This Server is closed!
New Server at
Rene8888's Unstable 1.0.8
New Server at
Rene8888's Unstable 1.0.8
The goal with my server is to achieve a nice community living in villages around spawn. Nobody should be alone in the wilderness with anybody around.
About me:
I am Rene, 17 y/o and from Austria. I play Minecraft since Beta and modded Minecraft since 1.2. I am almost at any time of day on my Teamspeak ( open for questions. Most of the time I won't talk, because my mic is pretty broken and I would annoy everybody with the noise...
About me:
I am Rene, 17 y/o and from Austria. I play Minecraft since Beta and modded Minecraft since 1.2. I am almost at any time of day on my Teamspeak ( open for questions. Most of the time I won't talk, because my mic is pretty broken and I would annoy everybody with the noise...

Banned Items:
- Tinkers Construct Drawbridges due to crash bug
- Gany's Nether Inventory Binder due to crash bug
- Gasses (Why? Everybody was annoyed by this mod...)
Server IP:
Dynmap: (Currently disabled. Will be back soon!)
- No Stealing
- No PVP if not permitted by the Victim
- Don't build lag machines
- Ender Quarry instead of BC Quarry (We exchange Ender Quarry for BC Quarry)
- Don't chunkload unnecessary areas
- Try to build near spawn or build villages together
- Don't abuse iteam dupe glitches
- There is no area protection! Be fair and nice to each other
- Respect server staff and all other players
- All other rules like no hacking, cheating, xray, ...
Slots: 16 (can be easily increased)
Server Location: Nuremberg Germany
Server Specs: 32GB RAM, Intel Xeon E31270v3 Quad Core with Hyperthreading, 6GB RAM assigned to this server
Whitelist Application
I handle the application with Google Docs to keep this thread clean:Rene8888
Whitelist Application
Registration Form: Rene8888's Unstable Registration
Registered People: Registered People Spreadsheet
I will post an answer if any new people are in. If I forget about you or you are not getting whitelisted please PM me or post it in this thread!
I hope I will see you in the server soon!
- Rene8888
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