Plus, around 95% of these moans could be solved if the moaners took a look at Minetweaker. But it's easier to moan, then do something constructive.
Oh, damn, did I just moan about moaners?...
I think that's a little unfair, mind. One, a lot of people don't even know about Minetweaker, and more importantly, "You wouldn't see this as a problem if you used a (third?)-party tool to change it" really isn't constructive feedback as regards the mod itself.
A lot of the moans aren't constructive feedback either, sure, but I tend to see "fix it yourself" as often being a supremely unhelpful and often rather insufferable response; it strays dangerously close to a personal attack at times.
One of the major factors that, I think, contributed both to IC2's popularity and eventual decline was that the devs always took "someone else fixed it" as sufficient reason not to address their own deficiencies (see Advanced Machines).
Long story short I feel that sort of thinking is a bit of a dangerous habit on our part, and it can carry significant second- and third-order consequences.
And sorry to write a moderate novel in response to your two sentences
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