Rage Quit

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Rage quit: not really a thing, but if adim is unhelpful or many items banned or a crippled version of a mod, location of server & ping rates, then I normally make my good byes & leave that server & look for a new one
Stay on: interesting community.
And the spiders. Don't forget the spiders.
Those giant, evil, fireproof spiders? With swarms of babies? Fire is the most satisfying way to kill those flipping gross creatures and they fireproof them and give them a gang! Argh!
I can only think of one occasion. On my server, someone pissed off the Pig Men, and I didn't know. I lost everything to fire. I was pretty pissed.

Otherwise, if I'm restarting a world, or don't like the seed, I generally don't feel any rage ;)
I actually enjoy making crappy seeds work for me. I used to ragequit when a bad creeper explosion happens, but that hasn't happened in forever. The only thing that prompts a world reset is boredom or a weird build I'm trying doesn't work out; I can't stand leaving tech laying around that I'm not using. It has gotten me pretty good at blasting through early game though lol, I'm at the point where I go directly from 4 wood chests to AE, and diamonds are almost an afterthought at this point, it's gold I'm always on the lookout for... and ferrous / iron (I add Galacticraft).
I rage quit once when one of my gregtech machines exploded out in the open. Caused an explosion larger than a nuclear blast, Greg seriously needs to nerf that or add a config option for it.

Ended up deleting that world. The next world I did was a huge 25x25 shack in a wasteland. There was some TC3 stuff in the middle with random machines along the walls. My TC3 node reset and I rage quit. And then my next one was supposed to be some kind of messy cave with lots of TC3 magic-themed stuff in it. It actually turned out to be some crazy tech-themed base with lots of spires of railcraft tanks of oil going up and down, genuine flashing lights (actually hooked up to some useful system, and they actually meant things, rather than just being random lights hooked up to timers) and stuff. Then my 7000/7000 aura node in that world disappeared and I deleted the world, in a huge rage. The next world was supposed to be totally perfect, in a mystcraft age. As it turned out, I actually got lost and couldn't find my base again. So I rage quit there too.

My current world is a GT hardcore one with 0% cheating (besides Mystcraft, I really hate it's system of getting pages so I just bypass it) and it's going quite well. Mining is a lot easier than I originally thought it was the last time I actually did manual mining. I have some basic stuff set up in a village, as well as a small 8-roomed 2-story villager hut for me to get more villagers. Some cobble buildings with nice vanilla village-themed aesthetics are expanded upon the rooftops, and I have a room dedicated to each mod.

I wonder how this world will end. Probably when I make a mystcraft age and enter it without a linking book back to the overworld.
Bad seed, although that isn't a ragequit...I just quit and start over.

Dying before making a bed and setting up a temporary base makes me ragequit, but again...I don't really feel all too invested at that point.

The only time I've REALLY rage-quitted in FTB is when my first arboretum/logger tree farm blew up (because it was run by a combustion engine with no cooling system) in my first world, but by then I was ready to start fresh anyway.

I think if I die in lava in my current world I am going to ragequit (i.e. nuke my base and delete the world). It probably won't happen too easy as I have good armour with fire protection and it takes a long time for me to burn, but if it does...I've spent maybe half of the time in this world working towards the gear I have now, and despite all of the resources I have collected and things that I have built, I do not feel that I will want to do all of the enchanting again. Repair II books take so long to get >_<
Fucking snow everywhere
No bees (sadface)
Being lost inside a cave system
Dying and not being able to get my items back
Also no ores nearby (that are useful).
When a friend on my server decides he needs to "help me" by overloading my nuclear reactors by using too many cells than my reactors and blow my house up. The dude did it to me twice. He honestly tried to help but knew nothing about the setups and filled every available space with dual cells. I now never build nuke reactors on a server anymore.
I used to build my own extensive mod packs, slowly and painfully researching and methodically changing IDs as I loaded mods....then I would find things such as:
nearest solo chicken 3km away
a billion villages spawning on a mountain top and running across the sky
bloody centipedes taking over the universe
black holes where chunks used to exist
no brains ever
nether nether everywhere an not a fortress in site (that was vanilla actually)
my stuff just not there anymore
and bloody ogres
(most of these issues are mobs or villages related which is probably partly why they are not in ftb)

I will start up a few seeds before settling on one but I would hardly call dumping a seed after 10min to 1/2 hour rage quitting
When a friend on my server decides he needs to "help me" by overloading my nuclear reactors by using too many cells than my reactors and blow my house up. The dude did it to me twice. He honestly tried to help but knew nothing about the setups and filled every available space with dual cells. I now never build nuke reactors on a server anymore.
Surround it entirely in warded glass, when you need to get in just break it. Don't let him near it.