Um, I'm looking, but I'm not finding.
The only one that even says the word 'Minetweaker' on that page is Reika.
Permalinks for convenience:
Lag rumor:
Minetweaker rumors:
And to give you a sense of a rumor's persistence, the RR team has
thoroughly revoked the stance that started the rumor - the current leader, Ryahn, has twice sincerely apologized, once publicly, and even gotten pack permission - but the rumor is as strong as ever, because once Velocitan
(Blanking out the curse is still cursing) got it started, the "he looks reputable" effect took over.
Also, have a look at
MonsterBlash's comments on all three recent threads involving my mods. He is calling my anti-monetization code - code that, by the way, I put in with
explicit permission from the FTB team and have had several
big mod and pack devs come to me asking for permission to use it themselves - DRM. Though it is indeed true that, under his definition, it
is DRM - though I hold that his definition is excessively broad - his intentions are clearly more hostile than that given the fact he A) brings it up anywhere he can without provocation and B) uses inflammatory language.
stop mentioning all the manifest drama in every thread or reddit post where Reika's stuff is mentioned, thus making sure it's never, ever, ever settled, and never, ever, ever forgotten. And the drama and bad blood is always fresh.
New instances keep coming up. It
is fresh. Not only examples like what I linked above, but one of those three mod devs I referred to earlier are still active smearing me when convenient, as is one of the streamers.
I mean, I get that this is the fear, I just cannot possibly comprehend how this course of events could ever happen.
Because it nearly happened before.
And you know, if it is true? Then Reika is basically utterly powerless, and utterly screwed.
Or I can keep defending myself?
My advice is to begin fleshing it out on the official FTB wiki. It is severely lacking in documentation there. What is present was incorrect at the time of its creation, more so now. If that reaches an acceptable level of documentation, Reika would be able to use it to point people to when they have questions on the functions of various things.
I certainly refer frequently to the FTB wiki, even when not on FTB packs due to the quality of the documentation. However if volunteers want to contribute documentation let's see where Reika wants it. There are two... other wikis that exist for Reika's mods, and I don't know which is correct.
Well, the wikia wiki is the "official" wiki, but there is no reason it cannot have its content cloned into the FTB one. And frankly, you can contribute to either, as the cloning can go in either direction.
I am somewhat averse to moving "official" wikis as that tends to just lead to confusion.
Oh my
god, you have a way with words.