engines are good for this.
force engines have NO warmup/cooldown period.
electrical engines has a warmup period, but the output from a few of these strokes can take care of a maintinance fillup. they also dont need fuel.
it can warm up all the way when a machine depletes the buffer.
i know the force, and i think both of the engines, will output thier internal buffer when not being used, so this also helps keep the cells filled w/o using up fuel.