Casual Server RandomServer|Infinity 1.10 Casual Whitelist|24/7|No PVP

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MC Name: Grandexx

What Mods you like to use: AE, TC, IC2

Standard Progression Path:
I aim to learn more about magic - like Thaumcraft. I love trying something new!
But AE and BC is for sure a winner!

Do you like to be a jerk: Love this question! :-D But no, I'm a nice person :-)

Why do you want to join this server: I started getting bored playing alone . And then I got recommended this server by my good friend Sylih :)
MC Name: cibastian
What Mods you like to use: Ender IO, thermal expansion, blood magic, extra utilities, big reactors, botania and many more
Standard Progression Path: I.E Tinker>TE>MCFR ect: tinkers (mainly the smeltery, further progression once better based) > thermal expansion> botania > blood magic /ender io, AE somewhere along the way when I run to inventory issues
Do you like to be a jerk:nope
Why do you want to join this server: I've been looking for a ftb infinity server so I could experience all the mods I love while playing with (hopefully) nice people with whom I can share my ideas and builds and also get inspiration from theirs.
IGN: MijnNickname
What mods I like to use: Thermal Expantion, Ender IO, And a lot of tech related mods like Funky locomotion
Standard Progression Path: (modded) Skyblock skills > Thermal E > TiCon > Ender IO > Then some more....
Do you like to be a jerk: not at all, but I do have a humor that sometimes can hurt people when they don't understand it correctly, I try to keep stuff to myself when I think it can get out of hand.
Why do you want to join this server: I wanna have a small team of players on a small server so that they can help me with what ever, and I don't enjoy playin solo anymore as much. :/
MC Name: Okimo
What Mods you like to use: Big Reactors + AE
Standard Progression Path: Vanilla -> TE/RPtools -> Masive Diggin' -> Automation -> 250k Cobblestone in AE (Why? ... 'Cus I can ;D )
Do you like to be a jerk: No ... I pref. Community -> Be Nice to ppl and they will be nice to you back (Most of the time :D )
Why do you want to join this server: I'm Looking for server what can handle my Automation Progress :) and playing Alone ... is Sad and Boring :<
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I think you missed my application yesterday when you accepted Shandrew's (_Kingslayer) application.
MC Name: Minabeans

What Mods you like to use: I'll be honest. I'm new enough to modded minecraft that I don't have a favorite, although I like the tech mods the best so far.

Standard Progression Path: I.E Tinker>TE>MCFR ect: So far, I dig as fast as I can so I can set up a computer for storage. So as quick as I can to AE.

Do you like to be a jerk: Nope. I'm a very nice guy. And humble. :-)

Why do you want to join this server: Looking for some folks to hang out with in a noncompetitive environment. No that I've advanced past playing Agrarian Skies (which was great), my solo play is getting lonely.
Are you still accepting applications? If so when can we know if we've been accepted?
I'm being pretty selective right now. Small amounts of primetime lag are occuring when around 15 people are on so looking for good active members in the off timezones that only have like 5-7 players.

Added you though. Have fun :D
MC Name: Minabeans

What Mods you like to use: I'll be honest. I'm new enough to modded minecraft that I don't have a favorite, although I like the tech mods the best so far.

Standard Progression Path: I.E Tinker>TE>MCFR ect: So far, I dig as fast as I can so I can set up a computer for storage. So as quick as I can to AE.

Do you like to be a jerk: Nope. I'm a very nice guy. And humble. :)

Why do you want to join this server: Looking for some folks to hang out with in a noncompetitive environment. No that I've advanced past playing Agrarian Skies (which was great), my solo play is getting lonely.

Added you as well :D
I'm being pretty selective right now. Small amounts of primetime lag are occuring when around 15 people are on so looking for good active members in the off timezones that only have like 5-7 players.

Added you though. Have fun :D
it tells me I am still not white-listed :( mind looking into it? (my ign and my forum name are the same, the name is all low-case letters)
MC Name: idan10000
What Mods you like to use: Ender IO, thermal expansion, blood magic, extra utilities, big reactors, botania tinkers construct, applied energestics 2
Standard Progression Path: Tinker>Ender IO/TE >applied energestics 2> botania/blood magic, big reactors, and more
Do you like to be a jerk: nope
Why do you want to join this server: I've been looking for a ftb infinity server so I could experience the modpack I am very hyped about while playing with nice people with whom I can share my ideas and builds and also get inspiration from theirs.
MC Name: Deskonhecido
What Mods you like to use: I like using a little bit of everything but I tend to thermal expansion and thaumcraft alot
Standard Progression Path: Tinkers>Thermal>AE/Thaumcraft/Everything else
Do you like to be a jerk: No, I avoid working with people in servers in order to avoid misunderstandings or getting griefed
Why do you want to join this server: Well, I kinda came back to ftb because I love mods, and I love little servers with not too many people :D
MC Name: Karedin
What Mods you like to use: I usually try to use everything, but specially Thermal Expansin, Big Reactors, Ender IO
Standard Progression Path: Tinkers Constructy->Thermal Expansion->AE2/EnderIO-> Any mod that I might want to give it a try
Do you like to be a jerk: Why should I? It would ruin the experience of the game for the others aswell as for me.
Why do you want to join this server: I love modded minecraft and even more if it's heavy modded. So I was giving a try to Infinity 1.7, I like it, and knowing that minecraft is much more fun playing in a server, I came looking for one and I think this looks pretty good.
MC Name: UnD3adLegacy
What Mods do I like to use: I prefer aesthetic mods because I like building. But apart from that I am really into farming, a few magic mods, and almost all tech mods
Standard Progression Path: Spend a few hours to find the most pristine spot to build my base. Find beginning resources and fewds. Start Tinkers. Start Botania. Start EnderIO. Start Thermal Expansion/AE2/Thaumcraft
Do you like to be a jerk: I do not like it, although if someone is being a jerk to the community I will be a jerk to them and only them.
Why do I want to join: I prefer multiplayer and I hate being alone. I have been looking for an Infinity Server and here I am now! :D
MC Name:O2man68
What Mods you like to use:Tinkers, Thaumcraft, Ender IO
Standard Progression Path: Tinkers, EnderIO, Big Reactors, Thaumcraft
Do you like to be a jerk: Nope, too old for stuff like that.
Why do you want to join this server: Just looking for a server where I can play with people on a regular basis, been on a few servers where after about 2 weeks i'm the only person on. I am on the West coast US, but often play late 7p.m.- 5a.m. since I work nights.
MC Name: Oatmeal_larry5
What Mods you like to use: Buildcraft, AE, and TE
Standard Progression Path: Tinker>TE>AE&BC>trying other mods
Do you like to be a jerk: No way. No point
Why do you want to join this server: I want to join a community that won't grief, steal, etc.. I also want to play with people who are nice.
hey i was in a runic dungeon and i clicked on a portal block or i don't know what and now every time i log in the server crashes my ign is idan10000 can you move me from that place? ty
Well crap, looks like I possibly made that same mistake with the dungeon portal, by any chance you could fix that? :/