Regarding tesseracts: does anyone else think this is silly?

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In my opinion, people are getting too attached to unlimited distance teleportation of items/liquids/power. That entire concept is what seems silly to me. It makes location entirely irrelevant.
In my opinion, people are getting too attached to unlimited distance teleportation of items/liquids/power. That entire concept is what seems silly to me. It makes location entirely irrelevant.

I feel the same way, so I just don't use it. Mods add so many possibilities that you have to filter the content to what is fun for you (and I like railcraft systems a lot more than teleportation ;)). Thermal expansion has extraordinary config and you can disable what feature you don't want to have on your server (in SSP you can just not use it).
I feel the same way, so I just don't use it. Mods add so many possibilities that you have to filter the content to what is fun for you (and I like railcraft systems a lot more than teleportation ;)). Thermal expansion has extraordinary config and you can disable what feature you don't want to have on your server (in SSP you can just not use it).

That's right. there's a config for most things nowadays.

and Rail five for liking to build rail lines with a purpose. That is the best kind of rail line imho.
People saying that the tesseracts wouldnt be used(in favor of using enderchest) if they were to cost energy or the people should learn to transport energy cells by ender chest and turtle are forgotting one important thing. The mod isnt made forr the purpose of playing in a setup with enderchest, it's technically made to played alone it doesnt need FTB to run
People saying that the tesseracts wouldnt be used(in favor of using enderchest) if they were to cost energy or the people should learn to transport energy cells by ender chest and turtle are forgotting one important thing. The mod isnt made forr the purpose of playing in a setup with enderchest, it's technically made to played alone it doesnt need FTB to run

That is immaterial to the context of this discussion. Yes, this mod is not "made forr (sic) the purpose of playing in a setup with enderchests", but what mod, besides Ender Storage, is? Almost all other mods are designed to be standalone mods (the main reason we even need a forge ore dictionary, as each mod adds its own copper, tin, and whatnot usually in case you are only using it), so what we are doing is grading the different systems.

Currently, item and liquid tesseracts are the kings of the item and liquid transportation world as ender chests require more work to get working in that regard. Energy tesseracts, though, have a fairly steep taxation on them which makes them a good deal more valuable early on, and even more so later on when losing 25% of a large amount of power would end up being a much greater cut of power. That said, they are still much easier than the more logical system of energy cells and turtles, because too many people are afraid they cannot program and thus don't even try.

So, energy tesseracts fill their own space fairly well, even if it isn't the space of "king of the energy transportation teleporation pipe".
Enderchest is still the king of item transportation, it has a buffer(inventory), not to mention ender pouch that's connected to it.
Enderchest is still the king of item transportation, it has a buffer(inventory), not to mention ender pouch that's connected to it.
I beg to differ, you can build much better/bigger buffering system with ease. Pulling items out of a chest comes with its downsides though, and the tesseracts don't have this problem.

But that's mostly a matter of oppinion, I'd rather build a barrel tower, than a filter/timer. If you like sucking stuff outta chests more, then that's fine too :3.
Enderchest is still the king of item transportation, it has a buffer(inventory), not to mention ender pouch that's connected to it.

If thought tesseracts had an internal (non-user-accessible) buffer as well? That aside, ender chests are good in general, but item tesseracts have a specific use as a teleportation pipe that ender chests cannot match. Tesseracts use the MUCH more logical system of frequencies (only 999 public and 999 private frequencies, so you COULD run out of possible frequencies someday possibly), and do not require anything else to work as a teleportation system. In contract, ender chests require a way to be extracted from the chest, and also require you to use dyes to change them up. They also do not allow you to set as send and receive only, which is extremely useful as well.

Liquid tesseracts are an even better example of tesseracts being the kings of that world as they can move the same amount of liquid you can move through normal pipes anywhere. To contract, you'd need an ender chest set up with a liquid transposer on the other end to be able to move liquids, and a liquid transposer on the sending end to be able to send liquids. And the speed is going to be limited by the speed of your transposers, which ALSO need to be powered.

In contract, the energy tesseract adds a similar level of ease of use, but also has a large additional tax of 25% which makes them expensive to use in most cases. Although you cannot easily move MJ energy via ender chests (easily in regards to most people that refuse to even consider using turtles, etc) so this tax is something that the energy tesseract can "get away with" because people don't even know there is another, better way.
Enderchest is still the king of item transportation, it has a buffer(inventory), not to mention ender pouch that's connected to it.
I'm inclined to agree with this. I love the Tesseracts, but except in certain situations, Ender Chests are easier for items, and (if in SSP to avoid the diamond latch cost) cheaper.

Liquid Tesseracts simply have no competition. They are the only convenient way of transporting liquid any distance further than within your own base. The runner up is an Ender Chest/Liquid Transposer bottling and emptying pair, but that requires more space, more energy requirements, and offers more conceptual challenges.

Energy Tesseracts can be very useful in certain situations as well, but you will generally be better served by setting up on-site energy, and Tesseracting whatever fuel needed there. As long as the volume of energy transmitted is kept low, you won't lose as much energy on the way. Powering a quarry with one is much less attractive (efficiency-wise) than powering a forestry farm with one, for instance. Energy Tesseracts are, in my mind, a power system that becomes much more attractive when you simply are producing so much power that energy loss doesn't matter to you anymore; the cost/value of the convenience then outweighs the cost/value of the efficiency loss.
I'm inclined to agree with this. I love the Tesseracts, but except in certain situations, Ender Chests are easier for items, and (if in SSP to avoid the diamond latch cost) cheaper.

I agree, as, for example, item tesseracts are pointless when considered in the place of my ender chests and ender pouches used to send things into my system, get things from my system (with my LogPipe remote orderer), and bring things into my charging system as I'd have to carry around an energy tesseract, set it down, and then set up a device to push it into the tesseract. That would be absurd!

In contrast, though, if I were to replace my quarry ender chest with a tesseract, it would not need a buffer as it'd be pushing stuff directly into my system (and thus I wouldn't need extractor modules on my log pipes connected to it, or even log pipes at all).

I'd actually go as far as to say that they're different enough that they are not really even in the same class. They have a good deal over overlap, and we've gotten used to using ender chests for a lot of what tesseracts should do, but the tesseract really is a teleportation pipe and the ender chest really is a constant inventory/remotely accessible inventory.

Liquid Tesseracts simply have no competition. They are the only convenient way of transporting liquid any distance further than within your own base. The runner up is an Ender Chest/Liquid Transposer bottling and emptying pair, but that requires more space, more energy requirements, and offers more conceptual challenges.


Energy Tesseracts can be very useful in certain situations as well, but you will generally be better served by setting up on-site energy, and Tesseracting whatever fuel needed there. As long as the volume of energy transmitted is kept low, you won't lose as much energy on the way. Powering a quarry with one is much less attractive (efficiency-wise) than powering a forestry farm with one, for instance. Energy Tesseracts are, in my mind, a power system that becomes much more attractive when you simply are producing so much power that energy loss doesn't matter to you anymore; the cost/value of the convenience then outweighs the cost/value of the efficiency loss.

Yeah, if you are producing so much power that it does not matter, then sure, I can understand going with them for the sake of saving a bit of time. I won't, though, as I'll never be producing too much power as I've designed my system to use all of that excess power to produce EU. But some people might not.
I beg to differ, you can build much better/bigger buffering system with ease. Pulling items out of a chest comes with its downsides though, and the tesseracts don't have this problem.

But that's mostly a matter of oppinion, I'd rather build a barrel tower, than a filter/timer. If you like sucking stuff outta chests more, then that's fine too :3.

Enderpouch is the plus here, it's the best thing ever made, you can throw anything to it from anywhere (as long as the enderchest is chunkloaded), you can make a portable charging system with it (jetpack), even better if it's combined with logistic pipe; item tesseract is just another BC item teleport pipe..
Enderpouch is the plus here, it's the best thing ever made, you can throw anything to it from anywhere (as long as the enderchest is chunkloaded), you can make a charging system with it (jetpack), item tesseract is just another BC item teleport..

Someone else does this? Thank the MineCraft gods that I'm not the ONLY person that has a remote charging system!

And yes, let's just try and think of it like this: Ender chests (and ender pouches) are a system for a constant (always the same with each type of chest) and remote inventory solution. Tesseracts are a teleportation pipe solution. They are two different things that have overlap, and as we've been used to using ender chests sans tesseracts, we can see where that overlap is fairly easily.

Oooh, nice. Yeah, I had seen that, but my current server's run isn't done yet (I'm hoping we get ready for a world reset come mid March). But why the heck would they have GregTech in easy mode? Pfff. On the bright side, that is easy enough to fix. Although disabled tesseracts... That is silly as well as they are useful. Ah well, I'll have to customize it to my own needs. Thanks!
Enderpouch is the plus here, it's the best thing ever made, you can throw anything to it from anywhere (as long as the enderchest is chunkloaded)

Technically, it doesn't even have to be chunk loaded to use the chest. If you are pulling stuff out of the physical chest with a Filter, for instance, the Filter needs to be chunkloaded. The inventory works no matter where you are, because it's not tied to the physical Chest.
Yeah, I meant for item transportation you always need to chunkload it, just like the item tesseract.. Sometimes I use it as a better backpack, just throw everything you have mined to the pouch and let it be extracted at the other end to the sorting system.
In my opinion, people are getting too attached to unlimited distance teleportation of items/liquids/power. That entire concept is what seems silly to me. It makes location entirely irrelevant.

Make Nether portals not suck and I'll happy use the infinitely cheaper minecart solutions. I already use tank cart lines in numerous places in my builds because they're SO much cheaper. Right now using liquids is such an awkward proposition and it shouldn't be so terrible. And there should be SOME way to make inter-dimensional gates that doesn't rely on a system that is impossibly endgame now.

I actually think using a single ender chest input for a quarry hurts people's builds in most cases by not distributing the load of handling multiple inputs. So they're hurting themselves anyways. It makes a lot of sense to distribute your workload and just use ender chests to collect the final outputs.
Make Nether portals not suck and I'll happy use the infinitely cheaper minecart solutions. I already use tank cart lines in numerous places in my builds because they're SO much cheaper. Right now using liquids is such an awkward proposition and it shouldn't be.

MystCraft's crystal portals are the way to go, and you've got the DW20 pack so get to it.

I actually think using a single ender chest input for a quarry hurts people's builds in most cases by not distributing the load of handling multiple inputs. So they're hurting themselves anyways. It makes a lot of sense to distribute your workload and just use ender chests to collect the final outputs.

Even a quarry at 50mj/t isn't going to make more items than you'll be able to pull out with a properly programmed turtle, two filters, or something in that area. And you could always just make two or more ender chests on the input side. But yes, item tesseracts really are the better solution for quarries as you don't then need something to pull stuff out of an inventory, which saves resources.

I wonder if they can handle the output volume of four 50mj/t quarries running at the same time? I'll have to test that. Soon.
MystCraft's crystal portals are the way to go, and you've got the DW20 pack so get to it.

I tried. I've generated a huge sum of villages in our upgraded world and never seen a page. This may even be a bug, because my experiments with my own private "advancing" pack had pages show up pretty fast.

But honestly, gating the core mechanics an entire mod on if a series of super-rare events align up but then still allow for the most abusive parts? Not cool. I don't want a 100x dense ore world that I cheat in and then cheat off instability like some jerkwad. What I really want from Mystcraft is awesome gameplay and inspiring new vistas to explore. I can live without an endless sea of BNA if I could just have cool tentacles of glass naturally occuring.

The new system means you cannot make a random world and have any hope of exploring it. I made 5 and all were unusably unstable. Quantum helmets should not be a pre-requisite for mystcraft, but as it stands every world I've generated would tear someone apart who is not immune to status effects.

The update has taken all the beauty and discovery of mystcraft and smashed it on the ground in the name of "game balance of worldgen", but the "game balance of worldgen" was only being broken by cheaters disabling instability anyways. Yet linking books, ostensibly the most broken part of the mod in that it gives you a cheap and magical out from anything that any world can throw at you, are left untouched? Portals, which were one of the most amazingly useful parts of the mod for automation and the one really interesting force multiplier in the mod? All but impossible to make now.

I'm very sad that Mystcraft has been changed to the point where it is basically a way to make a nether portal hub. The only way to get those villagers is to build something so preposterously stupid that my teeth grind even imagining it: a villager breeder.

I may remove it from my pack, I'm so frustrated with how it's changed.
I personally like how in depth and advanced it's gotten. Instead of "Here, a descriptive book. Use it, go to world, come back, bam, bunch of symbols", you actually have to find the symbols in temples/villagers.
My advice though if you want to find quick Mystcraft pages, find an endless desert biome via random descriptive book (Mine has mining fatigue 4 and nothing else), and just keep going. You'll find mystcraft temples fairly frequently. I was lucky enough for that to be my first Mystcraft world I created.
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I may remove it from my pack, I'm so frustrated with how it's changed.

It is a GREAT deal more inline with the Myst world functionality, which I agree with as such. If you want to discover a random world, you better know someone that knows how to properly write ages, or you better learn yourself, otherwise you are going to make a horrible unstable world. I actually wish that they'd make unwritten descriptive books not do anything at all, because that'd make more sense.

That aside, what would be really awesome would be pre-generated ages found as dungeon loot, sold from the mystcraft page vendor, and other such things like that. You would normally never be able to get to them without finding the book, and from there, the age would be designed in a way that made it interesting to explore. Perhaps base them off of Myst world elements (the Myst age, for sure, etc), and you have a lot of more content to discover and explore.

And yes, linking books are "cheap" in regards to how powerful they can be. That is canon, though, and something often abused, and rightly so as they ARE powerful. What really needs to happen is that they need to address the ink and paper used in the creation of books as the ink and paper are special in the Myst universe. Something that puts it from early game to mid/late game (or early game to early-mid/mid game for us GregTech people) would be nice, and having to manually track down pages does that already for descriptive books.

And instead of a village grinder, what about dungeons? They should populate as loot in dungeon chests, so that should also be Thaumcraft altars, which are fairly common in open areas.