Redpower Replacement for FTB future

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know that a lot of the modpacks are not updating due to lack of a redpower update. A friend of mine recently linked me to a promising open source replacement known as project red. Seems a fair bit of progress has been made and looks like viable option in the near future. Just thought I'd share this with other FTB'ers and FTB modpack devs.
project red
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Have a look at this thread and literally pick your poison - there is several very promising mods out there, that not only replace, but mostly overcome RP2's features. This includes just about anything (Yes, frames, too), except Bluetricity.

Link: Click me
...this seems like the correct thread for a short RP2 rant. Hope noone feels offended by it.

I think all the usual arguments about RP (yeah, it's for free, yeah, we can't expect Eloraam to develop or communicate etc, etc, yeah, it's her stuff, yeah, she can decide what she does etc) are kinda true, but entirely miss the point.

Being a [non-Minecraft-related] developer and Software project manager myself, I don't like Eloraams communication at all. There's occasionally a tweet, but if you say "Hey, finished my job and I can work on RP2 now again" in mid-april and don't provide any project-related feedback until (almost) August, that's no proof of good communication skills. Sure, she has a day job (most of us have) that eats up her time, but IF you're developing an (admittedly nice) project other people (FTB e.g.) depend on, you should at least

Eloraam seems to be extremly perfectionistic, that seems to be the reason why she's not publishing alphas/betas etc, but for the people that depend on it, for the people that wait for it, that's not worth a penny, if their favourity modpacks simply remove RP2 because it's not worth waiting another 6 months etc.

What you can see here in action is how frustrating, how negative it is to not publish such projects as open source.
In the end, all the hours she put into RP will be completly wasted time, because people will use project red etc. instead. Because it just works and everyone with the appropriate skill.

I, personally, DO expect her to at least share a little more that an unspecific tweet every three or four months.
It would be totally OK to me, if she'd say "Hey, I don't have enough time to develop RP2, here's the GPLed source, now port it to MC 1.5/1.6 etc. And always keep the (copyright) eloraam on the top-".
I believe she's pretty competent in what she does, but this isn't worth a penny, if the project dies (one release every year looks like a dying project).
I don't know Eloraam in person in any possible way, but if she's so uncommunicative and so "Hey, that's MY OWN code, you'll never get to see or modify it"-ish in her day-job as well, I'd double-check if I'd want to hire her, given that my company could use her abilities.

-- End rant mode --
[...] I, personally, [...]
That's alright - just, you have no right whatsoever to expect her to obey to you. Besides, use the search function and you will a) find hundrets of threads that already deal with this topic in length and depth, b) see that you are not alone with your opinion, c) find out that your opinion is not important a penny itself - why is explained, again in length and detail, in the threads you found when you followed a).
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That's correct - my opinion is not worth a penny. That's why I (and everyone else) calls it opionion. Nothing more, nothing less. Just because it is a fact I don't have no right to do X (= expect her to do Y) this does not mean in any way I have to stop criticising her (in fact even if she has done a lot more for the community than I have, she as well doesn't have the right to demand from other to obey her by stopping to criticise. I'm not saying she does, but admittedly I'd really like to see her participating in this kind of discussion).

What's not an opinion but a fact is that - at least for now - the 1.5 FTB packs (even they are private at the moment) do not contain RP2.
...and there's the thread you're looking at - it provides a replacement, and AFAIK many people spent many hours of work putting Project Red together.

To a certain extent I don't even care about RP2, but IMO it's "too good to die" from a player's point of view.

I did search the forums before, but to be honest I did find many similar threads but none that really matches my opinion enough to call it a duplicate.
If you know any, please be so kind and point me in the right direction.
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I really love RP2 and everything Eloraam's brought to the game, but we went through the exact same thing during the last major Minecraft update. Last time most people waited the time it took so they could update their modpacks, but it looks like people aren't going to do that a second time. From what I understand Eloraam is a perfectionist and RP2 is her pride and joy, which is why she doesn't want anyone helping her. In the past this probably ensured she released a quality mod, but it's also what's hurting and ultimately going to kill the mod.

Just looking back at Direwolfs old videos. How long did he go on saying "We're waiting on redpower for...," "I'm going to start the next lets play when Redpower is released" or something similar? It went on for at least 2 months (probably more). People waited patiently though. I don't think it's going to work anymore. People are already looking for and developing replacements. I think people have every right to be frustrated and annoyed that it looks like it's going to be another wait for RP2 as long as the last one. It's true that it doesn't mean Eloraam has to care. She should care, but she doesn't have to.

Modpacks will probably add it whenever it's done, but sadly RP2 will probably never be as popular as it used to be. Unless maybe if Eloraam comes out of left field with RP3 and a ton of crazy new features.
Modpacks will probably add it whenever it's done, but sadly RP2 will probably never be as popular as it used to be. Unless maybe if Eloraam comes out of left field with RP3 and a ton of crazy new features.

Like crazy additions to frames >:'D
Something like rocket launcher or so :D
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I'll start with the obligatory comment to Be Nice. I should probably just make that my tagline under my avatar. =)

As somebody who regularly trolls around the livestreams listening while I do other stuff (like reading through these posts), the general deal with RedPower2 and FTB is:
  • FTB isn't waiting for RP2 to publish the 1.6 packs. FTB doesn't know anything more about RP2's status then you do, either.
  • If at some point RP2 catches up with the packs, it will still require some heavy thinking if it can keep up in the future, because there's fatigue about forcing resets with every new version.
  • FTB is aware of the various mods that fill in the gaps and they have been/are being evaluated. Nothing public is said on which, if any, may be included, but they may be added for 1.6.
Hope that helps.
I'm glad people are replacing Redpower2 and it seems most people have stopped white-knighting someone we don't even know if the vague details of their identity is even what it is claimed . I'm quite skeptical of someone who obfuscates their presence to this extent and lacks meaningful communication skills. I don't judge this person's modding talent; however, my devotion for this mod is waning in favour of active projects.