Redpower Replacements

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know, if you guys were in a room filled with people that are working to replace RP2 and Elo were to walk in - you'd see the contrast really quickly. It takes a room filled with people to replace one person.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know, if you guys were in a room filled with people that are working to replace RP2 and Elo were to walk in - you'd see the contrast really quickly. It takes a room filled with people to replace one person.
Which group is able to cope with the loss of a member? If Eloraam is unable to work on RP2 for whatever reason, development is stalled and releases cease. A group of people working on one project means that they can simply shift the workload to other members.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know, if you guys were in a room filled with people that are working to replace RP2 and Elo were to walk in - you'd see the contrast really quickly. It takes a room filled with people to replace one person.
Thats exactly the problem dude. If she worked with other people it wouldnt be such a huge problem if she had to take time off. Her other programer team members could keep it updated. TE is a group effort. IC2 is. Most major mods of this level use assistants in one form or another. But anyways I love her work I understand her need for privacy and really as soon as rp2 is updated I will use it BUT to make us wait for those features is silly. Whats wrong with options?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know, if you guys were in a room filled with people that are working to replace RP2 and Elo were to walk in - you'd see the contrast really quickly. It takes a room filled with people to replace one person.

Elo did not do all the work for RP2 on her own, nor did she come up with all the concepts of RP2 ex nihilo. She worked closely with her contemporaries, borrowed ideas and changed the way she did stuff over time. MFR is 3 people, and they're insanely prolific. Minefactory Reloaded is a bigger mod than RP2 ever has been.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know, if you guys were in a room filled with people that are working to replace RP2 and Elo were to walk in - you'd see the contrast really quickly. It takes a room filled with people to replace one person.

This claim is asinine, bordering on hero worship. Irrational hero worship. It's the reason why there can never be a rational discussion about redpower with you, because you don't converse about the topic rationally.

It's also, flat out, wrong.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think it';s great Elo is working on the RP2. I think RP2 is an awesome mod and I do miss some of the functionality it presented. However, I am glad that other modders are adding some of the functionality RP2 adds to their mods. Having more options is ALWAYS better for Minecraft and the modding community. It's not so much that people want to replace RP2. It's more they want to have multiple ways of adding that functionality back in the game. Is this a bad thing?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This claim is asinine, bordering on hero worship. Irrational hero worship. It's the reason why there can never be a rational discussion about redpower with you, because you don't converse about the topic rationally.

It's also, flat out, wrong.

The observation I have made is this.
RP2 is currently maintained by one coder, Elo. She's seen roughly once every two months these days and when she appears, people claim she's back and all is well. Her code isn't open for view. And the current version doesn't work with 1.5 right now. We may not even see a version for 1.5 or even 1.6, heck - might even be possible she's given it up and the version in 1.4.7 is the last iteration of the mod. This pass away, it's the way of things.
To replace RP2, it's taking a host of other modders re-creating the features of RP2. No single team just came out with RP3. So to say it's taking more than a single person to replace RP2 accurate.

And lets put a stop to this hero worship assumption. Without attacking her to show the semblance of joining your side of anger towards RP2, I'll only say that my heroes don't code, don't write games, and don't appear as a file for me to download. I reserve true hero worship for those I deem worthy of such status.

So if you want to keep arguing about such points be my guest. Correct them with logic and fact if I'm incorrect on a point. KirinDave managed to be quite civilized in his retort and I even liked it since it was new information. I hadn't any idea Elo received help, so many people on these forums attack her and only her. It leads newer people like me to make a false assumption.

But to come in here and throw words like asinine, hero worship, irrational ... I think I'll just say I disagree with your judgement.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The observation I have made is this.
RP2 is currently maintained by one coder, Elo. She's seen roughly once every two months these days and when she appears, people claim she's back and all is well. Her code isn't open for view. And the current version doesn't work with 1.5 right now. We may not even see a version for 1.5 or even 1.6, heck - might even be possible she's given it up and the version in 1.4.7 is the last iteration of the mod. This pass away, it's the way of things.
To replace RP2, it's taking a host of other modders re-creating the features of RP2. No single team just came out with RP3. So to say it's taking more than a single person to replace RP2 accurate.

And lets put a stop to this hero worship assumption. Without attacking her to show the semblance of joining your side of anger towards RP2, I'll only say that my heroes don't code, don't write games, and don't appear as a file for me to download. I reserve true hero worship for those I deem worthy of such status.

So if you want to keep arguing about such points be my guest. Correct them with logic and fact if I'm incorrect on a point. KirinDave managed to be quite civilized in his retort and I even liked it since it was new information. I hadn't any idea Elo received help, so many people on these forums attack her and only her. It leads newer people like me to make a false assumption.

But to come in here and throw words like asinine, hero worship, irrational ... I think I'll just say I disagree with your judgement.

I think you are cementing everyone's point about RP2 and it's development. You are correct that Elo is the only maintainer of RP2 and that she does appear for a brief time and drops a quick tweet. Unfortunately, this behavior is not good for the Minecraft community. To be honest we wouldn't have to "replace" RP2 if Elo would open the code so people can work with her or add some of the awesome coders to her "team". If we lose RP2 it's really bad for the community as a whole because we lose a REALLY great mod.

What you stated is accurate and consequently very unfortunate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The observation I have made is this.
RP2 is currently maintained by one coder, Elo.

Yes, and she's failing to maintain it. Furthermore, the last release was incredibly buggy, including at least two separate dupes, multiple client crashes, and a complete chunk corrupting manager bug. All of which any rational person would recognize as high priority.

Even if RP came out, today, with the exact functionality it had in 1.4.7 but with no bugs, it would be behind the curve.

To replace RP2, it's taking a host of other modders re-creating the features of RP2. No single team just came out with RP3. So to say it's taking more than a single person to replace RP2 accurate.

No, it's not. Because what's coming out has more functionality, wider options, and is less buggy.

And lets put a stop to this hero worship assumption.

It's not an assumption. After a post like your last one, it's observable fact.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And lets put a stop to this hero worship assumption.
Something isn't merely an assumption when one provides facts to back up the statement. Hero worship is defined as giving "foolish or excessive adulation for an individual". Adulation is defined as "excessive or slavish admiration or flattery". worship

What you are doing is claiming only Eloraam is capable of producing a mod like Redpower 2. That for anyone else it would be impossible and requires a team versus a single individual.

The point you are missing is that just because the modding community is teaming up doesn't mean that an individual person/mod isn't capable of replacing Redpower 2. The reason why the community is teaming up to partake in a project is quite simple. More people makes for more stable releases. Both in terms of bugs and in terms of frequency of updates.

The problem is Eloraam is clearly unable to keep up with Minecraft releases while maintaining a stable project. So either her mod will perpetually lag behind Minecraft updates or she will have to bring in assistants to at least handle the more menial tasks.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Item Detector. I think you can do this with vanilla hoppers but it's awkward, is there any other way to detect a specific item in a pipe/tube/conveyor belt system? This is at the heart of the origin of FTB, which needs a way of checking what items have been fed to the east.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think you can do this with vanilla hoppers but it's awkward, is there any other way to detect a specific item in a pipe/tube/conveyor belt system?
Couldn't you feed the items into a chest and have a turtle take a peek in the chest? We need a turtle pipe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I for one like having options. I absolutely love redpower, and use it almost exclusively, however, I'm in a custom 1.5.2 modpack (loosly based off of resonant rise) playing with natura and tinkerer's construct, so redpower isn't an option at the moment. I have never looked into other mods abilities as redpower did it all. Now I am being forced to use and learn other mods. I've found a few good ones that I never messed with before, and having a lot of fun trying out different RP2 alternatives for solving particular issues.

So yes, I will likely be going back to redpower when it is available, but in the mean time, I am learning more specifics about various mods. In some of the cases, I have found the redpower alternatives to be much better than redpower for solving particular issues.

I am not a RP2 fanboy, I just really like the mod as part of FTB. It's a good thing to explore the other mods. I find that many of the things I would like to do are impossible with just a single mod. I think my automation and sorting is running on about 10 different mods working together.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Something isn't merely an assumption when one provides facts to back up the statement. Hero worship is defined as giving "foolish or excessive adulation for an individual". Adulation is defined as "excessive or slavish admiration or flattery". worship

What you are doing is claiming only Eloraam is capable of producing a mod like Redpower 2. That for anyone else it would be impossible and requires a team versus a single individual.

The point you are missing is that just because the modding community is teaming up doesn't mean that an individual person/mod isn't capable of replacing Redpower 2. The reason why the community is teaming up to partake in a project is quite simple. More people makes for more stable releases. Both in terms of bugs and in terms of frequency of updates.

The problem is Eloraam is clearly unable to keep up with Minecraft releases while maintaining a stable project. So either her mod will perpetually lag behind Minecraft updates or she will have to bring in assistants to at least handle the more menial tasks.

My original statement was "You know, if you guys were in a room filled with people that are working to replace RP2 and Elo were to walk in - you'd see the contrast really quickly. It takes a room filled with people to replace one person."

I went back to see why I caused all this and it doesn't have anything to do with Elo, RP2, or hero worship. It's poor choice of inclusion.

I should have typed:
"If some were in a room filled with people that are working to replace RP2 and Elo were to walk in - some would see the contrast quickly. It takes a room filled with people to replace one person."

Being that I would personally see the contrast, that statement is true for me.

By including those with an opposing view point and conferring onto them my view point, I caused this argument. My apologies.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is not the topic of this thread. Go start a unwarranted flamewar elsewhere, please. I hear the technic forums are dry this time of year.

You accuse me of trying to start a flame war, of which my 36 year old self has no want or intention of doing. Isn't starting another RP2 thread instead of using the search function the real culprit?