If someone could explain this to me, I'd appreciate it. I've been completely unable to understand the fascination with Botania since release, and with how much this community seems to love it, I'd like to know why that is.
I'll add on to
@Adagiovibe's comment. Not only is it extremely well thought out and tightly integrated, with some of the best documentation around for ANY mod (Which is duplicated on the website... hint hint Thaumcraft addons); the tools it gives you are nearly always unique, powerful, capable, or all of the above. Red String allows for a frankly absurd number of functional AND aesthetic builds. The automation potential with Botania is absolutely absurd, it does many kinds of farms better than nearly any other mod. The Ring of Magnetization is one of the more effective and easily obtained item magnets around (which is a function that honestly should be in the game. You can break blocks 4 meters away, why can't you pick them up from that far?). The Corporea System... wireless short-range item transport via sparks; a lot like LP and AE, except more limited in nature, and the ability to request items via chat. Elementium bucket is a void bucket. The Flügel Tiara used to be a very nice "fuel cost" flight (not personally a fan of the recent change to the tiara). Luminizers. The mana burst system can be used for a whole host of wireless tasks thanks to the detectors and lenses. Mob "Shedding"; dropping items from living mobs via config. Default is villagers drop emeralds every MC day or so, and chickens shed feathers. One-block adjustable, toggleable, redstone timer. Open Crate: one of the most effective item droppers in all of Modded MC. Portable Vanilla Ender Chest. The pure daisy can transform netherrack and soul sand into cobblestone and sand (among a few other transformations). Reasonably balanced autocrafting, and a portable crafting table that can remember recipes for quick-crafting. References (hey, they make me chuckle

). The six relics are very interesting as well. A portable slime chunk/height detector (one of the generating flowers eats natural slime spawns for mana: as in, prevents the spawn and generates mana). Soujourner/Globetrotter's Sash. Honestly basically everything in the baubles section. Terra Shatterer: makes the TiCo hammer look like a child's toy, while still requiring an impressive investment of time and effort to get there; also has a lot of control over the functionality with a few auxiliary items. Timeless Ivy lets you add the mana-material consume-mana-to-repair functionality to at least vanilla items (I'm pretty sure it supports mod items too, but haven't tried)
Oh, and it adds skyblock mode:
Garden of Glass. Replaces the need for Ex Nihilo and addons to run (nearly) all of the skyblock packs out there. I haven't tried to replace it, and haven't dug in deeply. But from a moderately in-depth look? Very capable.
I mean, just read the lexica online and note the sheer amount of functionality that's explicitly documented... and then double or triple it. There are some hidden functions and the community builds for Botania accomplish some mightily impressive things via clever interactions. One of the best parts is that it accomplishes all of this with no GUI's other than the lexica, and very simple overlays, a tiny handful (two?) of particle effects, while making a concerted effort at staying light on resources.