Quarries and fillers XD

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys !!

I don't know if this irritates you too or if its just me but I quarry over sea to make huge holes for my base!! It is such a pain having to build a small little dirt home under the water just to keep the landmark placed and not getting washed away by the water :( quarries are no so much a problem but my filler is !!

Does anyone know a way around this ? Being able to place landmarks underwater ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After enjoying the pain of building underwater myself I'd now remove the water, build whatever I'm going to build then put the water back in once done.

To put the ocean back in: use filler to build a temporary 1 block thickness floor 1 level below water level. Cover with water. Use filler to remove temporary floor.

You could use mffs, but that might be more work than dirt houses.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aaah this is so much effort :( which pump are you using ? And if I just place it down will it empty the area around it or do I have to close off the section I want drained ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
edit: I'm suggesting much more work than you need to do here I think, it's a lot easier to build little mud covers for the landmarks, I enjoy over engineering a bit.

What kind of area are you trying to sort out? When I did it I made all kind of mistakes, ended up filling in a mass area to get rid of water then used filler clear to clear the inside of the box, then putting the water back using the temp floor method in the previous post it was a right massive pain in the arse.

I'm not sure if a pump will be anything like quick enough, and you'd need walls I think. A big mffs forcefield with sponge module might do it best but that requires you to be at a sufficient power/resources stage and may mean learning to mffs if you've never used it. It's a good mod though so it is worth learning :)

I'm not sure how deep the source blocks go in an ocean, if its just the top or source blocks all the way down, I'm going to go and have a look.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah iv already quarried it out so its source blocks down to bedrock !! Iv seen a instance where the sea had a hold where there was just no water then all of a sudden the water formed walls that want all the way back up to sea level !! Nothing was holding the water back so it was just a wall of water and a dry patch in the sea but I don't know how the guy did it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nah, it's not source blocks all the way down. Source blocks don't propagate if they don't have a solid surface below them. They look like source blocks because they're full of water, but they're not. I don't know whether the ocean is all source blocks when it generates, but the water in the hole that you dug will be all flowing water.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nah, it's not source blocks all the way down. Source blocks don't propagate if they don't have a solid surface below them. They look like source blocks because they're full of water, but they're not. I don't know whether the ocean is all source blocks when it generates, but the water in the hole that you dug will be all flowing water.
Oh, I thought he meant the water that was in the ocean originally.
Yes, if you fill the water from the top you won't get water all the way down. You won't notice much of a difference though, I think it's slightly slower to swim up in and you can't use the bucket trick to breathe infinitely. With all of the mods FTB adds, that shouldn't be too much of a problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Except, if you manage to get rid of all the source blocks, the flowing water will (eventually) vanish. Your CPU will hate you for it, though - trying to compute and update that much flowing water to get rid of it all is incredibly expensive, computationally.

If you're on a server, don't even think about it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Haha it turns out I am on a server and I tried the andvanced Ic2 pump but that only takes water directly under it but the rp2 pumps do amazingly so I have 4 running and it has cleared 5 levels or 64x64 area in less than 15min


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why not quarry from above the water? Just place 4 blocks dirt above the water (this can be done with turtles). And then quarry away.
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