Redpower Replacements

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This has been discussed in various forms before, but I would like to try to pull together the different pieces into one post. Please let me know if there is anything I need to add to this list.

World Gen/Decorative

  • Railcraft's quarried stone,
  • Vanilla Nether Quartz
  • MFR's bleached brick
  • Railcraft's Abyssal stone and
  • Thaumic Tinkerer's smoky quartz
Redpower Logic/wiring

  • Minefactory Reloaded's Rednet can replace most of the logic circuits and bundled cabling.
  • Computercraft
Computer Craft's computer's and turtles can handle most programming functions although in a completely different language. Computer Craft is also not an emulator, but is an interpreter, so not everything can be done, but for most things, it is acceptable.​
Item Transport
  • Buildcraft
  • Logistic Pipes
  • Minefactory Reloaded
  • Infinitubes
  • Applied Energistics
Liquid Transport
  • Buildcraft
  • Logistic Pipes (sort-of)
  • Thermal Expansion

Liquid Placement​
  • Vanilla Dispenser (Water and Lava buckets)
  • Computercraft (turtles)
Block Placement​
  • Thaumic Tinkerer
  • Computercraft (turtles)
Block Breaker
  • Minefactory Reloaded
  • Computercraft (turtles)
  • Thaumcraft (Golems)
  • ChickenBones' Translocators
  • Computercraft
From everything I have read on various posts, no other mod authors are likely going to handle this as the way it had to be done was very hackish, and isn't worth the effort to replicate nor the headache when minecraft updates.
  • Ugocraft (Single player only-site in japanese so use google to translate)
  • MorePistons (Limited functionality)
  • Imbibbis Microblocks
Did I miss anything?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RedPower Logic/Wiring can be done with Computercraft
Frames can possibly be made with Ugocraft
Block breaker/Deployer: Turtles

also an item missing is the sickle which i believe the force mitts from dartcraft can fulfil the same functionality


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I for one like having options. I absolutely love redpower, and use it almost exclusively, however, I'm in a custom 1.5.2 modpack (loosly based off of resonant rise) playing with natura and tinkerer's construct, so redpower isn't an option at the moment. I have never looked into other mods abilities as redpower did it all. Now I am being forced to use and learn other mods. I've found a few good ones that I never messed with before, and having a lot of fun trying out different RP2 alternatives for solving particular issues.

So yes, I will likely be going back to redpower when it is available, but in the mean time, I am learning more specifics about various mods. In some of the cases, I have found the redpower alternatives to be much better than redpower for solving particular issues.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's an idea. Why not learn the meaning of patience.
We have been patient. Our patience so far has been rewarded by Eloraam making vague statements that don't really provide the answer we need.

Redpower isn't the only mod not 1.5 ready.
The difference is other mod authors are keeping in-touch. Eloraam may have been busy but a quick post to Twitter should only take about 30 seconds.

And Elo says she is working on it. Who needs a replacement when you can have the original
This is not the same as giving a release date. She may get a release out quickly. Or it may be months before we hear from her again.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what Eloraam has created and really enjoy Redpower. But with so many good mods becoming available and many of them offering decent alternatives, it is far better to give up one mod than to give up on several.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's an idea. Why not learn the meaning of patience. Redpower isn't the only mod not 1.5 ready.

This is not the topic of this thread. Go start a unwarranted flamewar elsewhere, please. I hear the technic forums are dry this time of year.

And Elo says she is working on it. Who needs a replacement when you can have the original

People who want bugfixes, substantially improved performance (client and server), and new content. When Elo releases, it will be delightful. Until then, everything but frames has a substitute.

And unless RP2 adds a TON of new features, it's pretty much no longer the most important mod for microblocks or redstone logic or even generalized function blocks

You can replace much of what you lost with RP2 with just 2 mods: Immibis Microblocks and MineFactory reloaded. If you demand tubes and not AE, Infinitubes is a better version of RP2 tubing in terms of capabilities.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

From everything I have read on various posts, no other mod authors are likely going to handle this as the way it had to be done was very hackish, and isn't worth the effort to replicate nor the headache when minecraft updates.

try looking up Ugocraft, it isn't exactly mainstream, but it offers some good frame replacements, and even more then that


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
try looking up Ugocraft, it isn't exactly mainstream, but it offers some good frame replacements, and even more then that

It's not usable for multiplayer servers, unfortunately. Cool mod, tho.

Interestingly, "More pistons" can actually be used to make small, narrow frame platforms.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's an idea. Why not learn the meaning of patience. Redpower isn't the only mod not 1.5 ready.

Really? What other mods? Xycraft is the only one I can think of, and it's hardly critical path. Besides, it as least has signs of life, being installed on Forgecraft.

Who needs a replacement when you can have the original

When the original is inferior. Like in this case.


Popular Member
Apr 3, 2013
I have read about a frame type replacement thing, which has some neat features planned/implemented. I'm not quite up to the specifics.

Unfortunately, linking it could lead to:

a) Broccoli pelting,
b) Questions into why I read such forums.

Of course, I'm sure everyone here is sane enough not to object based on the fact this comes from the Technic land, and will have a nice clean discussion. So have a link. If you decide to be terrible people, it's on you, not me.

It appears to be highly work in progress, so if it bricks your Minecraft, maybe file a bug report to the person making it.

This cannot possibly go wrong. Linky.

Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
I'd heard about that Frames alternative as well, Hyperme. I'm definitely keeping an eye on it, because it seems like the closest match to RP2 frames in terms of functionality. Plus it has some extra features that look interesting.

As for other things, I second the mention of Turtles for block breaking/placement.

Computers work really well to replace logic gates and, in my opinion, are even more useful than the Programmable Rednet Controller now that the Bundled Cable functionality of the Redstone API has been adapted to work with Rednet Cables.

In addition to where it's already listed, Logistics Pipes can handle manager/regulator stuff too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We appreciate your posting of the link (you'll find most of us are open to suggestions, even though we might not take them on).

What pisses me off about it, is the apparent opinion of the mod maker:

I think an outsider looking in could easily assume that FTB 1.5.x final release is being held up by elo. We all know thats not the case because we follow slow poke and he has acted quite upset with elo over all of this. So FTB isnt holding back for elo. Its because FTB wants a stable build ready. Though with nei mostly fixed its time to release something soon. Now if this programer makes something that works is stable I promise you he will be on forgecraft talking on team speak... Its not like new people arent added in. BoP guys, mdyio etc...


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Sortron is not replaced by anything. Nothing else can inspect and pull the contents of individual slots in an inventory. CMIIW. I was hoping that an Inventory Turtle could, but if it can then I can't work out how. And if it can be done without Forth then that would make it much more accessible, although I personally have really enjoyed the challenge. I'm sure there will be choruses of "not turtles again!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The thing about MFR Rednet is that it is just too easy!
All that power in one block.
I want to do things the old-fashioned, block-by-block gate way.
The really old fashioned way just doesn't work for me, though.
I really took a liking to RP2 because of it's integration with Redstone and Gates, which is also why I took a liking to Powercraft, which also had numerous gates.
But MFR is just a set down block, walk away thing.
No effort as long as you know how to work it.