Random water holes

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Popular Member
Apr 25, 2013
Kearneysville, West Virginia
By viable I mean a single spring will not meet the demands of a railcraft boiler & probably won't even meet the demands of a single engine. Mind you, you will have pumped a significant amount of oil before you get down to the spring block... If I'm interpreting the quotes from other sources (below) correctly, the spring has a 1/8 chance every 5 minutes to produce 1 bucket of oil. I've recently read that the TE dynamos don't shut down completely when their buffer is full, so I really should calculate how much I really need & turn off the rest to slow my fuel & lava consumption.

"CovertJaguar commented 8 months ago
They only have a 25% chance spawning and only under Large Wells. You can tell if there is a Spring if your Well goes all the way to bedrock. They only produce Oil with a 1/32 chance every 5 minutes."

"Change log

  • Fix: Gold and Void Item Pipes work properly again. (SandGrainOne)

  • New: Added Emzuli Pipe, a Gate controlled Extraction Pipe. (SandGrainOne/CovertJaguar)
  • Change: Fillers no longer have a "crafting" grid, and can be controlled via Gates. (CovertJaguar)
  • Change: Oil Springs produce 4x as much Oil as before. (CovertJaguar)"
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's an INFINITE source of BC Oil. In BC. If you're using RC that's different(liquid fueled boilers? People still use those?), and same with TE. Time isn't the issue here, it's the fact that it's a way to get an INFINITE amount of an otherwise FINITE resource, in core BC.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's an INFINITE source of BC Oil. In BC. If you're using RC that's different(liquid fueled boilers? People still use those?), and same with TE. Time isn't the issue here, it's the fact that it's a way to get an INFINITE amount of an otherwise FINITE resource, in core BC.
Infinite but not viable is his point, even in base BC. And lots of people still use boilers. Not everyone has the same play style.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Infinite but not viable is his point, even in base BC. And lots of people still use boilers. Not everyone has the same play style.
How is an infinite supply of an end game material for free, but it's slow, not worth having? I agree it's slow, but I don't understand why people use RC Boilers for one, and two, I don't understand why one would use ANY sort of energy generation system that has a long startup time. Even in BC alone, a pump can run off of redstone engines, and pipes don't consume power. The Combustion Engine needs coolant to prevent it from overheating, but runs at max power from fuel in to fuel drained. Unless you have 509 Max Sized BC Quarries going at once, why does it matter that you get a bucket of roughly every hour? Doesn't a bucket of fuel in a Combustion Engine last a pretty long time? You can't store MJ so why run everything constantly? MJ is kinetic energy, and best applied in Bursts. I fail to see how a bucket of oil(after being refined) wouldn't last an hour if you didn't have things running 24/7. RC boilers have to run constantly to get going, run constantly and can't be shut down without cooling it off(which may well cost you more fuel to start up again then if you just ran it constantly), and as such, they go against BC logic now. Not that they ever really went with it, mind you...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How is an infinite supply of an end game material for free, but it's slow, not worth having? I agree it's slow, but I don't understand why people use RC Boilers for one, and two, I don't understand why one would use ANY sort of energy generation system that has a long startup time. Even in BC alone, a pump can run off of redstone engines, and pipes don't consume power. The Combustion Engine needs coolant to prevent it from overheating, but runs at max power from fuel in to fuel drained. Unless you have 509 Max Sized BC Quarries going at once, why does it matter that you get a bucket of roughly every hour? Doesn't a bucket of fuel in a Combustion Engine last a pretty long time? You can't store MJ so why run everything constantly? MJ is kinetic energy, and best applied in Bursts. I fail to see how a bucket of oil(after being refined) wouldn't last an hour if you didn't have things running 24/7. RC boilers have to run constantly to get going, run constantly and can't be shut down without cooling it off(which may well cost you more fuel to start up again then if you just ran it constantly), and as such, they go against BC logic now. Not that they ever really went with it, mind you...
Play styles differ
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Some systems in Modded MC REQUIRE a constant supply of power, others NEED a high power input.
Logistics pipes/AE systems, IC2 advanced machines, 'Farms' (MFR/Forestry ect), High end machines like ExtrsBees stuff, MassFab/MatterFab/Gtech processing&manufacturing lines ect.
RC boilers provide the highest efficiency for your fuels- at the cost of a long startup time. As long as you can use the energy produced its (even after the recent nerfs) more efficient than running engines/generators ect.

Also you'll be surprised how fast that pump can run if it feed directly into a tank...
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Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
How is an infinite supply of an end game material for free, but it's slow, not worth having?
It's just a matter of where you draw the line. Is 1 block per hour worth having? 1 block per day? Per year? Per century? All those are as "infinite" as each other, if you have infinite time to wait, but they are not all as worthwhile as each other.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's just a matter of where you draw the line. Is 1 block per hour worth having? 1 block per day? Per year? Per century? All those are as "infinite" as each other, if you have infinite time to wait, but they are not all as worthwhile as each other.
I guess that's true. A block per day is slow as hell and the rest is hyperbole. But a bucket per hour roughly is hardly comparable to the rest of what you mentioned. Do you use more then 1 bucket of BC fuel an hour? Then that's neither my issue nor the BC Team's, nor even worth mentioning or discussing. I just wanted to point out that it is an infinite supply of an otherwise finite resource. We done here?

And besides, if you get a block per real life day, what is that block? You went then to a year. Then a century. Hyperbole is fine, but you're trying to use it to support your argument, which no offense, but that's kind of weird in my books. As in stupid.


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Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I guess you're right, in that even if one spring isn't enough, setting pumps going on a few springs may well keep the fires burning on a modest set up. I don't know, I'm not an expert on liquid fuel.