Question with Thermal Expansion (Direwolf20pack 1.6.4 version .08)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everyone I have a simple question, I've been playing with Tesseracts trying to get them to work with a quarry in a mining age I built but the Tesseracts refuse to connect across ages for item transfer for some reason. They will pump fuel\lava\oil, even that ender stuff to make these tesseracts that is all game for! But I can't get them to pump items between my ages. IS there something I'm doing wrong? Does anyone have a proper tutorial on the new systems with tesseracts\quarrys so I can build up my stuff correctly! If anyone can get back to me I'd certainly love it!.

Thank you for taking the time to read this question!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found that tesseracts wouldn't work for items when directly attached to the quarry---which is how I used to do it in 1.5x. I had to put a chest on top of the quarry and then used 2 pieces of item duct to extract from the chest into the tesseract.

Also use nei's chunk boundary overlay to make sure the tesseract and any pipe is sitting in the same chunk as the quarry block itself, to guarantee it stays chunkloaded when you leave.

Here is an image of a dual quarry setup that mostly worked. I did have to move the two levers. They were fine inside the frame like that if I put them there while the quarry was running but upon a server restart the quarries removed them. Also had to move up to higher tier conduit and item duct to get rid of bottlenecks. It should give you an idea of one way to make tesseracts work for items from quarries, at least. :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you Twisto for the info. I'm going to use that for my system to get my quarrys running fully! :D


Ok so I went and did what you had set up, took me 30 minutes and it still won't seem to work for me. I am seriously wondering if it's something to do with mystcraft ages to transfer items. Cause I did your set up with in just over world to overworld. No problem. tried to transfer that between an mystcraft age it won't work.

I had it running just fine for a bit using BC pipes to the sending tesseract and using itemducts on the receiving itemduct on the version 8. But now we are in version 11 and this just isn't working for me =\

I'll keep working on this my self and if I find an answer I will also post here encase someone else is having issues.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That setup is from a mystcraft age, so if it is a mystcraft problem it isn't universal, FWIW.

If you are on a server I'd get another player to sit at one tesseract while you're at the other, a good test to see if it is a chunkloading issue of some type.