Railcraft Embarking and Disposal track

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
k, so I'm about 10 seconds away of friggin flippin a table here, as I've been messing with this for hours now and I just can't get the damn thing to work.

I basically have a track loop, with one side an embarking track, and another side a disposal track. the embarking track picks up an entity, brings it to me, I give it a pass towards the disposal track, thus emptying the minecraft and the minecraft goes back to the embarking track. this should work, however it doesn't. whenever I try this the first time works, but the second time the minecraft passes the embarking track, the embarking track does nothing.

yes, the embarking track does have a redstone signal, yes I tried it with a detector track, yes there's space below the disposal track and no I won't use a disembarking track as I want to quickly kill the entity, not let it roam around for a while.

and the weird thing is, if I take out the disposal track, the embarking track works, and when I put back the disposal track in the loop, the friggin embarking track quits working.

I am using 1.4.7 Ultimate, does anyone else have this problem or is it a known issue?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it's as basic as this


it's as basic as this, disposal track on the left, boarding track in the center bottom (to manually let a entity continue the loop) and an embarking track on the right

do note, I did not actually use this setup in my world, it was ofcourse larger then this, but this is just to show a basic setup of it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yes, the embarking track picks up an entity the first time when a disposal track is in the loop, but it won't pick up any entity anymore after that. the embarking track does activate, as I tried using the track with a detector track, hoping that would help, but the embarking track didn't pick up any entity (though as I said it did switch on)

the really weird and frustrating thing about this is, as soon as I take out the disposal track in this loop, the embarking track works just fine.

I did fix this problem by now, I added 2 cart dispensers in the loop, with some translocators and gates, but I really wanted to avoid that and keep it purely railcraft -_-


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It sounds like a ghost entity is in the cart so it refuses to pick up another entity because it believes it's full. Still weird. I'll test it later.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It sounds like a ghost entity is in the cart so it refuses to pick up another entity because it believes it's full. Still weird. I'll test it later.

I thought it might be that, so I broke the cart, and placed it again, thus removing the ghost entity, but that also didn't work.