MC Name: Grandexx
What Mods you like to use: AE, TC, IC2
Standard Progression Path:
I aim to learn more about magic - like Thaumcraft. I love trying something new!
But AE and BC is for sure a winner!
Do you like to be a jerk: Love this question! :-D But no, I'm a nice person
Why do you want to join this server: I started getting bored playing alone . And then I got recommended this server by my good friend Sylih
What Mods you like to use: AE, TC, IC2
Standard Progression Path:
I aim to learn more about magic - like Thaumcraft. I love trying something new!
But AE and BC is for sure a winner!
Do you like to be a jerk: Love this question! :-D But no, I'm a nice person

Why do you want to join this server: I started getting bored playing alone . And then I got recommended this server by my good friend Sylih