Really stupid things that people have said about Modded MC(Off topicness makes moderators tired)

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Is this a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 66 18.2%
  • No

    Votes: 18 5.0%
  • if people don't get out of control

    Votes: 68 18.8%

    Votes: 210 58.0%

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We'll find out. I tweaked the "annoying illegal users" part quite a bit, you might want to check it out again.
Keep in mind that people who download from an illegal source are probably innocent and were just following the top google results or something like that. So don't speak of "illegal users" there.
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Keep in mind that people who download from an illegal source are probably innocent and were just following the top google results or something like that. So don't speak of "illegal users" there.
I'm not calling them that. I'm calling the download location illegal though. I'm even telling them how to "fix" the error. And the top of the Google result for my mods belong to me :P
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Good luck, it's difficult to contest with outdated mods
I see one link to a locked MCF thread where the download link doesn't work anymore, and one link to an appaently outdated mod. Mine seems to be the only up-to-date version amongst the first result page, so I got that going for me.

I'm DMCAing all SquidAPIs in the world :p
"SquidUtils - Utilities and Tools for Squidoo Lensmasters"
Oh yea this is definitely what I'm looking for :p
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In other news, I have seven different people holding private conversations with me - on four different sites - all of whom are complaining variations of "DragonAPI is broken" when their problems are things like ID conflicts, out of memory, bugs in totally unrelated mods, or - and this is the most confusing one - nothing seems to be wrong.
In other news, I have seven different people holding private conversations with me - on four different sites - all of whom are complaining variations of "DragonAPI is broken" when their problems are things like ID conflicts, out of memory, bugs in totally unrelated mods, or - and this is the most confusing one - nothing seems to be wrong.
1) read the bloody log. took me less than 2 minutes to fix a biome ID conflict, and most of that was spent getting into the game to dump the ID list and confirm the name of the conflicting biome. (TF stream and RC Ender Forest) item ID is even easier. it tells you what the problem is.
2) google. if FTB, theres a slider in the launcher to increase memory allotment.
3) read. THE. LOG!!!
4) wut. details please.
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1) read the bloody log. took me less than 2 minutes to fix a biome ID conflict, and most of that was spent getting into the game to dump the ID list and confirm the name of the conflicting biome. (TF stream and RC Ender Forest) item ID is even easier. it tells you what the problem is.
2) google. if FTB, theres a slider in the launcher to increase memory allotment.
3) read. THE. LOG!!!
4) wut. details please.
You're assuming they,
1.) Are literate.
2.) Are competent.
3.) Aren't lazy.
4.) Give a ****. :P
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A modpack request I got yesterday:
User: "hi, i found your mods and I think their epic, can i add them to my pack?"
Me: "Is this a public pack? If so, there are five rules, found in the first post of my thread, to which you will need to agree."
User: "um. how do i know??"
Me: "Know what?"
User: "like, how the pack is public?"
Me: "..."
User: "so can i use your mods?"
Me: "Are you going to make the pack available to everyone or just your server?"
User: "i have a server?"
Me: "Apparently not. When you make this pack, who can download it?"
User: "um...Minecraft?"
Me: "Games do not download packs. Let me ask this another way. When you make your pack, is everyone going to be able to get it, or just certain people, like your friends?"
User: "i like the pack to be popular but im not sure it will. lol"
Me: "OK, so it is public. In that case, there are five rules - in the middle of the post here[link] that you need to agree to."
User: "like what rules?"
Me: "Read them and see. Nothing major and nothing 90% of people have any issues with, but just a way to ensure you are not going to do anything unethical, illegal, or which generates headaches for me."
User: "so how I can agree?"
Me: "Say something along the lines of "I agree not to X", "I agree to Y", and so on, one for each rule. Do not simply say "I agree", because that offers no proof you actually read them."
User: "I agree not to X and to Y"
Me: "That is not what I meant. If the rule says something like "you cannot sell access to my content", you need to say something like "I will not sell access to your content"."
User: "I will not sell access to your content."
Me: "OK, you covered #4. For the sake of expedience, here are the other four:
  1. You must try to remain the sole distributor of your pack, and cannot permit downloads to rehost it.
  2. You cannot extract my mods from the pack and rehost them.
  3. You cannot modify my mods beyond what config files allow, or removing other mods' APIs if necessary.
  4. You cannot claim credit for my mods."
User: "Those sound ok, im not sure what it all is but it looks ok"
Me: "Which part do you not understand?"
User: "whats a rehost"
Me: "When someone downloads the pack and uploads it again, intending to replace you as the distributor."
User: "ok, i agree"
User, two hours later: "its not working"
Me: "What is not?"
User: "stuff doesnt"
Me: "What stuff?"
User: "i tryed makeing the thing to make ores but it doesnt work"
Me: "You probably are missing some required component like power or water. Post an image."
User: *posts an image of a BC Quarry*
Me: "Wrong mod. I did not write that, nor are you powering it."
User: "huh? i downloaded it, its your mod."
Me: "You may have my mod, but that block is not one of mine.
User: "OMG it works now, thank you so much!! your mods the best!"

This reminds me of a request from back in March:
User: "So, can I use your mods in a pack?"
Me: "Is this a public pack? If so, there are four rules to which you must agree." [Rule 5 was added later, in response to some admins' actions]
User, two months later: "Its for 1.5.2"
Me: "But is it public?"
User, three weeks later: "I have some other mods, too, do you need them?"
Me: "No. Here [link] are five rules to which you need to agree in order to use my mods."
User, four months later: "Hi, I gave up making a pack, cause nothing works. Sorry!"
Me: "I can help you if you have a basic error. What kind of error were you having?"
User, several days later: "Uhh, my game crashed?"
Why aren't those quotes on the wall of shame/idiocy?
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Another thing:
A Public Service Announcement
The Forestry mod has been removed from recent Technic builds because its creator does not wish for it to be included in the pack anymore. See this blog post for detailed reasons. It may return in future versions, and may be added manually as all malicious code has been removed.
Makes it sound like SirSengir was ok with it earlier. I changed it to:
A Public Service Announcement
The Forestry mod has been removed from recent Technic builds because its creator added anti-Technic code to end Technics theft of Forestry. See this blog post for detailed reasons. It may return in future versions, and may be added manually as all anti-Technic code has been removed.
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