Request Request for HQM authors

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi there for the adventure mod pack makers that make awesome maps like Agrarian Skies 2. your quest book are really great it helps guide players in the use of all the mods. this is a really fun way to learn all the new mods.

I would love to see a feature that a quest book like that is made but it is not tied to an adventure mod pack but each chapter is mod related.

this way A server admin can drop this into his server and if he has 10 out of the say 30 mods that is on the quest book those ten will work while the 20 other will not be able to progress.

I would love something like this. alot of players dont break out of there, I only like thumcraft or thermal expansion and if a quest book was in to guide them into a new mods that be fun and add life to a server as people try to finish a quest book


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That would be.... quite hard, if not impossible, to make
out of curiosity i dropped the Agraian skies 2 HQM config file into a direwolf20 mod pack (lastest on both) and the quest book worked fine for all the things it could see for loaded mods and just was blank for quest of missing mods.

so this very possible if a creative person would make a generic quest pack where each chapter is based around mods so if the mod is not loaded it just get ignored and the ones that are loaded that chapter will work


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
out of curiosity i dropped the Agraian skies 2 HQM config file into a direwolf20 mod pack (lastest on both) and the quest book worked fine for all the things it could see for loaded mods and just was blank for quest of missing mods.

so this very possible if a creative person would make a generic quest pack where each chapter is based around mods so if the mod is not loaded it just get ignored and the ones that are loaded that chapter will work
Oh sweet, I assumed the HQM would throw an exception for missing items