Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

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Regardless if he has a point or not, this mod effectively destroys a section of both modded and vanilla minecraft community, since there's not really much stopping a person from throwing forge and PiP onto a vanilla client. Who's going to want to pvp with this thing around?

gg ichun. r.i.p minecraft pvp.
There was nothing stopping them from doing that before, either. They wouldn't even have to mod the client, at least not as far as installing Forge. The real big difference is now it's relatively convenient to set up for non-programmers and reasonably well-known (I was going to say popular, but maybe notorious is the better term).
Our best hope is that iChun pulls an Eloraam or discontinues the mod.
Then we have to wait for another vMC update.
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There was nothing stopping them from doing that before, either. They wouldn't even have to mod the client, at least not as far as installing Forge. The real big difference is now it's relatively convenient to set up for non-programmers and reasonably well-known (I was going to say popular, but maybe notorious is the better term).

You're preaching to the choir tbh.

I used to do some offset fiddling in an old mmorpg I used to play. character speed (among other things) were all client side. The devs didn't care because it was a select few that could do these things. Somebody had the bright idea to make a nice little program with clicky buttons and a hand holding you through the process. Things got bad right quick after that.
What a absolutely awful response from iChun. "Hey guys, I just made this cool mod! Oh it destroys PvP and people are raising privacy concerns? Oh well, I don't give two shits, have a nice day"
What a absolutely awful response from iChun. "Hey guys, I just made this cool mod! Oh it destroys PvP and people are raising privacy concerns? Oh well, I don't give two shits, have a nice day"
You know, he did raise the point that other programmers could alter his code. So I'm going to make a point of asking: Is this Open Source? I didn't see it on iChun's Github account when I looked just now. Because if it is OS, someone can fork it and ADD the player protections which are missing, just as if they were in someone could fork it and remove them.
You're preaching to the choir tbh.

I used to do some offset fiddling in an old mmorpg I used to play. character speed (among other things) were all client side. The devs didn't care because it was a select few that could do these things. Somebody had the bright idea to make a nice little program with clicky buttons and a hand holding you through the process. Things got bad right quick after that.
iChun's mod would be great for server admins, but unscrupulous players can abuse it. I only play on my own servers with a handpicked group of trusted players, so I have no qualms about this tool being available to them. But, your concerns on a public server are understandable.

The problem is these unscrupulous players, not so much the mod itself. Although it has the potential for abuse, you do not have to abuse it. As an admin, I could use it honestly by monitoring players for abuse. As a player, I could use it honestly by keeping tabs on where my allies are for dungeon raids or whatever, like how the game SWAT 4 does.


The fiddling you did in the MMORPG was giving you an unfair advantage over the other players by allowing you to move at a higher rate of speed, and thus make more efficient use of your time. Since you say other things are also client-side, perhaps you had other advantages as well. When players see cheating, it advertises the possibilities and helps them justify the cheating by levelling the playing field. So, they may seek out the tools to achieve equality with you.
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PvP servers will probably autokick players with PiP installed.

.....they can do that, right?
Probably. but that's added stress to the server. every person logging in would have to be scanned.

even then, it's not 100% that you'll catch it. Now that the genie is out of the bottle, they could hide their use of that mod fairly easily. I won't get into specifics, but a sub-community could form around this, as was with the mmorpg offset hacking I mentioned earlier. The same group of people who make hacked clients and such will likely be the ones to do this. Depending on how the auto-plugin checker plugin is coded, it may or may not catch PiP. Honestly I don't see it being that hard to mitigate, and all it takes is one person to find the loophole and release a stealth version.

and then the cycle begins again. as with the mmo, offsets were changed with every patch, but all it did was slow down the folks that didn't understand how to do what was being done to begin with. It only took a couple hours usually to find the new offsets and disseminate them through the community.
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Mojang: Minecraft Wiki
  • Debug Mode world type
    • Useful for resource pack makers
    • Hold ⇧ Shift and cycle through "World Type" to select it
    • Spectator mode recommended to avoid crashes
    • All possible blocks with all possible data values are generated
      • They are arranged in a grid across height y=70, with a barrier floor at y=60
    • Blocks placed are deleted, and blocks destroyed are restored
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I'm not that worried about BuildCraft losing a unique aspect. SpaceToad is working on some awesome stuff since he's been back, so I'm thinking BC may be in for a revival. Either way, different authors put different features in, so I'd rather have another implementation.
RWTema can look forward to losing a spot in my packs for 1.7 onwards.
Yeah Extra Utilities isn't so much "extra utilities", as the name suggests, like it was in 1.5- it's now just "BuildCraft the Remake" with the title of "Extra Utilities". Honestly, for 1.7, I may just end up writing my own mod that does the things I like from the old ExUtils.
There is nothing wrong with PiP.

There is nothing wrong with a mod that saves all chunk data sent from the server to the local drive so you can use a map viewer.

Are you going to say that Opis/MapWriter/etc are bad because they can reveal your enemy's hidden base?

Nothing prevents a client side mod from displaying information that the server sends that you do not have the ability to see. And good or bad, the minecraft system is "Here is the full chunk, display it". It stems from being a single player game, and the server does NOT do view culling to decide what to send.

Not a new discussion. Cubic chunks has had a long discussion on the idea of culling what is sent so that the client is working with less unwanted vertical information, and can afford more time for horizontal (distant-er) information.

Heck, xray mods to show you where the ores are, or cave entrances, or what's waiting for you before you turn the corner.

Now, is any of this appropriate for a PVP environment?


PvP, in game where the server sends you information that you should not have, is inherently going to be "trust the other users not to cheat".
What's with the hate on mod authors adding features that other mods have? Is there something wrong with mods adding such features? When did it become wrong to expand your own mod with features you want in it?

I ask because I'm excited on seeing wire/pipe wire equivalents added to Extra Utilities, as well as seeing barrel equivalents added to Thermal Expansion. Why? Because I dislike adding a mod for only one aspect of it. Extra Utilities seems to be adding the equivalent of both pipe wire *and* red alloy wire, letting it no longer rely on other mods for sending redstone signals vertically and alongside pipes.

Extra Utilities is still just that. Extra Utilities. It's not BuildCraft. It doesn't *build*. BuildCraft has *many* things that XU doesn't. Builders, robits, pumps that don't fill in with stone, oil, oil refining, and floodgates. Mebbe a few more as well. XU also has many things *BuildCraft* doesn't, like filing cabinets, angel blocks, flight rings, random textured blocks, extra FMP items, and more.
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