About Us
Right to Rebel is an adult community, 18+ that has been around for over 10 years, and it is a stable place to build a home for yourself. We have been up and running since June 6, 2013 and have had no significant downtime. We are looking for active players, not occasional players. This application is to be whitelisted onto our server, we have a multi-game server where we also host BF3, BF4, Rust, Day-Z, Arma III. (Overall it is a multi-game clan but our MC server is pretty close knit, many of us play other games as well. These other games include: Diablo III, 7 Days to Die, Final Fantasy XIV, WoW, Civilization V to name a few.) If you are approved, at a later date, you may also wish to become an rTr member. Teamspeak3 usage is strongly encouraged this is how the majority of us communicate. Admins host Quick Build Challenges, Musical Chairs (Sounds stupid but it is a lot of fun) and more games are in the works. Interaction with each other is what makes this place special. We are proud of our family and are always looking for members who want to become part of MC home. We go above and beyond to create not just a clan, not just a place where you go to play, but a place where you can make close friends for many years to come. Please make sure you read all the rules before you submit your application and have a phenomenal day! If you have any questions feel free to contact Stadniuk or thelyzardiam or hop onto TS3 to talk to us at: or look for our minecraft admin icon in TS3.
Banned items include: Nukes and Railcraft Anchors. Nothing major.
Information will be given upon approval so as to protect the private pack.
Also, please take your time with submitting the application. One word responses and short responses are discouraged and will likely result in a declined application.
* Respect each other. We all come from different places and different walks of life.
* Sexist, racist or hateful speech will not be tolerated.
* Absolutely no hacking, cheating, glitching, exploiting, griefing, or duplicating.
* Arguing with members or Admins is not allowed. Don't do it!
* One quarry per person or per group which is to be used in the mining world only.
* Once you have become comfortable with us and realize how great the community is donations are greatly appreciated. Our monthly bills are quite expensive (put Lava in your post or you won't get whitelisted) and donations are what keep us all connected.
* Streamers are welcome! Make sure you check in with one of the Minecraft Admins so we can give you guidelines on our rules for live streaming on TS.
What is your username?
What is your name?
How old are you?
Location (State or City & Country)?
Have you ever been banned? If yes, why?
Which mod packs are you most familiar with?
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built:
Are you community-oriented or a solo player?
Do you have a microphone?
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3?
After getting settled are you interested in joining the rTr clan?
Why do you wish to join our server?
How long have you been playing Minecraft?
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft?
At what times do you typically play?
Are you willing to donate?
Are there any other games that you play?
How many hours a day do you play games?
Do you have hairy arms?
Are you willing to get involved in community events?
Please tell us something about yourself:
Do you agree to the rules?
Virtual Private Server:
Four full, dedicated HT CPU cores (Nehalem or better)
8GB of RAM
300GB of RAID-protected storage
15GB SSD (Solely for running Minecraft)
Over 1,500GB of Bandwidth a month.
Windows Server 2012
Modifications and Plugins
Forge, Forge Multipart, Additional Buildcraft Objects, Applied Energistics RV13, Ars Magica 2, Atomic Science, Basic Components, Bibliowoods (and all it's addons), BigReactors, Binnie's Mods, Biomes o' Plenty, Blood Magic, Buildcraft, Carpenters Blocks, Chisel, Chococraft, ComputerCraft, CustomChestLoot, Denpipes, Denpipes-forestry, Dimensional Anchors, EnderIO, EnderStorage, ExtraCells, ExtraTiC, ExtraUtils, FlatSigns, Forestry, Forestry Extras, Gendustry, Gravestones, GravityGun, Hates, Hatstand, HardCore Ender Expansion, HungerOverhaul, IC2 Experimental, IC2 Nuclear Control, Infernal Mobs, Inventory Tweaks, JABBA, Lycanite Mobs, Magic Bees, Mariculture, Mekanism, Metallurgy 3, Minefactory Reloaded, Gravisuite, ModularPowerSuitsMystcraft, Natura, NEI Addons, NEI Plugins, Nether Ores, Not Enough Keys, Obsidplates, Openblocks, OpenPeriph, Pams Harvestcraft, Plugins for forestry, Project Red, Railcraft, Roguelike Dungeons, Soul Shards 2, Steves Carts 2, SuperCraftingFrame, Tinkers Construct, Thaumcraft 4, Thaumic Tinkerer, Tinker's Mechworks, TorchLevers, Translocators, Twilight Forest, Underground Biomes, WAILA, Witchery, Thermal Expansion 3, Redstone Arsenal, Wireless redstone, Armour Status HUD, Zan's Minimap
(Note: I am not the tech savvy admin. I am the recruiter and super fantastic awesomesauce admin so forgive me on the brevity and incompleteness of this portion of the post.)