Realm Of the Mad god

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I played this game quite a bit for awhile, but I had to switch to a laptop for school and it doesn't like it as much :( Plus, the best way to unlock new classes is to go, at level 3-ish, find a horde and just let the strong people kill the god monsters while you rake in the xp.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Narcisism said:
I played this game quite a bit for awhile, but I had to switch to a laptop for school and it doesn't like it as much :( Plus, the best way to unlock new classes is to go, at level 3-ish, find a horde and just let the strong people kill the god monsters while you rake in the xp.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have never been good at surviving in the god areas. Plus it seems very tedious to get your rank up. I have been trying to reach level 20 on each character as I got them, just so that I didn't have to go back when I wanted to unlock a certain character. I think there was an update, but I have not played in quite a long time. I really should, it might be a good way to waste time when you are waiting for something to happen.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
this game is most fun when explored with a large group over voice chat. that way you can simply steam role any mob in your path and battle over loot


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd be up for doing a group LP of it for a few deaths. I lag a little bit so I'll be behind on some stuff, but I find the game really fun and a fun take on unlocking characters.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh god, lots to say about this as I had a stint on it earlier this year which I consider an utter waste of time for the most part. It's definitely a good idea and I enjoyed it until I worked out what was really going on, and questioned the tedium the game asked you to endure for the chance of possibly having a good character.

It was just begging people to multibox, sell ingame items for real money, make armies of alts to store items, hack and generally play the system for their own gain as much as possible. A good amount of the well known players were guilty of several of those and you'd see people stood still taking hits but no damage while they rack up fame from god kills regularly. It might be better now but it's permanently been on my 'avoid like the plague' list since. It looks great on the surface but it's a deeply flawed game IMO.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's fun if you're bored and have nothing better to do, I don't take it too seriously when I play, just run around and shoot things :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i've played this game alot, i have earnt over $500 of items from it, and died. Very ragey game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I always tend to die around level 12-15, though I do have a lot of lag issues. Never made it to far past 20, I think I have 1-2 pots or so.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Level 19. Made it to Level 19. Once I died, I raged so hard that I still don't want to play it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Level 19. Made it to Level 19. Once I died, I raged so hard that I still don't want to play it.

That just gets worse and worse the further you get as well. My last character was a huntress, on a roll with 250 fame. Just past my old record. Of course I got cocky and tried a dungeon you needed some fairly good items for. Safe to say I got nuked pretty quick cos I didn't know what I was doing or much about the enemy attack patterns. That's when I realised I'd just spent hours farming fame, pots and items for a single shot at that dungeon, and I'd have to do it all again without screwing up for another single shot. As Flora says it's good for a mess about killing stuff but dare to venture into the endgame and you're definitely in for some serious, earth shattering, blood boiling rage at some point. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That just gets worse and worse the further you get as well. My last character was a huntress, on a roll with 250 fame. Just past my old record. Of course I got cocky and tried a dungeon you needed some fairly good items for. Safe to say I got nuked pretty quick cos I didn't know what I was doing or much about the enemy attack patterns. That's when I realised I'd just spent hours farming fame, pots and items for a single shot at that dungeon, and I'd have to do it all again without screwing up for another single shot. As Flora says it's good for a mess about killing stuff but dare to venture into the endgame and you're definitely in for some serious, earth shattering, blood boiling rage at some point. :p
My only question is how does one get fame? I've only been able to get 1.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's a lot of ways, most of which happen after you've hit 20. Normal monsters give you a miniscule amount. The best way to grind it is god kills (the hard monsters in the 'farlands' I think it was called) but there's ways to multiply it. Off the top of my head I can remember something like 10% of your kills being god kills gives you a bonus, never using potions, accuracy, even weird ones like never do any damage (just sponge all your xp and fame off others). You've probably seen equipment with fame bonuses as well. Check the wiki, there's a list somewhere. All in all it's very slow to get and requires you to be able to survive in the harder areas, you really need to play in big groups to have any chance and learn all the attack patterns of the god monsters. If you're naturally good at bullet hell style games it might be quite a good challenge but to me it just felt like a grind in the end.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey check out my GameVox realm of the mad god server, ill be on like 24/7 so join and you can play and talk with me and other people who join! also side note it is free and theres no donating so dont ask to donate or whatever
the ip is here:
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