Whitelist Server RaptorousCraft Whitelisted Mindrack FTB Server

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Server is still running flawless, we got a great group of people, have your friends apply :) see you there
IGN: Actloud
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 18
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Nope :)
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): More outgoing but if I'm wrapped up in a project I can be super quiet!
DodgePro is a ninny.

Also, server is going great! We've about 4-5 people online constantly in US time zones during the evenings/late afternoons! Come build with us!

Wish i knew what ninny was :) haha but yes, server is amazing!!!! need some more players, spread the word my dudes xD
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED):18
Ever been banned? If yes explain:nope
Personality (Outgoing or Quite):quite but like to type
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 26
Ever been banned? If yes explain:Nope
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Quite I like to keep to my self and don't usually talk much but if someone needs help and no one is available and I am i will do my best to help them out where i can
This is for a friend as his account won't work.
IGN: listera6373
Ever been banned: no never have and hopefully never will
Personality: fun type of guy likes to have fun and help overs
Xenondeathstrike recommended me to this server
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 22 Wednersday
Ever been banned? If yes explain: No, never
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I'm usually a quiet person, but I still talk to people on mumble :P
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): Turned 16 a month ago
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Yes, just by my friend when we were fooling around on a server we made
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I wouldn't say I'm outgoing but I'm not quiet either... Is in between both an option? If so then in between both
Ign: XenonComando
Age: 16
ever been banned: No never
Personality: mature and outgoing
Xenondeathstrike recomemded me and had to apply for me as i dont have an account yet and i want to ensure i got on
IGN: Playerkite
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED):16
Ever been banned? If yes explain:No
Personality (Outgoing or Quite):Both at times, i try to be helpful.
IGN: PotatoSamurai
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 25
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Negative
Personality (Outgoing or Quiet): I generally keep to myself but readily answer questions from others.
IGN: AnarchyReaper
Age: 17
Ever been banned? I have not
Personality: I am a pretty outgoing person and can get a long with pretty much anyone.