Right there I'm going to have to disagree with you. Forever. There's a reasonable grace period that I am perfectly willing to accept, but there are no excuses for running 19b a year later when 25z is both out and stated to be the final 1.6 update. None. In keybounce's cases? That's where you ask the mod author for support. Which he has done with CoG and RoC. That is what startup notification mods are for (I had one a while back, can't remember what it is called)
If you as pack maker can flip a switch that literally 100% permanently turns the update notification off for users? The update checker is no longer doing its originally stated purpose, its raison d'être, the whole reason it was made in the first place. That's precisely what FTB would have done for Monster, and that would not have stopped Monster from happening. I'm going to re-state. Always keep Monster in mind when talking about update checking in regards to Reika's mods. I pop in and catch up from time to time and even I am sick and tired of the complaints that you can't chain hydrokinetics, that magnetostatics don't work, that the tokamak doesn't exist, wondering why the tokamak won't work (it probably needs LN2, and they didn't even know it used to take lubricant), that bedrock can't be obtained with the borer anymore, etc. etc. etc. You can't fix stupid, but when 90% (probably more) of your "bug" reports are fixed by saying "You're using an old version, I fixed that bug 11 months ago"? There's a problem and it's not with the mod or its author.
The problem there is the pack, yes. But, as said pack isn't running the newest version, that kinda makes it so they're not supported, no? After all if you want the fixes to anything, anyways, you have to run the newest version. Anyone who expects old versions to have all the fixes or expects all modpacks to always run the newest versions are the ones at fault.
In addition you might note that I have stated multiple times including at least once in this thread that when a modpack goes unsupported that all those flags should be turned back on as from that point forward support is entirely on the users.
And yet again, it's not up to the mod author to determine what's too old. That is entirely up to the users. That being said, if they run anything older than the newest then they shouldn't be expecting, or receiving, support in any fashion.
I currently play and test/build a THREE HUNDRED PLUS MOD modpack. Don't talk to me about updates being a pain. I get 10 updates (on average) a DAY. Testing boot on server/client and downloading the updates takes less than 30 minutes (even if I wait and let half the pack update), and most of those are waiting for a full boot 4-or-so times. Checking for config changes is what file diff applications are for. If you're using a typical 100-150 mod pack, and it's taking an hour? You've got some pretty big inefficiencies in your process somewhere, or your testing computer is rather underwhelming. Testing for the major issues I look for takes maybe a half hour on top of that. Things like world generator ****ups from added biomes, etc. I use the time while booting up to look at the changelogs, and accept that something is probably going to get through. Striving for perfection is a waste of time, in my opinion.
If it takes you so little time then you're not as thorough. You call me inefficient? Perhaps by your methodology. I will state again that I do server and network support at an enterprise level professionally. I hold myself to a higher standard with how I test and verify as I do not want to adversely affect my users unless there is no other option. If you're taking so little time then you're taking risks I would find unacceptable.
It isn't striving for perfectionism but for adequacy. My method isn't perfect, but I doubt I'd find yours adequate.
It will come back repeatedly if the pack is abandoned. That is the POINT of this. Monster was abandoned and STILL causes regular headaches for Reika and his thread.
And I'll state again that the last update to any modpack should be to turn those damn notifications back on.
Nothing that stops/pauses the server boot will ever be acceptable unless it's for critical issues that will break your world, Reika is exactly right.
Of course, but I don't know how you think I wouldn't agree with that from my response.
Oh you know what screw it. I'm done with this disable argument! This will never be permanently disable-able. If that causes people to leave then THEY WERE THE PROBLEM. If you can actually bring up an issue with it like "Two weeks is too short a timeframe" then we might be able to go somewhere. As-is, that argument is a broken record. Please turn off the power to your turntable.
That is entirely up to Reika to include it or not, but if there isn't an option to do so then Reika must be aware that that will bar the mod from the vast majority of modpacks, even those by good maintainers. Few modpack makers will put up with such. That is a fact. And that's why I repeat myself. As long as he remains aware that it hinders uptake in modpacks then the purpose of me stating it worth it, even if you don't care to hear it.
Oh, and I can say the same on any 'broken record' response to my arguments. I see the same ones alot and lots of them have logical errors and oversights, including many of your own.
I will report people that bring up permanent disable as an issue from this point forth. I am being deadly serious here. A peace had been reached, and then this crap came back up. I'm regretting even commenting on a thread that I STARTED because my comment apparently provided fuel for this frankly asinine repetitive argument. If you have actual concerns that maybe the time is too short and can provide alternative timeframes with actual examples that aren't completely hypothetical? Bring them up, you're the kind of person that this thing needs. People that brought up actual issues are why this currently is supposed to not nag users every reboot (the implementation had flaws. That happens), why the notification is removable, and why I kept at this discussion instead of reporting it to the mods. I could see the merits of the other side. At this point people bringing up the "turn it off forever" argument are just inciting argument for the sake of argument, or haven't actually been paying attention.
Go ahead and abuse the report system. That's not what it's for and I'm doing nothing against any of the rules of this site by responding with a valid response, even if it's not one you consider valid. Maybe I should refresh your memory:
Perhaps more importantly, when not to use the Report button (i.e. you may actually get warnings yourself if you do these things repeatedly):
- When somebody disagrees with your view on the topic (we aren't the Point-of-view Police, and if they aren't violating the rules it isn't something we will address).
I should also add that there are merits do having it able to be disabled and that I have brought up 'actual' concerns and issues as well as given non-hypothetical situations. That you refuse to see such is more than a bit libellous and unkind. Please don't do that.
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