Other option:
Produce Biomass with a Fermenter (use saplings, since they are cheap and effective) and burn that in 2 Biogas Engines.
Downside: You can't simply teleport fuels, since teleport pipes aren't (currently?) in the pack.
Edit: Ninja'ed
Ender chests are in though, letting you teleport stuff. Just can it first.
You can also try starting off on Peat for a relatively simple fuel that lasts quite long.
From there, make your way towards solar panels and electrical engines for a simple drop and forget.
Electrical Engines need 6 EU/T to produce their full 2 MJ/T ( double what a steam engine will put out ). If you use a soldering iron to place an iron electron tube in a small circuit board, you can upgrade the electrical engine to use only 5 EU/T to produce the same 2 MJ/T. A quarry caps out at 10 MJ/T ( in this build ), so 5 electrical engines would move it the fastest possible, requiring just 25 EU/T ( 3 Advanced and 1 normal solar panel. )
It's best to use an eternal day mystcraft age for the above setup.
As soon as possible, use conduit. This is even better than connecting the engines straight to the quarry. Finally, for best effect, add a redstone cell in there.